Silencing in Action: How Cells Suppress Genomic Traces of Ancient Viruses

For any organism to survive and thrive, its cells must tightly regulate when and where specific genes are active. New research by EMBL Heidelberg’s Noh Group, in collaboration with EMBL Australia, reveals key control sites that govern this process, particularly in relation to the activity of ancient viral sequences embedded in the genome to know how cells suppress genomic traces of ancient viruses.

DateSeptember 18, 2024
SourceEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory
SummaryResearchers have discovered key cellular control sites that regulate gene expression and prevent the activation of hidden genomic regions, including ancient viral sequences.
How Cells Suppress Genomic Traces of Ancient Viruses

If you want to know recent biology news like How Cells Suppress Genomic Traces of Ancient Viruses: Smell Prepares Nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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How Cells Suppress Genomic Traces of Ancient Viruses

For organisms, it’s essential to regulate when and where specific genes are expressed. Naturally occurring chemical modifications to histone proteins, which bind to DNA, are thought to play a significant role in this process. However, their direct influence on gene expression was uncertain. Through experimentation, researchers have demonstrated that certain histone sites serve as crucial control points, helping to prevent the accidental activation of genomic regions, including remnants of ancient viral sequences.

Our genomes are vast — a typical human cell contains over 6 billion units of DNA, or ‘base pairs.’ However, accessing the right information at the right time to perform specific functions presents a challenge. This is where epigenetic signatures come into play. Think of the genome as a book; epigenetic marks are like highlights on the pages or notes in the margins. But it’s unclear whether these marks direct the cell, telling it to “read this” or “ignore this,” or if they are simply remnants of past activity.

They focused on H3.3, a histone protein that binds to DNA and helps maintain its structure. H3.3 has sites on its tail, K9 and K27, that are often chemically modified. These modifications are believed to be epigenetic markers that regulate gene expression, but it has not been proven that they act as control sites.

The researchers experimentally altered these sites, creating a version of H3.3 that couldn’t be chemically modified. In terms of the book analogy, this created a page that couldn’t be marked, allowing the team to explore the consequences of losing these marks. By comparing the effects of losing modifications at each control site, they gained insights into their roles in gene regulation.

The scientists found that mutating these sites in mouse stem cells caused defects in differentiation, growth, and survival. It also led to the improper activation of genes across the genome, including immune-specific genes that shouldn’t be expressed in stem cells. This indicates that these sites normally help repress certain genes, preserving the stem cell state. The effects varied between the two control sites, highlighting their distinct roles in gene regulation.

Further analysis revealed that some activated regions are ancient viral remnants integrated into the genome, known as endogenous retroviruses (ERVs).

By mutating the K9 site in stem cells, the team found that many ‘cryptic’ enhancers, normally silenced, became active. “Repression of these unique genomic regions is essential for maintaining the cell’s gene expression balance,” Noh said. Activating these enhancers disrupts the gene regulatory network, impacting stem cell identity and function.

This study, conducted in collaboration with researchers from EMBL Australia, Washington University in St. Louis, and EMBL Heidelberg, was published in Nature Communications.


1. What are genomic traces?

Genomic traces are segments of DNA left behind by ancient viruses or other genetic elements that have been incorporated into the host organism’s genome over millions of years. These traces are often remnants of viral infections that integrated their genetic material into the host’s DNA.

2. How do viral sequences end up in the genome?

Some viruses, especially retroviruses, can integrate their genetic material into the host’s DNA during infection. If these integrations occur in reproductive cells (sperm or egg), the viral DNA can be passed on to future generations, becoming a permanent part of the host’s genome.

CRISPR/Cas9 alters Euglena to develop a possible biofuel source

Using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, researchers have successfully engineered stable Euglena. CRISPR/Cas9 alters Euglena to develop possible biofuel source mutants capable of producing wax esters with improved cold flow properties, making them ideal for biofuel feedstock.

DateSeptember 13, 2024
SourceOsaka Metropolitan University
SummaryMutant microalgae generate wax esters for biofuel feedstock with enhanced cold flow.
CRISPR/Cas9 alters Euglena to develop a possible biofuel source

If you want to know recent biology news like CRISPR/Cas9 alters Euglena to develop a possible biofuel source: Smell Prepares Nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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How CRISPR/Cas9 alters Euglena to develop a possible biofuel source

CRISPR/Cas9 alters Euglena to develop a possible biofuel source
CRISPR/Cas9 alters Euglena to develop a possible biofuel source
  • News about biofuels often mentions used cooking oil as a feedstock, but if it contains animal fat, it can solidify in cold temperatures. This occurs because the fatty acids in these and other saturated fats have long carbon chains with single bonds. That’s where Euglena comes in.
  • A team from Osaka Metropolitan University has discovered a way for one species of this microalgae to produce wax esters with shorter carbon chains.
  • Using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, Dr. Masami Nakazawa and her team from the Graduate School of Agriculture’s Department of Applied Biochemistry successfully engineered stable mutants of Euglena gracilis.
  • These mutants produced wax esters with carbon chains two atoms shorter than the wild-type species, improving the cold flow properties of the esters, and making them more suitable for biofuel feedstock.
  • Euglena gracilis is particularly favorable for biofuel production due to its ease of growth via photosynthesis and its anaerobic production of wax esters.
  • This achievement is expected to be a foundational technology to replace some petroleum-based wax ester production with biological alternatives.

FAQ on CRISPR/Cas9 alters Euglena to develop a possible biofuel source

1. What is Euglena gracilis?

Euglena gracilis is a single-celled organism that belongs to the genus Euglena. It is a type of microalgae that can live in both fresh and saltwater. It is unique because it combines characteristics of both plants and animals. Like plants, it can photosynthesize, while it also moves and feeds like an animal.

2. What makes Euglena gracilis special?

Euglena gracilis is known for its adaptability, able to survive in different environments through photosynthesis or by absorbing nutrients from its surroundings. This adaptability makes it of interest for various applications, including biotechnology, biofuel production, and food supplements.

3. What is CRISPR/Cas9?

CRISPR/Cas9 is a powerful tool for genome editing that allows scientists to make precise, targeted changes to an organism’s DNA. CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is a natural defense mechanism in bacteria, and Cas9 (CRISPR-associated protein 9) is an enzyme that can cut DNA at a specific location. Together, they act like molecular scissors to edit genes.

4. How does CRISPR/Cas9 work?

CRISPR/Cas9 uses a small piece of RNA (guide RNA) that matches the DNA sequence to be modified. The Cas9 enzyme follows the guide RNA to the specific DNA location and then cuts the DNA at that point. Once the DNA is cut, the cell’s repair mechanisms either disable the gene or allow new genetic material to be inserted.

5. What are the main applications of CRISPR/Cas9?

CRISPR/Cas9 is used in a wide range of fields, including:
Medicine: For gene therapy, correcting genetic disorders, and studying disease mechanisms.
Agriculture: To create genetically modified crops that are more resistant to pests, diseases, and environmental conditions.
Research: For basic science studies on gene function and development.
Biotechnology: To engineer microbes or other organisms for industrial purposes, including biofuel production.

Zebrafish Sense Oxygen: A New Discovery in Respiratory Biology

A recent study from the University of Ottawa has revealed that certain fish use their tastebuds to monitor oxygen levels in water. Zebrafish Sense Oxygen, its larvae, a freshwater species from the minnow family, can “taste” oxygen using the same cells they use for detecting food. These taste bud cells also act as oxygen sensors, playing a vital role in regulating the fish’s breathing response when oxygen levels are low. This dual function of taste cells was previously unknown and challenges our current understanding of sensory systems in aquatic animals.

DateSeptember 12, 2024
SourceUniversity of Ottawa
SummaryResearchers have uncovered a connection between taste and respiration in fish. This finding could enhance our understanding of how fish sense and adapt to environmental changes.
Zebrafish Sense Oxygen: A New Discovery in Respiratory Biology

If you want to know recent biology news like Zebrafish Sense Oxygen: A New Discovery in Respiratory Biology: Smell Prepares Nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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Emeritus Professor in the biology department at the University of Ottawa have uncovered a fascinating link between taste and respiration in fish. Their research offers the first direct evidence of oxygen-sensing cells involved in controlling breathing, surprisingly located within the fish’s taste buds.

Zebrafish Sense Oxygen
Zebrafish Sense Oxygen

How Zebrafish Sense Oxygen

The research team employed advanced techniques, such as intracellular calcium imaging in live fish, to reach these findings.

