How Painted Lady Butterfly Cross 4200 Km of Atlantic Ocean 

Non-stop journey of Painted Lady butterfly’s about 4,200 km transatlantic flight mapped by researchers

The butterflies could only complete this flight by alternating between energy-intensive active flight and wind-assisted gliding

Without the wind, the butterflies could have flown a maximum of 780 km before depleting their energy reserves

First, the research team reconstructed wind trajectories for the period leading up to the arrival of these butterflies

By sequencing the genomes of these butterflies and comparing them to global populations, the researchers found a closer genetic relatedness to African and European populations

The researchers used an innovative combination of next-generation molecular techniques. They sequenced the DNA of pollen grains carried by the butterflies

Additionally, they analyzed hydrogen and strontium isotopes in the butterflies’ wings, which act as a “fingerprint” of their region of origin

This discovery suggests that natural aerial corridors connecting continents may exist, potentially facilitating the dispersal of species on a much larger scale

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