Scientists render living animal tissue transparent | Biology News

Scientists render living animal tissue transparent because making living tissue transparent allows researchers to observe biological processes, blood vessels, and organs in real-time without invasive surgery. This could greatly enhance medical imaging, biological research, and our understanding of how the body functions.

DateSeptember 5, 2024
SourceUniversity of Texas at Dallas
SummaryIn a groundbreaking study, researchers have successfully made the skin on the skulls and abdomens of live mice transparent by applying a solution containing water and a common yellow food dye known as tartrazine.
Scientists render living animal tissue transparent

If you want to know recent biology news like Scientists render living animal tissue transparent: Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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How scientists render living animal tissue transparent

Dr. Zihao Ou, assistant professor of physics at The University of Texas at Dallas, led the study, which was published in the September 6 issue of Science. While conducting the research as a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, Ou and his colleagues explored the properties of living skin, which typically scatters light, making it opaque. ‘We combined tartrazine, a light-absorbing molecule, with skin, which scatters light. Together, they created transparency,’ explained Ou, who joined UT Dallas in August.

The effect occurs because dissolving the dye in water changes the solution’s refractive index to match that of skin components, reducing light scattering similar to how fog dissipates. In their experiments, the solution was rubbed onto the mice’s skin, and after the dye diffused, the skin became transparent. The process is reversible, with the dye eventually metabolized and excreted naturally.

Within minutes, researchers were able to observe blood vessels on the brain’s surface and internal organs through the transparent skin. The treated areas took on an orange hue due to the use of FD&C Yellow #5, a food-grade dye found in common snacks. ‘The dye is safe, inexpensive, and highly efficient,’ said Ou.

Although the method has not been tested on humans, whose skin is thicker than that of mice, Ou sees potential applications in medicine. ‘Ultrasound is the current go-to for viewing inside the body, but this technique could offer a more accessible alternative,’ he noted.

One immediate benefit of the technology could be its impact on optical imaging research, where it could revolutionize how live tissue is studied. Ou plans to continue this work at his Dynamic Bio-imaging Lab at UT Dallas, exploring dosages for human tissue and testing other materials that may outperform tartrazine.

The study, co-authored by Stanford researchers and funded by grants from federal agencies, has led to a patent application for the technology.”


1. What is living animal tissue?

Living animal tissue refers to the biological material made up of cells and extracellular components that make up the structure of an animal’s body. This includes skin, muscles, organs, and connective tissues that are alive and functioning.

2. Can living animal tissue be made transparent?

Yes, recent studies have shown that living animal tissue can be made transparent through special treatments. For example, researchers have used a mixture of water and the yellow food dye tartrazine to make the skin of live mice transparent, allowing a clear view of the tissue and organs beneath.

3. How does the process of making tissue transparent work?

The process involves applying a solution containing light-absorbing molecules, like tartrazine, to the tissue. The solution changes the refractive index of the tissue, reducing the way light is scattered. This makes the tissue appear transparent, similar to how fog dissipates and becomes clear.

The terminology of termites has been revised | Biology News

Much like ecosystems depend on the structure provided by termites, termite research also needs a strong foundation. So the terminology of termites has been revised. Now, a new classification system for termites has been developed, the result of collaboration among 46 researchers from across the globe.

DateSeptember 5, 2024
SourceOkinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
SummaryA comprehensive classification system for termites has been established through expert consensus and advanced modeling
The terminology of termites has been revised

If you want to know recent biology news like The terminology of termites has been revised: Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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Why the terminology of termites has been revised

Just as ecosystems depend on termites for their structure, termite research also needs a solid foundation. Now, a new, globally-developed classification system for termites has emerged, thanks to the collaboration of 46 researchers. This system, based on expert consensus and extensive data analysis, was recently published in Nature Communications. According to Dr. Simon Hellemans, lead author and member of the Evolutionary Genomics Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), ‘We’ve addressed previous ambiguities with a robust, modular system for classifying termites. This new framework provides a stable platform for future research into termite diversification and their ecological roles, as well as potential discoveries.

The terminology of termites has been revised
The terminology of termites has been revised

A Reunified Termite Family Through Refined Classification

Taxonomy, the classification of organisms, is essential to all biological research. As Dr. Hellemans explains, ‘To study anything in nature, you need to define your units of observation.’ While species don’t care whether we call them Heterotermitidae or Rhinotermitidae, clear classification is critical for researchers to focus their work and communicate effectively. In the past, these classifications were often based on an organism’s physical traits and behaviors, which led to some ambiguities—especially in species like termites, where visual distinctions are subtle.