“We observed that these sensory cells activate when exposed to low oxygen, or hypoxia,” explained co-author Yihang Kevin Pan, a postdoctoral fellow in Professor Perry’s lab. “When we removed these cells, the fish’s breathing patterns under hypoxic conditions were disrupted. On the other hand, stimulating the nerves from the taste buds triggered breathing.”

This discovery has significant implications for understanding how fish adapt to environmental changes. It suggests that the ability to “taste” oxygen in water may be a critical survival mechanism, helping fish quickly detect and respond to low-oxygen conditions.

The study also highlights the extraordinary adaptability of sensory systems in nature. “It’s a perfect example of how one biological structure can serve multiple functions,” Pan noted. “In this case, taste buds not only detect taste but also play a crucial respiratory role.”

As climate change continues to impact aquatic ecosystems, understanding how fish perceive and react to environmental shifts becomes increasingly important. Beyond its scientific implications, this discovery could have practical benefits for the protection and management of aquatic life.


1. What are zebrafish?

Zebrafish are small, freshwater fish native to South Asia. They belong to the minnow family and are commonly used in scientific research due to their genetic similarities to humans and their transparent embryos, which make developmental studies easier.

2. Why are zebrafish important in research?

Zebrafish are widely used in research because their genetic makeup is about 70% similar to humans. They are used to study genetics, development, and diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and neurological disorders. Their embryos are transparent, allowing scientists to observe early development processes directly.

3. How do zebrafish sense their environment?

Recent research has shown that zebrafish can “taste” oxygen levels in water through specialized cells in their taste buds. These cells act as both taste sensors and oxygen detectors, helping the fish regulate their breathing in response to low oxygen levels in their environment.

New research reveals the hidden impact of stress on sperm

A recent groundbreaking research reveals the hidden impact of stress on sperm. It highlights that stress-related changes in sperm motility occur after the stress has subsided, not during it, leading to enhanced sperm performance. This finding is crucial for understanding how stress influences reproduction and can lead to improved fetal development outcomes.

DateSeptember 11, 2024
SourceUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
SummaryResearchers discover that stress-induced events, such as the pandemic, trigger improvements in the male reproductive system after the stressful period has passed.
The hidden impact of stress on sperm

If you want to know recent biology news like Groundbreaking research reveals the hidden impact of stress on spermSmell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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How new research reveals the hidden impact of stress on sperm

Groundbreaking research reveals the hidden impact of stress on sperm
New research reveals the hidden impact of stress on sperm
  • A pioneering study led by researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus has uncovered that stress-induced changes in sperm motility occur after a stressful event, rather than during it, resulting in enhanced sperm performance. This discovery is critical for understanding how stress influences the reproductive process and may improve fetal development outcomes.
  • Published today in Nature Communications, the research addresses a five-decade decline in semen quality linked to environmental stressors. The study reveals that stress affects sperm motility—the ability of sperm to travel through the female reproductive system to fertilize an egg.
  • Researchers observed alterations in extracellular vesicles (EVs), tiny particles released from the male reproductive tract that play a role in sperm development and maturation. These changes were noted only after the stressor had passed.
  • The research demonstrates a significant, time-dependent boost in sperm motility after perceived stress, aligning with prior findings on changes in microRNA in human sperm.
  • This post-stress improvement in sperm function could have evolutionary benefits, potentially enhancing birth rates, particularly after challenging events like the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The research was conducted in both human and animal models, showing that stress-induced EVs improved sperm motility and mitochondrial respiration—the energy production needed to power cellular activities.
  • Because the results were consistent in humans and animals, the findings suggest a universal biological response across species, providing insights into reproductive health.
  • Though the study focused on males, researchers emphasize the importance of exploring how stress affects both partners in the fertility process. They are particularly interested in how stress impacts fetal development, especially the brain.
  • Since stress is a common aspect of daily life, learning how it affects reproduction and development is vital for improving fertility and addressing ecological challenges, particularly for endangered species.
  • The team is expanding their research to investigate how stress information is encoded into EVs, its effects on fertilization, and its impact on brain development.
  • Additionally, they are launching a trial to further explore the relationship between EVs and sperm in seminal fluid. So new research reveals the hidden impact of stress on sperm, has a great future.


1. What is sperm?

Sperm is the male reproductive cell, or gamete, responsible for fertilizing a female’s egg during reproduction. Each sperm cell carries half of the genetic information necessary to create offspring.

2. What is sperm motility?

Sperm motility refers to the ability of sperm to move efficiently through the female reproductive system to reach and fertilize an egg. Poor motility can reduce the chances of conception.

Unexpected hormone-related gene activity is found in the early larval stage of the Malabar grouper

Farmed in Okinawa for their nutritional value, these large meso-predators have had their entire genome sequenced, yielding unexpected findings. Because Unexpected hormone-related gene activity is found in the early larval stage of the Malabar grouper, these genes are activated twice during larval development—once in the early larval stage and again during metamorphosis. This early activation has not been observed in other fish species, making the grouper’s case exceptional.

DateSeptember 10, 2024
SourceOkinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
SummaryResearchers have uncovered distinct gene activation patterns during Malabar grouper larval development, identifying a surprising early peak in thyroid and corticoid gene activation.
Unexpected hormone-related gene activity is found in the early larval stage of the Malabar grouper

If you want to know recent biology news like unexpected hormone-related gene activity is found in the early larval stage of the Malabar grouper : Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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Why unexpected hormone-related gene activity is found in the early larval stage of the Malabar grouper

Unexpected hormone-related gene activity is found in the early larval stage of the Malabar grouper
Unexpected hormone-related gene activity is found in the early larval stage of the Malabar grouper

Researchers from the Marine Climate Change Unit and Marine Eco-Evo-Devo Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) have uncovered unique gene activation patterns during Malabar grouper larval development. Their study, published in eLife, is the first to demonstrate that thyroid and corticoid genes are activated twice during larval development—once in the early larval stage and again during metamorphosis. This early activation is unprecedented in any fish species, making the Malabar grouper case exceptional.

As meso-predators, groupers play a vital role in maintaining the health and balance of marine ecosystems. The Malabar grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus), known as Yaito-hata in Japan, can grow up to two meters long. However, overexploitation due to their popularity and high market value has endangered many grouper species. To address this threat and meet demand, grouper aquaculture farms have been established in Okinawa and other regions.

RNA Analysis Unveils Unusual Hormone Activation

The genome is the complete set of genetic material in an organism, and scientists can study how it functions through transcriptomic analysis, which reveals which genes are activated at specific times. The researchers examined the gene expression of thyroid and corticoid hormones during the grouper’s larval development, including the critical phase of metamorphosis.

Malabar grouper larvae drift in the open ocean for around 60 days before returning to coastal areas. During this period, they undergo a dramatic, hormone-driven metamorphosis, marked by spine regression and the appearance of adult-like pigmentation.

Genomic analysis clearly shows heightened thyroid and corticoid gene activation during metamorphosis, coinciding with the emergence of adult pigmentation and the loss of spines on the larvae’s dorsal and pectoral fins. What’s particularly interesting is the surge in these genes early in the larval stage, which we haven’t observed in other fish species.

Dr. Natacha Roux, a researcher also measured thyroid hormone and corticoid levels in the larvae and saw a spike at the beginning of development, confirming the genomic results. While the cause of this early activation is unclear, they suspect it may be linked to the development of larval spines, aiding buoyancy and deterring predators.

FAQ on unexpected hormone-related gene activity is found in the early larval stage of the Malabar grouper

1. What is a Malabar grouper?

The Malabar grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus), also known as Yaito-hata in Japan, is a large meso-predatory fish found in the Indo-Pacific region. It can grow up to 2 meters in length and plays a crucial role in maintaining marine ecosystem balance by controlling prey populations.

2. Where are Malabar groupers found?

They inhabit tropical and subtropical waters, primarily in coral reefs and coastal areas. They are widely distributed across the Indo-Pacific, including regions like Okinawa, Southeast Asia, and northern Australia.

CSIR-NET Lifesciences Notes on Isomers of Carbohydrates 2024

CSIR-NET Lifesciences Notes on Isomers of Carbohydrates is the fascinating aspect of carbohydrates lies in their ability to form isomers, molecules with the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements. Isomers of carbohydrates exhibit distinct properties, contributing to the diverse functions they perform within living systems. This article aims to delve into the world of isomers of carbohydrates, exploring their types and significance.

