Scientists Reveal That PI3K Enzyme Has Both Accelerator And Brake Functions

A team of researchers has advanced our understanding of a crucial enzyme governing cell migration. Their recent publication in the journal Nature Communications highlights that the PI3K enzyme has both accelerator and brake functions.

DateApril 24, 2024
SourceTohoku University’s Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS)
SummaryThe enzyme PI3K is crucial for cell migration, a function long recognized by scientists. However, recent findings reveal that a subunit of this enzyme can also act as a brake, halting this process.
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About PI3K:

The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) is a significant signaling enzyme extensively studied for over three decades due to its pivotal roles in essential cellular functions such as growth, survival, movement, and metabolism. It also plays a crucial role in cell migration and invasion, processes whose dysregulation can lead to various pathologies.

PI3K Enzyme Has Both Accelerator And Brake Functions:

Employing a blend of bioinformatics, molecular modeling, biochemical binding assays, and live-cell imaging, researchers disordered segment within the inter-SH2 domain of p85β directly interacts with the endocytic protein AP2.

This segment of PI3K can trigger a cellular process that draws specific molecules into the cell, independent of the enzyme’s usual lipid-modification function.

Disrupting this binding resulted in the mutated p85β failing to function properly.

Instead of modulating cell movement through its brake mechanism, it accumulated in specific cellular locations.

Instead of modulating cell movement through its brake mechanism, it accumulated in specific cellular locations.

This led to heightened and sustained cell movement, indicating a loss of control over cell migration by the brake mechanism.

Significantly, this single PI3K enzyme has both accelerator and brake functions within its molecular structure.

The endocytic mechanism plays a pivotal role in regulating PI3K’s activity, ensuring that cell movement is appropriately controlled during critical biological processes.

Relation of PI3K Enzyme With Cancer:

  1. Instead, the scientists reveal PI3K enzyme has both accelerator and brake functions but the braking function was identified as unique to the p85β subunit alone.
  2. The p85β subunit of PI3K is associated with cancer-promoting characteristics, gaining a deeper comprehension of PI3K regulation and its isoform specificity could pave the way for innovative therapeutic approaches.
  3. These strategies could selectively target and inhibit the cancer-promoting attributes of PI3K while safeguarding the normal functions of PI3K in healthy cells.

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While the PI3K enzyme has both accelerator and brake functions, the ongoing research on PI3K aims to deepen our understanding of PI3K signaling and develop more effective and safer therapies. Combining PI3K inhibitors with other cancer treatments shows promise in overcoming drug resistance and improving patient outcomes.


1. What is the structure of the PI3K enzyme?

PI3K (Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase) is composed of two subunits: a regulatory subunit (p85) and a catalytic subunit (p110). These subunits work together to form a functional enzyme.

2. What does each subunit of PI3K do?

The p85 subunit helps regulate the activity of the enzyme, while the p110 subunit carries out the catalytic function, adding phosphate groups to specific lipids in the cell membrane.

3. Are there different types of PI3K?

Yes, PI3K is classified into several classes and isoforms, each with specific functions and tissue distributions. These variations contribute to the diverse roles of PI3K in different cell types.

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