Over time, this led to a confusing termite family tree, particularly as some species evolved quickly. Despite their diversity, termites were historically grouped into only ten families, often mixing species with unclear evolutionary connections. In taxonomy, monophyly refers to species sharing a common ancestor, while polyphyly groups species by shared traits rather than ancestry, and paraphyly includes some, but not all, descendants of a common ancestor. Termites, while a monophyletic group within cockroaches, have long been classified in ways that involve much polyphyly and paraphyly.

Dr. Hellemans and his team solved this by using extensive data analysis and new morphological surveys, splitting up large subfamilies to eliminate paraphyly and polyphyly in the termite family tree. ‘This allows us to accommodate new species while preserving historical names,’ says Dr. Hellemans, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a stable termite nomenclature.

The new classification is entirely monophyletic, clarifying evolutionary relationships and making it easier to categorize new species. This precision benefits both research and pest control efforts. For instance, the destructive Coptotermes gestroi termite was once grouped with non-pest species like Dolichorhinotermes longilabius due to their physical similarities. Recent phylogenetic studies, however, have confirmed their divergence, reclassifying C. gestroi into the Heterotermitidae family.


1. What are termites?

Termites are small, social insects that live in colonies. They are known for feeding on wood and other plant material, playing an important role in recycling nutrients in ecosystems.

2. Why are termites important for ecosystems?

Termites act as ecosystem engineers, breaking down dead plant material, aerating the soil, and recycling nutrients. This process improves soil quality and helps plant life thrive. Their activity is comparable to earthworms in terms of soil health.

Butterflies at risk have a better chance of survival with human intervention

Butterflies at risk have a better chance of survival with human intervention. For years, scientists have warned about the rapid global decline of insect populations due to factors like climate change, habitat destruction, and pesticide use. The study examined data from 114 populations of 31 butterfly species across 10 U.S. states. Researchers discovered that these vulnerable butterflies are experiencing population declines at an average rate of 8% annually, leading to a 50% decrease over a decade. However, the findings suggest that proper habitat management may slow or even reverse these dramatic declines, offering a glimmer of hope for their survival.

DateSeptember 4, 2024
SourceWashington State University
SummaryA recent study has found that some of the most endangered butterflies are more likely to survive when humans actively manage their habitats.
Butterflies at risk have a better chance of survival with human intervention

If you want to know recent biology news like Butterflies at risk have a better chance of survival with human intervention: Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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Why Butterflies at risk have a better chance of survival with human intervention

Butterflies at risk have a better chance of survival with human intervention
Butterflies at risk have a better chance of survival with human intervention
  • Some of the most endangered butterfly species show improved survival rates when their habitats are actively managed by humans, according to a recent study.
  • The research of butterflies at risk have a better chance of survival with human intervention is led by Washington State University researchers Cheryl Schultz and Collin Edwards, the team analyzed data from 114 populations of 31 butterfly species across 10 U.S. states.
  • The study published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, the study offers hope that human-managed habitats may slow or even reverse these declines.
  • The clearest finding is that butterflies thrive where people actively manage habitats. That’s exciting because it shows habitat management can have a positive impact, even in the face of climate change.
  • Due to climate change, many butterflies have shifted the timing of their seasonal activities, often emerging earlier. The ecological impact of such timing shifts remains unclear, but the study found that for these species, large shifts were generally harmful.
  • The study included species like the Oregon silverspot, Taylor’s checkerspot, Karner blue, and frosted elfin. It also featured Fender’s blue, a butterfly that has rebounded from near extinction in the 1990s to over 30,000 today.
  • Researchers found that habitat interventions such as prescribed burns, mowing, weeding, and planting nectar or “host” plants were tailored to each area’s needs. Volunteers can assist with habitat management through planting and invasive species removal, while homeowners can contribute by creating butterfly-friendly gardens.


1. What is a butterfly habitat?

A butterfly habitat is an area that provides the necessary resources for butterflies to survive and reproduce. This includes nectar sources (like wildflowers), host plants for caterpillars, shelter, and suitable climate conditions.