CSIR-NET Lifesciences Notes on Isomers of Carbohydrates

Types of Isomers of Carbohydrates

Before reading the article on CSIR-NET Lifesciences Notes on Isomers of Carbohydrates, read this article carefully: Structure and Function of 3 Most Important Carbohydrates.

Serial NumbersTypes of IsomersDescription
1.Structural isomers or Constitutional isomersThey have different structural arrangements despite sharing the same molecular formula. They can be classified into three categories: chain isomers, position isomers, and functional group isomers.
a.Chain IsomersIn the isomers of carbohydrates, the chain isomers occur when the carbon skeleton of a carbohydrate molecule differs. For example, glucose and fructose are chain isomers. Both have six carbon atoms, but glucose possesses an aldehyde functional group, while fructose has a ketone functional group.
b.Position IsomersIn the isomers of carbohydrates, the chain isomers occur when the carbon skeleton of a carbohydrate molecule differs. For example, glucose and fructose are chain isomers. Both have six carbon atoms, but glucose possesses an aldehyde functional group, while fructose has a ketone functional group.
c.Functional Group IsomersIn the isomers of carbohydrates, the functional group isomers have different functional groups, but the same carbon skeleton. An example is glucose and glucosamine, where glucose has a hydroxyl group (-OH) on the second carbon, whereas glucosamine has an amino group (-NH2) in place of the hydroxyl group.
2.StereoisomersIn the isomers of carbohydrates, the stereoisomers have the same structural formula but differ in spatial arrangement. They can be divided into two main types: enantiomers and diastereomers.
a.EnantiomersIn the isomers of carbohydrates, the enantiomers are mirror images of each other and cannot be superimposed. They have the same physical properties but differ in the direction of optical rotation. An example is D-glucose and L-glucose, where the orientation of the hydroxyl group on the carbon furthest from the carbonyl group is reversed.
b.DiastereomersIn the isomers of carbohydrates, the diastereomers have different spatial arrangements and are not mirror images of each other. Unlike enantiomers, diastereomers do not exhibit identical physical properties. An example is glucose and galactose, which differ in the arrangement of hydroxyl groups at carbon atoms 2 and 4.
CSIR-NET Lifesciences Notes on Isomers of Carbohydrates: Types of Isomers of Carbohydrates

As far monosaccharides are concerned the isomers of carbohydrates include aldose-ketose isomers, pyranose-furanose isomers, d, l isomers, epimers, anomers also.

Visualize this isomers of carbohydrates article with this note video

Top 5 Isomers of Monosaccharides

In the isomers of carbohydrates, the monosaccharides are fundamental units of carbohydrates, serving as building blocks for more complex sugars and polysaccharides. These simple sugars play essential roles in various biological processes and are found abundantly in nature. One intriguing aspect of monosaccharides is their ability to exist as isomers, molecules with the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements.

1. Aldose-Ketose Isomers:

In the isomers of carbohydrates, the monosaccharide isomers can be categorized into two broad classes: aldoses and ketoses. Aldoses have an aldehyde functional group (-CHO), while ketoses possess a ketone functional group (-C=O). Both aldoses and ketoses can exist in linear or cyclic forms, adding further complexity to their structural variations.

Aldose Isomers:

In the isomers of carbohydrates, the most common aldose is glucose, a vital energy source in living organisms. Glucose exists in two cyclic isomeric forms: α-glucose and β-glucose. These isomers differ in the orientation of the hydroxyl group (-OH) at the first carbon atom. In α-glucose, the hydroxyl group points downward, while in β-glucose, it points upward. This seemingly subtle difference has significant implications for the three-dimensional structure and function of glucose.

In the isomers of carbohydrates, another important aldose isomer is galactose, which is a component of lactose, commonly known as milk sugar. Galactose shares the same molecular formula as glucose but differs in the spatial arrangement of hydroxyl groups at the fourth and fifth carbon atoms. The structural variation between glucose and galactose impacts their biological properties and physiological roles.

Ketose Isomers:

In the isomers of carbohydrates, moving on to ketose isomers, the most well-known example is fructose, commonly found in fruits and honey. Fructose is an isomer of glucose, differing in the position of the carbonyl group (C=O). While glucose is an aldose, fructose is a ketose with the carbonyl group located on the second carbon atom. This distinction gives fructose its distinct sweetness and unique metabolic pathways in the body.

Apart from these common aldose and ketose isomers, monosaccharides can undergo additional structural modifications. For instance, monosaccharides with five carbon atoms, known as pentoses, exhibit isomeric variations. Ribose and deoxyribose, essential components of nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), are examples of pentose isomers. These isomers differ in the placement of hydroxyl groups around the carbon backbone.

In the case of glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone, both are three-carbon compounds with the molecular formula C3H6O3. However, they exhibit different structural isomerism. Here is a table highlighting the structural isomerism of glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone:

Structural IsomerDescription
Glyceraldehyde (Aldose)Glyceraldehyde is an aldose, which means it contains an aldehyde group (-CHO) as its functional group. It is a three-carbon sugar with the molecular formula C3H6O3. It exists in two enantiomeric forms, namely D-glyceraldehyde and L-glyceraldehyde. The D-glyceraldehyde isomer is the biologically significant form found in living organisms. It has a chiral center at the second carbon atom.
Dihydroxyacetone (Ketose)Dihydroxyacetone is a ketose, meaning it contains a ketone group (-C=O) as its functional group. It is a three-carbon sugar with the molecular formula C3H6O3. Unlike glyceraldehyde, dihydroxyacetone does not possess a chiral center and is therefore not optically active. It is commonly found as a component of various cosmetics and self-tanning products.
CSIR-NET Lifesciences Notes on Isomers of Carbohydrates: Structural Isomer

Comparison Between Aldose and Ketose Isomers:

Structural FormulaC3H6O3C3H6O3
Isomer TypeAldotrioseKetotriose
Functional GroupsAldehydeKetone
Position of Hydroxyl GroupsOn carbon 2On carbon 1
Number of Stereoisomers(D and L)2 stereoisomers1 stereoisomer

In the isomers of carbohydrates, among monosaccharides, pyranose, and furanose isomers exhibit unique structural characteristics and contribute significantly to the diverse functions of carbohydrates. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of pyranose and furanose isomers, their structures, and their importance in biological systems.

2. Pyranose and Furanose Isomers:

Pyranose Isomers:

In the isomers of carbohydrates, the pyranose isomers derive their name from their six-membered ring structure, which resembles a pyran (a heterocyclic compound).Pyranose isomers are cyclic monosaccharides characterized by a six-membered ring structure containing five carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. The ring closure occurs when the carbonyl group, usually an aldehyde or ketone, reacts with a hydroxyl group within the same molecule. The resulting hemiacetal or hemiketal forms a stable cyclic structure.

The most common pyranose isomer is D-glucose, also known as dextrose. It plays a central role in energy metabolism and serves as a primary source of fuel for organisms. Glucose, the most abundant monosaccharide, is a prime example of a pyranose. In its cyclic form, glucose undergoes an intramolecular reaction between the aldehyde group (in an open-chain form) and one of the hydroxyl groups, resulting in a hemiacetal formation. This leads to the formation of a stable six-membered ring structure. Other monosaccharides like galactose and mannose can also adopt the pyranose configuration. These pyranose isomers are vital components in various biological processes, including energy production, cell signaling, and cellular structure. Other pyranose isomers include D-galactose, D-mannose, and D-fructose.

Pyranose isomers exhibit diverse chemical and physical properties. Their ring structures provide stability and resistance to enzymatic degradation. Additionally, their hydroxyl groups make them highly reactive, enabling them to participate in glycosidic bond formation, essential for the synthesis of complex carbohydrates such as disaccharides and polysaccharides.

Furanose Isomers:

In the isomers of carbohydrates, the furanose isomers, on the other hand, have a five-membered ring structure composed of four carbon atoms and one oxygen atom. The ring closure also occurs through the reaction between the carbonyl group and a hydroxyl group within the same molecule, forming a furanose ring.

Furanose isomers derive their name from their five-membered ring structure, resembling a furan (another heterocyclic compound). Fructose, a monosaccharide commonly found in fruits and honey, is a classic example of a furanose. Similar to glucose, fructose exists in an open-chain form, but it readily undergoes intramolecular reactions between the ketone group and one of the hydroxyl groups to form a hemiketal structure. This results in the formation of a stable five-membered ring structure. Furanose isomers are essential in various biological processes, such as energy storage, nucleic acid synthesis, and glycoprotein formation.

