Researchers Create Artificial Cells Same As Living Cells | Biology News

Researchers create artificial cells and detail the processes they employ to manipulate DNA and proteins, the fundamental components of life, to fabricate cells that closely resemble those found in the human body. This pioneering achievement holds significant implications for advancements in regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, and diagnostic technologies.

DateApril 23, 2024
SourceUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
SummaryScientists fabricate synthetic cells that emulate the behavior of living cells. Researchers employ inventive methodologies to construct operational cells, effectively closing the divide between synthetic and organic materials.
Biology News

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About The Cells:

Cells and tissues consist of proteins that collaborate to execute tasks and construct structures. Proteins play a crucial role in establishing the cellular framework known as the cytoskeleton. Without it, cells would be incapable of functioning. The cytoskeleton provides cells with flexibility, enabling them to adapt both in shape and response to their surroundings.

In a recent publication in Nature Chemistry, Ronit Freeman, along with her colleagues from UNC-Chapel Hill, delineate their process of manipulating DNA and proteins, the fundamental components of life, to fabricate cells that closely resemble those found in the human body. Researchers create artificial cells to pioneer the achievement, a breakthrough in the field, that holds promising implications for advancements in regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, and diagnostic tools.

How Researchers Create Artificial Cells:

Using an innovative peptide-DNA technology, researchers create artificial cells with functional cytoskeletons capable of morphing and responding to their environment, all without relying on natural proteins.

By programming DNA sequences, they orchestrated the assembly of peptides, the basic building blocks of proteins, and repurposed genetic material to construct the cytoskeleton.

DNA typically doesn’t feature in a cytoskeleton. They reprogrammed DNA sequences to function as architectural elements, binding the peptides together.

Once immersed in water, these programmed structures took form.

This ability to manipulate DNA empowers scientists to design cells tailored to specific functions and fine-tune their responsiveness to external stimuli.

While synthetic cells lack the complexity of their natural counterparts, they offer greater predictability and resilience in harsh conditions, such as extreme temperatures.

Synthetic cells remained stable even at temperatures as high as 122 degrees Fahrenheit.


Researchers create artificial cells By incorporating various peptide and DNA designs, these materials can be programmed to form fabrics or tissues, offering diverse applications across biotechnology and medicine. These advancements in synthetic cell technology hold transformative potential, revolutionizing various fields.

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1. What are living cells?

Living cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms. They are the smallest entities that exhibit the characteristics of life, including growth, metabolism, response to stimuli, reproduction, and adaptation to their environment.

2. What are the main components of a living cell?

Living cells are composed of several main components, including the cell membrane, cytoplasm, organelles (such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus), and genetic material (DNA or RNA).

3. What are artificial cells?

Artificial cells are synthetic structures designed to mimic the properties and functions of natural living cells. They are created in laboratories using various materials and techniques to replicate certain aspects of cellular behavior.

4. How are artificial cells made?

Artificial cells are constructed using a combination of biomaterials, such as lipids, polymers, and proteins, along with advanced techniques in bioengineering and nanotechnology. These materials are assembled to mimic the structure and function of natural cells.

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