2. What do butterflies need in their habitat?

Butterflies need:
Nectar plants: Flowers that produce nectar, their primary food source.
Host plants: Specific plants where female butterflies lay eggs and caterpillars feed.
Shelter: Areas with trees, shrubs, or grasses to protect them from predators and harsh weather.
Sunlight: Butterflies are cold-blooded and require sunlight to warm up and become active.
Water and mud: Butterflies often drink water from puddles or damp soil, a process called “puddling” to get nutrients like salts and minerals.

A new study reveals infertility challenges in endangered wild songbird populations

A new study reveals infertility challenges in endangered wild songbird populations. Utilizing 10 years of data, researchers from the University of Sheffield, the Zoological Society of London, and the University of Auckland, New Zealand, have uncovered vital insights into the reproductive challenges faced by the endangered hihi, a rare songbird native to New Zealand.

DateSeptember 3, 2024
SourceUniversity of Sheffield
SummaryA pioneering study has delivered the most detailed estimate yet of infertility rates in an endangered wild animal species.
A new study reveals infertility challenges in endangered wild songbird populations

If you want to know recent biology news likeA new study reveals infertility challenges in endangered wild songbird populations : Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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A groundbreaking study has delivered the most comprehensive estimate to date of infertility rates in a threatened wild animal species. This is the first study to establish a link between small population size, sex ratio bias, and reduced fertilization rates in wild animals, emphasizing the significant reproductive difficulties faced by threatened species with small populations and skewed sex ratios.

The research team examined over 4,000 eggs and evaluated the fertility of nearly 1,500 eggs that failed to hatch. The findings indicated that infertility is responsible for an average of 17 percent of hatching failures in hihi, with early embryo death accounting for most hatching failures.

Why a new study reveals infertility challenges in endangered wild songbird populations

A new study reveals infertility challenges in endangered wild songbird populations
A new study reveals infertility challenges in endangered wild songbird populations
  • The study found that embryos are most vulnerable within the first two days of development, with no significant difference in survival rates between male and female embryos, and no apparent impact from inbreeding.
  • Additionally, infertility rates were higher during years when the population was smaller and male numbers exceeded female numbers, suggesting that increased stress from heightened male harassment of females may contribute to these findings.
  • The hihi, known for its high levels of female harassment by males and frequent extra-pair paternity, exemplifies the reproductive challenges faced by species with skewed sex ratios.
  • In extreme cases, females may experience up to 16 forced copulations per hour, a behavior that is energetically draining and stressful, potentially leading to reduced fertility.
  • By considering the impacts of population size and sex ratio on fertility, conservationists can better manage the numbers and composition of animals in populations, thereby improving fertility rates.

Fay Morland, a PhD student at the University of Sheffield and lead author of the study, said, “One of our key findings is that embryo mortality at the very early stages of development is the most common reason hihi eggs fail to hatch. However, the exact causes of failure at this stage remain unknown. These results highlight the urgent need for more research into the reproductive challenges faced by threatened species to better understand and mitigate the factors driving their risk of extinction.”

Dr. Nicola Hemmings, from the University of Sheffield’s School of Biosciences and leader of the research group, added, “Our research underscores the importance of understanding the factors that affect fertility in endangered species. The link between male-biased sex ratios and lower fertility rates suggests that managing population composition could be crucial for improving reproductive success in conservation programs.”

FAQ on a new study reveals infertility challenges in endangered wild songbird populations

1. What is a hihi bird?

The hihi, also known as the stitchbird (Notiomystis cincta), is a rare and endangered songbird native to New Zealand. It is known for its vibrant plumage and distinctive calls, and it is one of New Zealand’s unique and threatened bird species.

2. What does the hihi bird look like?

Male hihi birds are easily recognizable by their black head, white ear tufts, and striking yellow shoulder bands. Females and juveniles are more subdued in color, typically olive-brown with subtle yellow markings.

The number of fish species at risk of extinction is five times higher than previously estimated

The number of fish species at risk of extinction is five times higher than previously estimated, according to a new prediction because the researchers now predict that 12.7% of marine teleost fish species are at risk of extinction, a figure that is five times higher than the previous estimate of 2.5% by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The report also covers nearly 5,000 species that lacked an IUCN conservation status due to insufficient data.

DateAugust 29, 2024
SummaryThe “silent extinction” of 1,337 threatened species includes key fish families vital to reef ecosystems. So the number of fish species at risk of extinction is five times higher than previously estimated, according to a new prediction.
The number of fish species at risk of extinction is five times higher than previously estimated, according to a new prediction.