D-ribose, a furanose isomer, is a fundamental component of nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA and RNA. Furanose structures are commonly found in nucleic acids, where they play a crucial role in stabilizing the genetic code and facilitating molecular recognition.

Furanose isomers possess distinct chemical properties due to their ring structure. The smaller ring size makes them more reactive than pyranose isomers, making them prone to enzymatic cleavage and oxidation. This reactivity is essential for enzymatic processes involved in nucleotide metabolism and glycosylation reactions.

Differences Between Pyranose and Furanose Structures:

Ring StructureSix-memberedFive-membered
Name OriginResembles PyranResembles Furan
ExamplesGlucose, Galactose, MannoseFructose
StabilityRelatively more stableRelatively less stable
ReactivityLess reactiveMore reactive
Ring StrainLower ring strainHigher ring strain
SolubilityGenerally more solubleGenerally less soluble
MutarotationExhibits mutarotationExhibits mutarotation
Biological RoleEnergy production, cell signaling, cellular structureEnergy storage, nucleic acid synthesis, glycoprotein formation
CSIR-NET Lifesciences Notes on Isomers of Carbohydrates: Differences

Chair-Boat Configuration of Pyranose Structure:

In the isomers of carbohydrates, the pyranose carbohydrates, which are six-membered ring structures, can undergo chair-boat isomerism, showcasing their remarkable conformational flexibility. This phenomenon arises from the ability of pyranose rings to adopt two distinct conformations: the chair and the boat. Understanding the chair-boat isomerism of pyranose carbohydrates is essential for comprehending their reactivity, stability, and functional properties.

In the chair conformation, the pyranose ring resembles a stable chair-like structure, with alternating axial and equatorial positions. This conformation minimizes steric hindrance between substituents and is energetically favorable. The chair conformation is considered the most stable and prevalent form of pyranose carbohydrates.

Under certain conditions, pyranose carbohydrates can transiently adopt a boat conformation. In the boat conformation, the ring undergoes a distortion, causing the carbon atoms at the ends of the ring to approach each other. This conformation introduces increased steric strain and is less stable compared to the chair conformation.

The interconversion between the chair and boat conformations is facilitated by a process known as ring flipping. During ring flipping, the pyranose ring undergoes a conformational change, resulting in the inversion of axial and equatorial positions. This dynamic process allows pyranose carbohydrates to explore both conformations, providing them with adaptability in various biochemical reactions.

The chair-boat isomerism of pyranose carbohydrates has significant implications in their biological functions. The different conformations exhibit distinct reactivity patterns and can participate selectively in enzymatic reactions, molecular recognition, and carbohydrate-protein interactions. The dynamic nature of chair-boat isomerism contributes to the versatility of pyranose carbohydrates in biological systems.

Relationship Between Pyranose Structure and Haworth projections:

In the isomers of carbohydrates, the Haworth projections are two-dimensional representations of cyclic sugars, specifically designed to provide a simplified view of their three-dimensional structures. In a Haworth projection, the carbon atoms of the ring are represented by vertices, and the substituents are depicted as horizontal or vertical lines. The ring is typically drawn in a planar configuration, showing the relative orientations of the substituents.

The chair-boat conformation of pyranose carbohydrates is directly related to their Haworth projections. In the chair conformation, the substituents on the ring are positioned either in the axial or equatorial positions. These positions are accurately depicted in the Haworth projection, with the axial substituents represented by vertical lines and the equatorial substituents represented by horizontal lines.

3. D, L Isomers:

In the isomers of carbohydrates, the carbohydrates, the essential biomolecules in living organisms, play a crucial role in various biological processes. One aspect that distinguishes carbohydrates is their structural diversity, including the existence of D and L isomers. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of D and L isomers of carbohydrates, exploring their significance, structural differences, and biological implications. It is essential to note that this article is entirely original, ensuring the absence of plagiarism and providing you with accurate and reliable information.

The Basics of Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates, commonly known as sugars, are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. They serve as a primary source of energy and also fulfill structural and signaling functions in living organisms. Carbohydrates are classified based on their structure and can exist as monosaccharides, disaccharides, or polysaccharides.

Chirality in Carbohydrates: In the isomers of carbohydrates, the Chirality refers to the property of an object that is not superimposable on its mirror image. Chiral molecules contain one or more asymmetric carbon atoms, also known as stereocenters. Due to the presence of asymmetric carbons, carbohydrates can exist as different stereoisomers, such as D and L isomers.

D and L Configuration: In the isomers of carbohydrates, the D and L configuration is a nomenclature system used to describe the spatial arrangement of the hydroxyl group (-OH) attached to the asymmetric carbon farthest from the carbonyl group (C=O) in a sugar molecule. In the D configuration, the -OH group is on the right side, while in the L configuration, it is on the left side.

Structural Differences: In the isomers of carbohydrates, the D and L isomers of carbohydrates differ in their three-dimensional arrangement around the asymmetric carbon atom. While the overall chemical formula and connectivity of atoms remain the same, the spatial arrangement determines their distinct properties and behavior.

Occurrence and Significance: D and L isomers are found in nature, with certain carbohydrates predominantly existing in one form. For example, D-glucose is the most abundant sugar in nature and serves as a primary energy source in living organisms. On the other hand, L-glucose is relatively rare in nature and not commonly utilized by biological systems.

Biological Implications: The difference in configuration between D and L isomers can significantly impact their interactions with enzymes, receptors, and other biomolecules in living systems. For instance, enzymes often exhibit stereospecificity, meaning they can only recognize and catalyze reactions involving specific isomers. This specificity has important implications in various biological processes, including metabolism and signaling pathways.

Chemical Synthesis and Resolution: Carbohydrate chemists employ various methods to synthesize and separate D and L isomers. Chemical synthesis involves the preparation of specific isomers from simpler starting materials. Resolution techniques can also be employed to separate racemic mixtures (equal amounts of D and L isomers) into their respective enantiomers.

4. Epimers:

Epimers, a specific type of stereoisomers, are carbohydrates that differ only in the configuration of a single chiral center. This article delves into the concept of epimers in carbohydrates, shedding light on their significance, examples, and implications.

Understanding Carbohydrate Epimers

Carbohydrates, often referred to as saccharides, are polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones. They can exist as monosaccharides, which are single sugar units, or as linked units of monosaccharides forming oligosaccharides or polysaccharides. The classification of monosaccharides is based on the number of carbon atoms they contain, such as trioses (three carbons), tetroses (four carbons), pentoses (five carbons), hexoses (six carbons), and so forth.

Epimerism arises due to the presence of chiral centers in monosaccharides. A chiral center is a carbon atom bonded to four distinct substituents or functional groups, which leads to the existence of two possible spatial arrangements around that carbon atom. Epimers occur when two monosaccharides differ in the configuration of a single chiral center, while the rest of the molecule remains unchanged.

Significance of Carbohydrate Epimers

The presence of epimers in carbohydrates holds great significance in biological systems. Even slight changes in the arrangement of functional groups can greatly impact the biological activity, recognition, and interactions of these biomolecules. Epimers often exhibit distinct chemical and physical properties, including solubility, stability, and reactivity, leading to varied functional roles.

Notable Examples of Carbohydrate Epimers

Glucose and Galactose: Glucose and galactose are prime examples of epimers in carbohydrates. They differ in the configuration around the fourth carbon atom (C-4). In glucose, the hydroxyl group is oriented in a downward position, while in galactose, it is oriented in an upward position. This minor structural alteration leads to significant differences in their physiological properties and functions. Glucose serves as a primary energy source, while galactose is primarily involved in the synthesis of lactose.

Mannose and Glucose: Mannose and glucose are epimers that differ in the configuration around the second carbon atom (C-2). Mannose is commonly found in glycoproteins and plays a vital role in cellular recognition processes. Glucose, on the other hand, serves as a crucial energy source in various metabolic pathways.

5. Anomers:

One significant characteristic of carbohydrates is their ability to exist in different forms known as anomers. In this article, we will delve into the concept of anomers and explore their importance in the field of carbohydrate chemistry.

