Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their Transmissibility

Collaborative efforts between Mount Sinai scientists and researchers from the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) in Madrid, Spain, have successfully pinpointed and characterized specific modifications within the monkeypox virus genome. Specific genomic changes in the monkeypox virus associated with their transmissibility, virus potentially correspond to variations in the virus’s ability to spread, as observed during the outbreak in 2022. The findings of this research were recently published on April 18 in Nature Communications.

DateApril 19, 2024
SourceMount Sinai School of Medicine
SummaryResearchers have pinpointed and identified modifications within the genome of the monkeypox virus that may be linked to the observed alterations in the virus’s ability to spread during the 2022 outbreak.
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What is Monkeypox Virus:

The Monkeypox virus (MPXV) is a type of double-stranded DNA virus capable of infecting both animals and humans. It leads to a condition called mpox, characterized by symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a rash.

While many cases of mpox are mild and resolve without intervention, the condition can be extremely painful and may result in permanent scarring.

See The Structure of Monkeypox Virus Here

Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus:

With increased circulation of the virus in humans, the risk of a more transmissible variant emerging and potentially becoming endemic in the human population grows.

Gustavo Palacios, PhD, a Professor of Microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and one of the study’s senior authors, emphasizes the importance of investigating transmission conditions when significant changes in the fundamental epidemiological characteristics of a viral pathogen such as monkeypox occur. He highlights the ongoing rise in cases in Africa and the 2022 epidemic as clear warning signals that warrant renewed attention in specific genomic changes in the monkeypox virus.

Research News:

Researchers examined samples from 46 patients infected with MPXV, whose diagnosis and sequencing were conducted at the ISCIII during the onset of the 2022 mpox outbreak.

The team conducted comprehensive sequencing of each patient’s entire monkeypox virus genome to explore potential correlations between genomic variations across different sequence groups and epidemiological connections linked to the virus’s evolution, transmission, and infection.

The advanced complete genome sequencing utilized two sophisticated sequencing technologies: single-molecule long-read sequencing (to cover highly repetitive regions) and deep short sequencing reads (to ensure accuracy and depth).

The research team identified recurring genomic changes in regions of the genome possibly associated with viral adaptation.

These specific sites likely influence viral replication, adaptability, and routes of entry and exit.

These alterations are situated in regions termed low complexity genomic areas, which are challenging to sequence and analyze, explaining why they were previously overlooked.
By elucidating the genomic modifications within these repetitive sequences and their connection to vital viral functions, researchers offer a plausible explanation for the increased transmissibility observed during the 2022 mpox outbreak.

Specific genomic changes in the monkeypox virus, emphasizes that gaining a deeper comprehension of the factors facilitating viral transmission and influencing clinical manifestations will pave the way for the development of more efficient prevention and treatment approaches.

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1. What is the history of the monkeypox virus?

Monkeypox virus (MPXV) was initially identified in 1958 among crab-eating macaque monkeys imported to Belgium. Since the 1970s, it has sporadically caused outbreaks of human disease in Central and Western Africa.

2. In which countries monkeypox virus found?

In May 2022, numerous countries, including the United States, reported a rise in MPXV infections and associated illnesses. This included clusters of cases potentially linked to super-spreading incidents in Belgium, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

3. What is the recent status of monkeypox virus?

Although the number of new cases related to the 2022 outbreak has declined over time, instances of the disease persist among unvaccinated individuals. Notably, there is currently an uptick in Central Africa due to a new spillover event.

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