If you want to know recent biology news like the number of fish species at risk of extinction is five times higher than previously estimated, according to a new prediction: Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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Why the number of fish species at risk of extinction is five times higher than previously estimated:

The number of fish species at risk of extinction is five times higher than previously estimated
The number of fish species at risk of extinction is five times higher than previously estimated

Researchers have predicted that 12.7% of marine teleost fish species face extinction, a rate five times higher than the previous 2.5% estimate by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Nicolas Loiseau and Nicolas Mouquet from the Marine Biodiversity, Exploitation, and Conservation (MARBEC) Unit in Montpellier, France, along with their team, published these findings on August 29th in the open-access journal PLOS Biology. Their study also includes nearly 5,000 species that lacked IUCN conservation status due to insufficient data.

The IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species monitors over 150,000 species to guide global conservation efforts. However, 38% of marine fish species—4,992 species at the time of this study—are considered Data-Deficient and do not receive an official conservation status or the associated protections. To improve conservation efforts, Loiseau and colleagues used a machine learning model combined with an artificial neural network to predict extinction risks for Data-Deficient species.

These models were trained using data on species occurrence, biological traits, taxonomy, and human usage from 13,195 species. They categorized 78.5% of the 4,992 species as either Non-Threatened or Threatened (including the Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable IUCN categories). The number of predicted Threatened species increased fivefold, from 334 to 1,671, while the number of predicted Non-Threatened species rose by a third, from 7,869 to 10,451.

Predicted Threatened species typically had small geographic ranges, large body sizes, and low growth rates, with extinction risks also associated with shallow habitats. Hotspots for predicted Threatened species included the South China Sea, the Philippine and Celebes Seas, and the western coasts of Australia and North America. The researchers recommend increased research and conservation efforts in these regions.

They also observed significant changes in conservation priority rankings after incorporating IUCN predictions, suggesting that the Pacific Islands and the Southern Hemisphere’s polar and subpolar regions be prioritized for emerging at-risk species. Many species that remained Data-Deficient were found in the Coral Triangle, highlighting the need for further research there.

While the researchers acknowledge that models cannot replace direct evaluations of at-risk species, they argue that AI provides a rapid, extensive, and cost-effective way to assess extinction risks. Loiseau notes, “Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables reliable assessments of extinction risks for species not yet evaluated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Our analysis of 13,195 marine fish species reveals that the extinction risk is significantly higher than the IUCN’s initial estimates, rising from 2.5% to 12.7%. We propose incorporating recent advancements in forecasting species extinction risks into a new synthetic index called the ‘predicted IUCN status,’ which could complement the current ‘measured IUCN status.”

FAQ on the number of fish species at risk of extinction is five times higher than previously estimated

1. What is causing this increase in the extinction risk for fish species?

The increase in estimated extinction risk is due to more comprehensive assessments using advanced models, which include species that previously lacked sufficient data. Factors like habitat loss, overfishing, climate change, and pollution are key drivers of extinction risk for marine fish.

2. What are “Data-Deficient” species, and why are they important?

Data-Deficient species are those for which there is not enough information available to assess their conservation status. They are important because they make up a large portion of marine species, and their conservation needs are often overlooked. New research methods have now predicted the extinction risk for many of these species.

Genomic dark matter uncovers evolutionary mystery in butterflies

Scientists have identified the genomic dark matter uncovers evolutionary mystery in butterflies is a surprising genetic mechanism that affects the vibrant and intricate patterns on butterfly wings. Contrary to previous beliefs, the team found that an RNA molecule, not a protein, is crucial in controlling the distribution of black pigment on butterfly wings.

DateAugust 30, 2024
SourceGeorge Washington University
SummaryNew Research Unveils an Unexpected Genetic Mechanism Shaping Butterfly Wing Coloration
Genomic dark matter uncovers evolutionary mystery in butterflies

If you want to know recent biology news like Genomic dark matter uncovers evolutionary mystery in butterflies : Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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The mystery of how butterflies create their vivid wing patterns has intrigued biologists for centuries. The genetic code within the cells of developing butterfly wings directs the specific arrangement of color on the wing’s scales, akin to the way colored pixels form a digital image. Understanding this genetic code is essential for comprehending how our own genes shape our anatomy which will help us to understand that how genomic dark matter uncovers evolutionary mystery in butterflies.