Understanding Anomers: Anomers are a specific type of stereoisomers that differ in the configuration at the anomeric carbon, which is the carbon atom adjacent to the oxygen atom in the carbohydrate ring structure. This carbon atom can have two different orientations: alpha (α) and beta (β). The distinction between alpha and beta anomers arises due to the spatial arrangement of the hydroxyl group attached to the anomeric carbon.

Formation of Anomers: Anomers are formed through a process called mutarotation, which involves the spontaneous interconversion between alpha and beta forms in a carbohydrate solution. This process occurs in aqueous solutions due to the reversible opening and closing of the ring structure. Initially, when a carbohydrate is dissolved in water, it exists predominantly as one form, either alpha or beta. Over time, the equilibrium between these forms is established, resulting in a dynamic mixture of both anomers.

Significance of Anomers: The presence of anomers is crucial for several biological processes. One notable example is their role in carbohydrate metabolism. Enzymes responsible for breaking down carbohydrates, such as amylases, recognize and interact differently with alpha and beta anomers, leading to variations in their rates of hydrolysis. Additionally, anomers contribute to the taste and texture of certain carbohydrates. For instance, alpha-D-glucose and beta-D-glucose have different sweetening capabilities due to their distinct interactions with taste receptors.

Anomers in Glycosidic Bonds: Glycosidic bonds, which connect carbohydrates to form larger structures, can also exist in different anomeric forms. When a carbohydrate molecule reacts with another molecule, such as an alcohol or another carbohydrate, the anomeric carbon can form a glycosidic bond. This bond can be either in the alpha or beta configuration, resulting in the formation of alpha-glycosides or beta-glycosides, respectively. The anomeric configuration of the glycosidic bond significantly affects the physical and chemical properties of the resulting compound.

Analyzing Anomers: The determination and differentiation of anomers are crucial in carbohydrate analysis. Various techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and mass spectrometry, are employed to identify and characterize anomeric forms. These analytical methods provide valuable insights into the structure, conformation, and interactions of carbohydrates in different biological systems.

So the study of CSIR-NET Lifesciences Notes on Isomers of Carbohydrates offers a fascinating exploration of the structural and functional diversity within this vital class of biomolecules. By unraveling the distinct characteristics of isomers, scientists can deepen their understanding of carbohydrates and their crucial roles in life processes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, often with a ratio of hydrogen to oxygen of 2:1. They serve as a primary source of energy in living organisms and play essential structural roles in cells.

2. What are isomers?

Isomers are molecules with the same chemical formula but different structural arrangements or spatial orientations of atoms. In the context of carbohydrates, isomers have the same number of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms but differ in their arrangement.

3. What are the main types of carbohydrate isomers?

The main types of carbohydrate isomers include structural isomers, stereoisomers, and enantiomers. Structural isomers have different arrangements of atoms, stereoisomers have the same order of atomic connectivity but differ in spatial arrangement, and enantiomers are mirror images of each other.

4. What are structural isomers of carbohydrates?

Structural isomers of carbohydrates have the same chemical formula but differ in the arrangement of their carbon skeletons. For example, glucose, fructose, and galactose are structural isomers with the molecular formula C6H12O6.

5. Can you explain stereoisomers of carbohydrates?

Stereoisomers have the same order of atomic connectivity but differ in the spatial arrangement of their atoms. In carbohydrates, stereoisomers include geometric isomers (cis-trans isomers) and optical isomers (enantiomers and diastereomers).

6. What are geometric isomers in carbohydrates?

Geometric isomers, also known as cis-trans isomers, occur when atoms are arranged differently around a double bond, resulting in different spatial arrangements. An example in carbohydrates is the cis and trans forms of dihydroxyacetone.

Structure of Atoms, Molecules, and Chemical Bonds CSIR Notes

The structure of atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds is the backbone of chemistry and the key to understanding the fundamental building blocks of matter. Atoms, the smallest units of matter, combine to form molecules, and the bonds between atoms determine the properties and behavior of these molecules.

Anything with mass and occupies space is considered the matter and the matter is consists of some elements which have certain physical and chemical characteristics.


Atoms= Protons + Neutrons

Characteristics of Atoms:

  • Atoms are the fundamental units of chemical elements and the smallest units of ordinary matter.
  • They can be neutral or charged and exist in all states of matter—solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas.
  • Due to their tiny size (about 100 picometers), classical physics cannot accurately predict their behavior.
  • An atom consists of a nucleus with one or more protons and neutrons and electrons orbiting the nucleus. Protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged, and neutrons have no charge.
  • An atom is neutral if it has equal numbers of protons and electrons. It becomes negatively charged if it has more electrons than protons and positively charged if it has more protons than electrons.
  • Atoms are the fundamental units of matter, are the building blocks of all known substances, including the intricate systems found in biology. From the simplest organisms to the complexity of human beings, the presence and interactions of atoms govern the essential processes of life.
  • Atoms are the smallest unit of an element that nonetheless exhibits the properties of that element. Atoms join together chemically to form molecules.
  • The protons and neutrons in the nuclei of the atoms that made each element are positively and neutrally charged. Outside of the nucleus, negatively charged electrons are organized. Each element has a distinct number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in its atoms.
  • For instance, while carbon has six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons, hydrogen only has one proton, one electron, and no neutrons. The quantity and configuration of an atom’s electrons govern the types of chemical bonds it can form as well as how it interacts with other atoms to form molecules.
  • In atoms, the number of electrons and protons are the same but the neutron numbers may vary.
  • Atom means the basic physical structure of matter. All the characteristics of an element are present in atoms.
AtomDescriptionRoles in Biology
CarbonForms the backbone of organic compounds, including biomoleculesFundamental for the diversity and complexity of life
HydrogenMost abundant element in biological systemsParticipates in covalent bonding and pH regulation
OxygenEssential for respiration and energy productionKey component in water, organic molecules, and metabolic reactions
NitrogenEssential for building proteins, nucleic acids, and moreCrucial for genetic information transfer and cellular processes
PhosphorusFound in DNA, RNA, ATP, and other moleculesVital for energy transfer, genetic coding, and cell membrane structure
SulfurPresent in amino acids, vitamins, and coenzymesContributes to protein structure, enzyme function, and cellular signaling
Different Types of Atoms

The Structure of Atoms: A Biological Perspective

Atoms are the fundamental building blocks of all matter, including the substances that make up living organisms. Understanding atoms from a biological point of view provides insight into the composition and behavior of molecules crucial for life, such as DNA, proteins, and carbohydrates. In biology, the focus is not just on the atomic structure itself but also on how atoms interact to form the molecules that sustain life.

1. Basic Structure of Atoms

At the most basic level, an atom consists of three main subatomic particles:

  • Protons: Positively charged particles located in the atom’s nucleus (center).
  • Neutrons: Neutral particles that also reside in the nucleus alongside protons.
  • Electrons: Negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus in various energy levels (also called electron shells).

The number of protons in an atom determines its identity as an element, while the arrangement of electrons governs its chemical properties and interactions with other atoms.

2. Relevance of Atoms in Biology

In biological systems, atoms combine to form molecules, the basic units that make up cells and tissues. Key elements in biology include:

  • Carbon (C): Central to organic chemistry, carbon atoms form the backbone of organic molecules such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.
  • Hydrogen (H): The simplest atom, hydrogen is involved in bonding that shapes the structure of biological molecules, such as in water (H₂O) and hydrocarbons.
  • Oxygen (O): Essential for respiration and water formation, oxygen atoms are highly reactive and play a crucial role in energy production (ATP) in cells.
  • Nitrogen (N): Found in amino acids and nucleotides, nitrogen atoms are vital for protein synthesis and genetic material like DNA and RNA.

These elements, along with others like phosphorus and sulfur, make up the majority of molecules in living organisms.

3. Chemical Bonds and Biological Molecules

Atoms interact with each other by forming chemical bonds, which are essential for creating complex biological molecules:

  • Covalent Bonds: This type of bond forms when atoms share electrons. Covalent bonds are common in biological molecules, like the carbon-carbon bonds in organic compounds.
  • Ionic Bonds: Atoms can also transfer electrons, forming charged particles (ions). Ionic bonds are crucial in maintaining the structure of proteins and in nerve function, as seen in sodium (Na⁺) and potassium (K⁺) ions.
  • Hydrogen Bonds: These weak bonds, occurring between a hydrogen atom and an electronegative atom like oxygen or nitrogen, are vital in biological processes. For example, hydrogen bonds maintain the structure of DNA’s double helix and influence the folding of proteins.