How genomic dark matter uncovers evolutionary mystery in butterflies

Genomic dark matter uncovers evolutionary mystery in butterflies
Genomic dark matter uncovers evolutionary mystery in butterflies
  • An international team of researchers has discovered the genomic dark matter uncovers evolutionary mystery in butterflies which is an unexpected genetic mechanism that shapes the vibrant and intricate patterns on butterfly wings.
  • The study, led by Luca Livraghi of George Washington University and the University of Cambridge, and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reveals that an RNA molecule, rather than the previously assumed protein, plays a crucial role in determining the distribution of black pigment on butterfly wings.
  • In the lab, scientists can manipulate this code in butterflies using gene-editing tools to observe changes in visible traits, such as wing coloration. While it has long been known that protein-coding genes are vital to these processes—directing when and where particular pigments should be generated—the new research offers a different perspective.
  • The team identified a gene that produces an RNA molecule, not a protein, which controls the placement of dark pigments during butterfly metamorphosis. By using the genome-editing technique CRISPR, the researchers showed that removing the gene responsible for the RNA molecule results in butterflies losing their black pigmented scales entirely, establishing a direct link between RNA activity and the development of dark pigment.
  • This RNA molecule directly influences where black pigment appears on the wings, shaping the butterfly’s color patterns in ways we hadn’t anticipated.
  • The researchers delved deeper into how this RNA molecule functions during wing development. They found a perfect correlation between the RNA’s expression and the formation of black scales.
  • They were amazed that this gene is activated precisely where the black scales will eventually develop. It truly acts like an evolutionary paintbrush, creating intricate patterns across various species.
  • The team also studied this RNA in several other butterfly species, whose evolutionary paths diverged around 80 million years ago. They found that the RNA had evolved to control new patterns of dark pigments in these species.
  • The consistent results from CRISPR mutants across different species show that this RNA gene is not a recent development but a key ancestral mechanism for controlling wing pattern diversity.
  • Many scientists have examined this genetic trait in various butterfly species, and remarkably, this same RNA is consistently used—from longwing butterflies to monarchs and painted ladies. It’s clearly a crucial gene for the evolution of wing patterns.
  • These findings challenge long-held beliefs about genetic regulation and open new possibilities for studying how visible traits evolve in animals.


1. What are butterfly wings made of?

Butterfly wings are made of thin layers of chitin, a protein that is also found in the exoskeletons of other insects. The wings are covered in tiny scales, which are the source of the butterfly’s color and patterns.

2. Why are butterfly wings so colorful?

The vibrant colors of butterfly wings result from the arrangement and structure of the scales on the wings. Colors can be produced by pigments within the scales or by the microscopic structure of the scales themselves, which can reflect and refract light in different ways, creating iridescent or structural colors.

A-DNA Structure and Function | Differences Between A and B DNA

Within the intricate realm of molecular biology, the structure of DNA reveals a fascinating diversity that extends beyond the well-known double helix. Among these structural variants, A-DNA structure and function stands out as a distinctive conformation, offering a unique twist in the intricate tapestry of genetic coding.

Full Form of A-DNA:

In the A-DNA structure and function, the A-DNA stands for ‘Anhydrous DNA,’ referring to a specific conformation of the DNA double helix that is observed under conditions of low water content. This structural form of DNA deviates from the more common B-DNA conformation, adopting a distinct geometry that has intrigued scientists since its discovery.


A-DNA structure and function refers to a specific structural conformation of the DNA double helix, distinct from the more commonly known B-DNA. The nomenclature “A” reflects the structure’s unique characteristics, setting it apart from its counterparts. This form is characterized by a compressed helical structure with a wider diameter and is often observed under specific environmental conditions.

If you want to know about DNA and RNA then read the article: DNA and RNA Structure and Function | Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids.

Occurrence of A-DNA in Various Organisms:

Before knowing the occurrence of A-DNA you must know the A-DNA structure and function, Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), the intricate molecule that encapsulates the genetic information of living organisms, exhibits diverse conformations, including the distinctive A-DNA structure and function.

1. Bacteria:

  • It has been observed in the DNA of bacteria.
  • The adaptability of it may offer specific advantages in bacterial genetic processes, contributing to the diversity of DNA structures in microbial life.

2. Archaea:

  • Archaea, a domain of single-celled microorganisms, also showcase the presence of A-DNA.
  • The unique structural characteristics of this DNA may play roles in essential genetic processes within archaeal organisms.

3. Eukaryotes:

  • It is found in certain eukaryotic organisms.
  • Though B-DNA is the predominant conformation in eukaryotic cells, it may emerge in specific cellular contexts or under certain environmental conditions.

4. Viruses:

  • Some DNA viruses exhibit the presence of A-DNA in their genetic material.
  • The ability of A-DNA to form stable structures may have implications for the viral life cycle and interactions with host cells.

5. Extremophiles:

  • Organisms thriving in extreme environments, known as extremophiles, may harbor A-DNA.
  • Its adaptability to conditions such as high salt concentrations aligns with the extreme environments in which extremophiles thrive.

6. Yeasts:

  • Certain yeasts, a type of eukaryotic microorganisms, may exhibit A-DNA conformations.
  • The presence of A-DNA in yeasts highlights its occurrence in diverse branches of the microbial world.

7. Plants:

  • While B-DNA is prevalent in plant cells, A-DNA may still be present in specific cellular processes.
  • The adaptability of DNA structures may play a role in plant genetics, especially in responses to environmental cues.

8. Unicellular Organisms:

  • Unicellular organisms, including protozoa and algae, may harbor A-DNA.
  • The structural flexibility of A-DNA may contribute to genetic processes in these single-celled organisms.

9. Evolutionary Implications:

  • The presence of A-DNA across various organisms has evolutionary implications.
  • Understanding its occurrence provides insights into the adaptive features of DNA structures over the course of evolution.

10. Ongoing Research:

  • Researchers continue to explore the presence of A-DNA in diverse organisms.
  • Ongoing studies aim to unravel the functional significance of A-DNA in different biological settings, contributing to our understanding of genetic diversity.


The A-DNA structure and function is characterized by a compressed and wider helical structure compared to B-DNA. One of the defining features is the shorter rise per base pair, resulting in a more compact appearance. The major groove is wider, while the minor groove is narrower, contributing to the overall three-dimensional architecture of the helix. Additionally, the sugar-phosphate backbone adopts a distinct tilt, further distinguishing it from other DNA conformations.

Conditions Favoring It’s Formation:

A-DNA structure and function is often observed under specific environmental conditions, particularly when the DNA helix experiences reduced hydration levels. This anhydrous state induces changes in the DNA structure, favoring the adoption of it’s conformation. Additionally, A-DNA structure and function may be stabilized by the presence of certain ions and ligands.

Biological Implications:

While A-DNA structure and function is not the predominant conformation under physiological conditions, it is not merely a structural curiosity. Research suggests that it may play a role in certain biological processes, including DNA-protein interactions and the formation of DNA complexes. Understanding the conditions under which A-DNA structure and function is favored provides valuable insights into its potential functional significance in living organisms.

A-DNA Structure and Function

Structure of A-DNA:

Amidst the diverse landscape of DNA structures, A-DNA, or Anhydrous DNA, exhibits distinct characteristics that set it apart from the more common B-DNA conformation.

A-DNA Structure and Function
A-DNA Structure and Function

1. Compressed Helix:

  • It is characterized by a compressed and wider helical structure compared to the more prevalent B-DNA conformation.
  • The compressed helix gives it’s a distinctive appearance, contributing to its unique three-dimensional architecture.

2. Shorter Rise per Base Pair:

  • This helix displays a shorter rise per base pair compared to B-DNA.
  • This feature contributes to the compact nature of it, influencing its overall structural geometry.

3. Wide Major Groove and Narrow Minor Groove:

  • It’s major groove is wider, providing increased accessibility for molecular interactions.
  • The minor groove is narrower, influencing the specific binding patterns of proteins and other molecules to the DNA.

4. Distinct Tilt of Sugar-Phosphate Backbone:

  • It’s sugar-phosphate backbone adopts a distinct tilt, contributing to its unique structural orientation.
  • This characteristic further distinguishes it from other DNA conformations.

5. Conditions Favoring A-DNA Formation:

  • It is often observed under conditions of reduced water content, such as low hydration levels.
  • The reduced hydration induces structural changes that favor the adoption of it’s conformation.

6. Stabilization by Ions and Ligands:

  • Certain ions and ligands play a role in stabilizing the it’s structure.
  • The presence of specific ions contributes to the maintenance of it under particular environmental conditions.