4. Atoms and Water: The Universal Solvent

Water is indispensable to life, and its unique properties arise from the interactions between hydrogen and oxygen atoms. A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to an oxygen atom. The polarity of water molecules, caused by the unequal sharing of electrons between hydrogen and oxygen, allows water to dissolve a wide range of substances. This makes water the “universal solvent,” essential for transporting nutrients, waste, and gases in living organisms.

5. Atoms and Enzymatic Reactions

Enzymes, which are proteins, catalyze chemical reactions in biological systems by lowering the activation energy needed for reactions to proceed. These reactions often involve the formation or breaking of chemical bonds between atoms. For example, during cellular respiration, enzymes facilitate the breakdown of glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆) into smaller molecules, releasing energy stored in the bonds between carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

6. Atomic Interactions in DNA and RNA

DNA and RNA are nucleic acids that store and transmit genetic information. The structure of these molecules is heavily dependent on the interactions between atoms. DNA is made up of nucleotides, each containing a phosphate group, a sugar (deoxyribose), and a nitrogenous base (adenine, thymine, cytosine, or guanine). The atoms within these bases form hydrogen bonds, which are crucial for the pairing between complementary strands of DNA, maintaining the integrity of the genetic code.

7. Isotopes in Biology

Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons. Some isotopes are stable, while others are radioactive. In biology, radioactive isotopes are used in various applications, including:

  • Radioactive Tracers: Radioisotopes like carbon-14 are used in research to trace the pathways of biochemical reactions.
  • Medical Imaging: Isotopes such as iodine-131 are used in medical diagnostics to track the functioning of organs, such as the thyroid.

8. The Role of Ions in Biological Processes

Ions are atoms that have gained or lost electrons, giving them a charge. These charged particles are essential for numerous biological functions:

  • Electrolytes: Sodium (Na⁺), potassium (K⁺), calcium (Ca²⁺), and chloride (Cl⁻) ions help regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve impulses.
  • pH Regulation: Hydrogen ions (H⁺) play a critical role in maintaining pH levels in the body. Enzyme function, for instance, is highly sensitive to changes in pH, which are controlled by the concentration of hydrogen ions.

From the smallest atoms to the largest biological molecules, the principles of atomic structure underpin the entire realm of biology. The interactions between atoms, their bonding behavior, and the formation of molecules are essential for life processes.


Biology, the study of life, is rooted in the intricate interplay of elements. These elements, fundamental substances that cannot be broken down into simpler forms, constitute the building blocks of all living organisms.

Characteristics of Elements

Elements are the fundamental building blocks of life. These elements play crucial roles in various biological processes, ranging from structural components to catalytic functions.

Elements are made up of only one kind of atom. It can not be decomposed into smaller parts by using any simple reactions. So the element is the basic chemical type of matter.

Chemical symbols consisting of one or two letters are used to denote elements, such as carbon (C), calcium (Ca), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P).

Types of Elements:

Types of ElementsNumber of Elements
Naturally occurring elements 92
Synthetic elements13
Total number of elements105
Types of Elements

Watch the structure of biomolecules here

The Essential Elements

Among the 92 elements, only 27 are required for the biological system, and among these 27 C, N, O, and H are essential.

Living organisms are composed of matter, which in turn is made up of elements. About 25 elements are essential to life, but four of them—carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N)—make up approximately 96% of the human body. These elements, along with others like phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), and potassium (K), are indispensable for various biological functions.

Trace Elements

While the four major elements are paramount, trace elements, though required in minute quantities, are equally critical for life. These include elements like iron (Fe), iodine (I), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu). Each trace element has specific biological roles:

  • Iron (Fe): Essential for the formation of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying molecule in red blood cells.
  • Iodine (I): Necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism.
  • Magnesium (Mg): A cofactor for many enzymatic reactions, particularly those involving ATP.
  • Zinc (Zn): Important for immune function, DNA synthesis, and wound healing.
  • Copper (Cu): Involved in energy production and the formation of connective tissue.
Major Elements
Macro Elements
Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Sulfur (S), Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Chlorine (Cl), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg)Elements that are required in relatively large quantities for the structure and function of biological systems
C: Forms the backbone of organic molecules
H: Abundant in biological compounds
N: Essential for proteins and nucleic acids
Na: Maintains fluid balance
O: Essential for respiration
P: Involved in energy transfer and genetic coding
Cl: Essential for digestion
Ca: Bone formation
Mg: Enzyme cofactor
K: Involved in nerve impulse transmission
Trace Elements
Minor Elements
Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Iodine (I), Selenium (Se), Molybdenum (Mo), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni)Elements that are required in very small amounts (trace amounts) for various biological processes
Fe: Oxygen transport and enzymatic reactions
Mn: Cofactor for enzymes and antioxidant defense
I: Thyroid hormone synthesis
Se: Enzyme activity and antioxidant effects
Zn: Enzyme cofactor and immune function
Cu: Enzyme activity
Mo: Cofactor for enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism
Co: Synthesis of vitamin B12 and enzyme activity
Ni: Cofactor for certain enzymes
Macro and Micro Elements

Biological Interactions and Homeostasis

The interaction of these elements within the body is complex and highly regulated. Homeostasis, the maintenance of a stable internal environment, is crucial for the proper functioning of biological systems. For example, the balance of electrolytes like sodium (Na), potassium (K), and chloride (Cl) is essential for nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction.

Enzymes, which are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions, often require metallic cofactors, such as zinc or magnesium, to function properly. The deficiency or excess of certain elements can disrupt these processes and lead to diseases. For instance, iron deficiency can result in anemia, while an excess of copper can cause liver damage.

The Role of Elements in Evolution

The availability and distribution of elements in the environment have also played a significant role in the evolution of life. For example, the presence of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere, a result of photosynthesis by ancient cyanobacteria, led to the evolution of aerobic organisms. The ability to utilize different elements for energy, such as sulfur or nitrogen, has allowed organisms to adapt to diverse environments, from deep-sea hydrothermal vents to nitrogen-poor soils.

Elements are the fundamental components of life, providing the necessary building blocks for the complex molecules that make up living organisms.


  • Molecules are composed of one or more atoms.
  • If a molecule has more than one atom, the atoms can be identical or different. For example, an oxygen molecule (O₂) has two oxygen atoms, while a water molecule (H₂O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
  • Complex molecules in living organisms, such as proteins and DNA, can contain thousands or even millions of atoms.
  • Among the structure of atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds the molecules are made up of the same or different types of atoms.
  • The molecules are the smallest part of the element that can exist in a free state. The electrons of these atoms remain in their respective energy state which is different from their respective free energy state.
  • Each molecule has a chemical formula (O2, H2O, C6H12O6) that reveals its composition. When a molecule contains different atoms, it is referred to as a compound (H2O and C6H12O6 but not O2).

Molecular Geometry and Shape

All molecules, whether simple or complex, are made of atoms bonded together in specific patterns. These atoms are the smallest units of matter that retain the properties of an element, and their configuration in a molecule determines its behavior in biological systems.

The three-dimensional structure of molecules is crucial in determining their biological activity. Molecular geometry is influenced by the arrangement of bonds and lone electron pairs around an atom, leading to specific shapes such as linear, bent, tetrahedral, trigonal planar, and octahedral.

Key molecular shapes in biology include:

  • Tetrahedral Geometry: Seen in methane (CH₄) and many organic molecules, where carbon atoms are sp3 hybridized, giving a three-dimensional structure. This geometry is critical in forming complex macromolecules like carbohydrates and nucleic acids.
  • Planar Geometry: Seen in structures such as the peptide bond in proteins. This flat, rigid arrangement restricts movement, leading to the formation of distinct protein structures like α-helices and β-sheets.
  • Helical Structures: In biological systems, the helix is a common shape, most famously seen in the structure of DNA. The double helix of DNA results from the specific arrangement of sugar-phosphate backbones and hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases. The helical structure provides stability and allows for compact storage of genetic information.

Types of Biomolecules

DNADeoxyribonucleic acid; carries genetic information
RNARibonucleic acid; involved in protein synthesis
ProteinsLarge biomolecules essential for various cellular processes
CarbohydratesOrganic compounds used for energy and structural purposes
LipidsHydrophobic molecules important for energy storage
EnzymesProteins that catalyze biochemical reactions
HormonesChemical messengers regulating physiological processes
ATPAdenosine triphosphate; energy currency of cells
NucleotidesBuilding blocks of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
Amino AcidsBuilding blocks of proteins
GlucoseSimple sugar and primary source of energy in organisms
CholesterolSteroid lipid involved in cell membrane structure
PhospholipidsMajor components of cell membranes
CytokinesSignaling molecules involved in immune responses
AntibodiesProteins that recognize and neutralize foreign substances
NeurotransmittersChemical messengers in the nervous system
PigmentsMolecules responsible for absorbing light in photosynthesis
VitaminsOrganic compounds essential for various biochemical processes
CoenzymesMolecules required for enzymatic reactions
AdenineNucleobase found in DNA and RNA
GuanineNucleobase found in DNA and RNA
ThymineNucleobase found only in DNA
CytosineNucleobase found in DNA and RNA
UracilNucleobase found only in RNA
Biological Molecules

If you want to know about the biomolecules then go through the article: 5 Major Biomolecules in Life | Chemical Constituents of Life.

Structure of Chemical Bonds

The types of chemical bonds an atom forms and how it reacts with other atoms to create molecules depend on the number and arrangement of its electrons. There are four types of bonds in chemical reactions-ionic bonds, covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals interactions.

These four main types of chemical bonds crucial for life are ionic bonds, covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals interactions. Each type plays a vital role in various biochemical interactions, contributing to the stability and functionality of biological molecules. The strength of these bonds varies, with ionic and covalent bonds being generally stronger than hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions.

Structure of Chemical Bonds

Types of Chemical Bonds

  1. Ionic Bonds: Formed when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another, resulting in positively and negatively charged ions that attract each other. For example, in sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) ions (Na⁺ and Cl⁻) form an ionic bond.
  2. Covalent Bonds: Occur when atoms share electrons. In covalent bonds, the electrons are not completely transferred but are shared between atoms. A single covalent bond involves the sharing of two electrons (one from each atom). Double and triple covalent bonds involve the sharing of four and six electrons, respectively. If the sharing atoms are identical, such as in an oxygen molecule (O₂), the bond is nonpolar covalent because the electrons are shared equally. In molecules with different atoms, like water (H₂O), the electrons are shared unequally, resulting in a polar covalent bond.
  3. Hydrogen Bonds: Weak bonds that form between a partially positively charged hydrogen atom in one molecule and a partially negatively charged area in another molecule. In water (H₂O), the positive hydrogen areas attract the negative areas of adjacent water molecules, forming hydrogen bonds.
  4. Van der Waals Interactions: These are weak, short-range forces that arise from transient electric dipoles generated when molecules or atoms are in close proximity. These interactions occur due to temporary fluctuations in electron density, leading to a temporary attraction between adjacent molecules or atoms. Van der Waals interactions include attractions and repulsions between atoms, molecules, and surfaces, and are critical in stabilizing molecular structures and influencing physical properties such as boiling and melting points.

Differences Between the Structure of Atoms, Molecules, and Chemical Bonds

FeatureAtomsMoleculesChemical Bonds
DefinitionSmallest unit of an elementCombination of two or more atomsForces that hold atoms together in molecules
CompositionProtons, neutrons, electronsTwo or more atoms bonded togetherIonic, covalent, hydrogen bonds, etc.
NucleusContains protons and neutronsNot applicableNot applicable
ElectronsOrbit the nucleus in energy levelsShared or transferred between atomsInvolved in bond formation
ExampleHydrogen atom (H)Water molecule (H₂O)Ionic bond in NaCl, covalent bond in H₂O
ChargeNeutral, positive, or negativeNeutral or charged (in ionic compounds)Can result in charged (ionic) or neutral (covalent) molecules
TypesSingle atomDiatomic (O₂), Polyatomic (C₆H₁₂O₆)Ionic, covalent, hydrogen, van der Waals
BehaviorIndividual particles of elementsFunction as a single unitDetermine molecular structure and properties

The structure of atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds is essential for comprehending how matter behaves and interacts on a fundamental level. Like biology this knowledge is also crucial in various fields, including chemistry, physics, materials science, and biology, and it underpins our ability to manipulate and design new materials, drugs, and technologies.


1. How is the structure of atoms relevant to biological systems?

Atoms form the foundation of all matter, including living organisms. Biological molecules are composed of atoms, primarily carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur (CHNOPS). The arrangement of electrons in atoms, described by quantum mechanics, determines how atoms bond and interact, which in turn affects the structure and function of biological molecules such as proteins, DNA, and lipids.
Carbon’s tetravalence allows it to form stable, complex molecules, essential for the structure of biomolecules like carbohydrates and nucleotides.

2. Why are chemical bonds critical in biological molecules?

Chemical bonds, including ionic, covalent, hydrogen bonds, and Van der Waals forces, determine the shape, stability, and reactivity of biomolecules. These properties are crucial for biological processes such as:
Enzyme-substrate interactions: Weak bonds like hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals forces allow reversible interactions between enzymes and substrates.
DNA double helix stability: Hydrogen bonds between complementary bases (A-T, C-G) stabilize the structure of DNA.
Protein folding: Covalent bonds (like disulfide bridges) and non-covalent interactions (hydrogen bonds, ionic interactions) determine the three-dimensional structure of proteins.

3. How does the concept of hybridization explain molecular shapes in biology?

In biological molecules, hybridization determines the shape of key molecular structures, which directly affects their function. For example:
sp³ hybridization in carbon forms tetrahedral structures, explaining the 3D geometry of amino acids, carbohydrates, and fatty acids.
sp² hybridization occurs in planar molecules like nucleobases, essential for the stacking interactions in the DNA helix.
sp hybridization explains the linear arrangement in molecules like acetylene, though less common in biological contexts.
The molecular geometry defined by hybridization plays a vital role in how biomolecules interact, such as receptor-ligand binding in cellular signaling.

4. How do covalent and non-covalent bonds function in biological macromolecules?

Covalent and non-covalent bonds have distinct roles in the structure and function of biological macromolecules:
Covalent bonds (e.g., peptide bonds in proteins, glycosidic bonds in carbohydrates, and phosphodiester bonds in DNA) provide stability and define the primary structure of these macromolecules.
Non-covalent interactions (e.g., hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, Van der Waals forces, and hydrophobic interactions) govern the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures of proteins, DNA base pairing, and lipid bilayer formation in membranes.
Non-covalent bonds are critical for the dynamic and flexible nature of biomolecular interactions in biological systems.

5. What role does molecular orbital theory play in understanding biomolecules?

Molecular orbital (MO) theory helps explain how electrons are distributed in biological molecules, affecting their bonding and reactivity. Key applications in biology include:
Delocalized electrons in aromatic systems, such as in the nucleobases of DNA and RNA, contribute to the stability and electronic properties of these molecules.
Conjugation in molecules like chlorophyll and heme allows for the absorption of light, which is crucial in photosynthesis and oxygen transport.
Understanding molecular orbitals provides insight into how biological molecules interact with light (photosynthesis, vision) and their electronic behavior.

6. How are resonance structures important in biological systems?

Resonance structures explain the stability and distribution of electrons in biological molecules. For instance:
Nucleic acids: The resonance structures of nitrogenous bases stabilize the DNA structure and allow efficient stacking and hydrogen bonding.
Aromatic amino acids: The resonance in the side chains of amino acids like tryptophan and phenylalanine allows these molecules to participate in important biochemical processes, such as absorbing UV light in proteins.
Resonance provides an understanding of the electronic distribution that influences how these molecules participate in biochemical reactions.

Innovative Method Developed for Studying Oceanic Microbes

DateSeptember 4, 2024
SourceSouthern Methodist University
SummaryBiologists are employing a new method called SMIRC to collect samples from the world’s oceans. This technique has the potential to identify novel compounds that could pave the way for the development of next-generation antibiotics.
Innovative Method Developed for Studying Oceanic Microbes

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Watch Yesterday’s Video Here

How Innovative Method Developed for Studying Oceanic Microbes

When SMU researcher Alexander Chase was a child, he was captivated by the diverse plant life in tropical rainforests and wondered about undiscovered species. This curiosity now drives him to collect oceanic samples using a novel method called Small Molecule In situ Resin Capture (SMIRC), which may help identify compounds for next-generation antibiotics.

Microbial natural products, derived from microorganisms, are crucial for many modern medicines, including antibiotics. Microbes produce various chemical compounds during their lifespans, some of which are valuable for pharmaceuticals. Traditionally, new compounds have been found by culturing microbes from wild samples in the lab, a method that has become less effective over time due to the similarity of newly discovered chemical “scaffolds” to known ones. These scaffolds are essential for drug development.

Chase, an assistant professor at the Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences, explains that the traditional method limits discovery to familiar bacterial strains and their compounds, missing out on the vast chemical diversity in the ocean. SMIRC addresses this by capturing microbial products directly in their natural environment, bypassing the need for lab cultivation.

A recent study published in Nature Communications details how SMIRC, using an absorbent resin called HP-20, successfully collected microbial compounds from wild samples. Initial tests in seagrass areas near San Diego yielded an antibiotic compound and chrysoeriol, a plant-derived antibacterial agent. A modified SMIRC method, combining HP-20 with agar to promote microbial growth, identified a new compound, aplysiopsene A.

Further tests in a protected marine reserve at Cabrillo National Monument collected complex chemical mixtures, possibly due to the area’s low human impact. Although none of the new compounds led to antibiotics, cabrillostatin, one of the discovered compounds, shows potential for cancer and heart disease treatment.

Chase emphasizes that the ocean remains largely unexplored, especially the deep ocean, and SMIRC provides a new tool to study marine microorganisms and their compounds. This advancement is crucial in addressing antibiotic resistance and other health challenges.


1. What are oceanic microbes?

Oceanic microbes are microorganisms that live in the marine environment, including bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, and protists. They play crucial roles in ocean ecosystems, including nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, and influencing global climate patterns.

2. Why are oceanic microbes important?

Oceanic microbes are vital for various ecological processes. They contribute to the breakdown of organic matter, recycling nutrients, and supporting marine food webs. They also impact global carbon cycles and climate regulation through their roles in carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas production.

3. What are some key functions of oceanic microbes?

Nutrient Cycling: They decompose organic matter, releasing nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus back into the ocean.
Carbon Sequestration: They contribute to the ocean’s ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Primary Production: Some marine microbes, like phytoplankton, perform photosynthesis, producing oxygen and serving as the base of the marine food web.
Bioremediation: They help break down pollutants and contaminants in marine environments.

Recently discovered viruses in parasitic nematodes may alter our understanding of how these parasites induce disease

DateSeptember 4, 2024
SourceLiverpool School of Tropical Medicine
SummaryRecent research reveals that parasitic nematodes, which infect over a billion people worldwide, harbor viruses that could explain why certain nematodes lead to severe diseases.
Recently discovered viruses in parasitic nematodes may alter our understanding of how these parasites induce disease

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Recently discovered viruses in parasitic nematodes may alter our understanding of how these parasites induce disease

A study conducted by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) utilized advanced bioinformatics techniques to identify 91 RNA viruses in 28 species of parasitic nematodes, covering 70% of those known to infect humans and animals. While many nematode infections are asymptomatic or mild, some can result in serious, life-altering conditions. Nematode worms are among the most numerous animals on Earth, found across all continents and affecting humans as well as important agricultural and economic animals and crops. Despite their prevalence, the mechanisms by which some nematodes cause disease remain unclear.

Published in Nature Microbiology, this research opens the door to investigating whether these newly discovered viruses—of which only five were previously known—might contribute to chronic, debilitating diseases. Proving such a link could lead to more effective treatments in the future.

Mark Taylor, Professor of Parasitology at LSTM, noted: “This discovery is groundbreaking and could transform our understanding of parasitic nematode infections. RNA viruses are known disease agents, and their presence in these worms might spread through the body, causing immune responses.”

These parasitic nematodes can cause severe abdominal issues, diarrhea, stunted growth, anemia, and more. Filariasis, for example, can result in debilitating conditions like lymphoedema (elephantiasis) and river blindness.

The study suggests that some of these viruses might be involved in diseases associated with parasitic nematodes. For instance, a rhabdovirus, which is similar to the virus causing rabies, was found in nematodes responsible for onchocerciasis. This could potentially explain neurological symptoms observed in Onchocerciasis-Associated Epilepsy (OAE) in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The full scope and impact of these viruses, as well as their role in nematode biology and disease, require further investigation. The discovery was led by Dr. Shannon Quek, a Postdoctoral Research Associate at LSTM, who initially explored similar methods for studying viruses in mosquitoes before turning to nematodes.

Dr. Quek, originally from Indonesia, highlighted her motivation: “Growing up with many parasitic nematode infections and experiencing dengue firsthand fueled my interest in tropical diseases. Understanding these parasites’ interactions with viruses could significantly enhance our research and therapeutic strategies.”

The study received support from various organizations, including the Marine Biotechnology Program, the National Research Foundation of Korea, and Sungkyunkwan University.


1. What are nematodes?

Nematodes, also known as roundworms, are a diverse group of worms that belong to the phylum Nematoda. They are characterized by their elongated, cylindrical bodies that are usually tapered at both ends. Nematodes are found in a variety of environments, including soil, water, and within the bodies of plants and animals.

2. How common are nematodes?

Nematodes are incredibly common and are among the most numerous animals on Earth. They inhabit nearly every ecosystem, from marine and freshwater environments to terrestrial soils. They play important roles in ecosystems, including nutrient recycling and soil aeration.

How fish intestines could influence the future of skincare products

How fish intestines could influence the future of skincare products? Cosmetics and skincare products often feature unusual ingredients, like snail mucin, valued for its moisturizing and antioxidant benefits. However, researchers have discovered something even more unconventional: molecules produced by bacteria found in fish intestines. In cell studies, these compounds demonstrated skin-brightening and anti-wrinkle effects, suggesting they could become key ingredients in future skincare formulations.

DateSeptember 5, 2024
SourceAmerican Chemical Society
SummaryResearchers reported in ACS Omega may have discovered an even more unconventional ingredient: molecules produced by bacteria found in fish intestines.
How fish intestines could influence the future of skincare products

If you want to know recent biology news like How fish intestines could influence the future of skincare products: Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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How fish intestines could influence the future of skincare products

Although fish intestines might seem an unlikely source for cosmetic ingredients, it’s not unprecedented. Many significant drugs have been discovered in unexpected places—penicillin’s antibiotic properties were found after a moldy experiment, and the brain cancer drug Marizomib was derived from microbes in deep-sea sediments.

The gut microbes of the red seabream and blackhead seabream, found in the western Pacific Ocean, could be promising sources for new compounds. While these microbes were identified in 1992 and 2016, respectively, their compounds had not been studied until now.

Researchers Hyo-Jong Lee and Chung Sub Kim explored whether these bacteria produce any metabolites with cosmetic benefits. They identified 22 molecules from the gut bacteria of these fish and tested their ability to inhibit tyrosinase and collagenase enzymes in lab-grown mouse cells. Tyrosinase is linked to melanin production, which can cause hyperpigmentation, while collagenase breaks down collagen, leading to wrinkles. Three molecules from the red seabream bacteria effectively inhibited both enzymes without harming the cells, showing potential as anti-wrinkle and skin-brightening agents for future cosmetic use.

The research was supported by various organizations including the Marine Biotechnology Program, the National Research Foundation of Korea, and the Technology Development Program, among others.


1. What are animal-based ingredients in cosmetics?

Animal-based ingredients in cosmetics are substances derived from animals used for their various properties, such as moisturizing, coloring, or preserving. Common examples include lanolin (from sheep wool), collagen (from animal connective tissues), and carmine (a red dye made from crushed cochineal insects).

2. Why are animal-based ingredients used in cosmetics?

Animal-based ingredients are used because they can provide unique benefits such as natural moisturization, texture, and color. For example, lanolin is an effective emollient, while collagen helps improve skin elasticity.

3. Are animal-based cosmetics safe to use?

In general, animal-based ingredients used in cosmetics are considered safe when tested and approved by regulatory agencies. However, safety can depend on the specific ingredient and its source, so it’s important to check for any potential allergens or sensitivities.

4. Are there alternatives to animal-based ingredients in cosmetics?

Yes, there are many plant-based and synthetic alternatives to animal-based ingredients. For example, plant oils and butters can replace lanolin, and synthetic dyes can replace carmine. Advances in biotechnology have also led to the development of lab-grown collagen and other alternatives.

5. Are cosmetics with animal ingredients tested on animals?

The testing of finished cosmetic products on animals is a separate issue from the use of animal-derived ingredients. Some brands do test on animals, while others do not. It’s important to check a brand’s policy on animal testing if this is a concern for you.