7. DNA-Protein Interactions:

  • Although not the predominant conformation under physiological conditions, it is involved in DNA-protein interactions.
  • I’s structural features make it suitable for forming stable complexes with proteins, influencing gene expression and regulatory pathways.

8. Potential Functional Significance:

  • Research into the conditions favoring it’s formation provides insights into its potential functional significance in specific biological processes.
  • Understanding the unique characteristics of it contributes to a deeper comprehension of its role in molecular interactions within living organisms.

Function of A-DNA:

In the A-DNA structure and function, DNA, the blueprint of life, comes in various conformations, each with distinct functions. A-DNA, with its unique structural characteristics, also serves specific purposes in molecular dynamics.

1. DNA-Protein Interactions:

  • It is involved in DNA-protein interactions, particularly with certain DNA-binding proteins.
  • The structural features of it, such as its wider major groove, make it suitable for forming stable complexes with proteins.

2. RNA-DNA Hybrid Formation:

  • It plays a role in the formation of RNA-DNA hybrids, where RNA molecules temporarily pair with DNA.
  • This interaction is crucial in processes like transcription, influencing the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA.

3. Stability under Specific Conditions:

  • It is more stable under specific environmental conditions, such as reduced water content or low hydration levels.
  • This stability under distinct circumstances suggests that it may have functional significance in response to environmental cues.

4. Potential Regulatory Functions:

  • It’s unique structure and involvement in DNA-protein interactions suggest potential regulatory functions.
  • The conformational changes in it may contribute to the modulation of gene expression and other regulatory pathways within the cell.

5. Adaptability to Environmental Factors:

  • It’s ability to adopt its conformation based on environmental factors underscores its adaptability.
  • Understanding how it responds to variations in hydration levels or specific ions contributes to insights into its functional flexibility.

6. Implications in Genetic Diversity:

  • A-DNA, through its involvement in DNA-protein interactions, may contribute to genetic diversity.
  • Variations in it conformations could influence how genetic information is accessed and utilized within the cell.

7. Structural Dynamics in DNA Transactions:

  • It’s distinct structural characteristics, including a compressed helix, may play a role in various DNA transactions.
  • These transactions could involve processes such as DNA replication, repair, or recombination.

8. Insights into Evolutionary Adaptations:

  • Studying the functions of it provides insights into evolutionary adaptations.
  • Understanding why certain organisms favor A-DNA under specific conditions contributes to our knowledge of the diversity of life.

Differences Between A-DNA and B-DNA:

This table comparing A-DNA structure and function as well as B-DNA based on various structural and functional characteristics:

Helical StructureCompressed and wider helixMore elongated and narrower helix
Rise per Base PairShorter rise per base pairLonger rise per base pair
Major GrooveWider major grooveNarrower major groove
Minor GrooveNarrower minor grooveWider minor groove
Sugar-Phosphate Backbone TiltDistinct tilt of the backboneGenerally upright backbone
Conditions for FormationFavored under reduced water content or dehydrationPrevalent under physiological conditions
Stabilization FactorsInteraction with specific ions and ligandsHydrogen bonding and base stacking interactions
Biological Functions– DNA-protein interactions – RNA-DNA hybrid formation – Stability under specific conditions– Primary conformation in living cells – Standard DNA structure – Integral role in genetic information storage
Regulatory RolesPotential involvement in gene expression regulationPrimary role in gene expression and regulation
AdaptabilityAdapts to specific environmental factorsStable under physiological conditions
Genetic DiversityPossible contribution to genetic diversityFundamental in maintaining genetic diversity
Roles in DNA TransactionsPotential involvement in various DNA transactionsEssential in DNA replication, repair, and recombination
Evolutionary AdaptationsInsights into adaptive features in response to environmentStable and consistent DNA structure over evolutionary time

While A-DNA structure and function may not be the prevailing form in physiological conditions, its study contributes to a deeper understanding of the structural diversity within the DNA molecule. As researchers continue to explore the intricacies of DNA, it stands as a testament to the complexity and adaptability of genetic structures in the molecular dance of life.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) on A-DNA structure and function

1. What is A-DNA?

It is one of the two major forms of DNA double helix structures, alongside B-DNA. It is a right-handed helical structure that differs from B-DNA in its dimensions and base pair arrangement.

2. How does the structure of A-DNA differ from B-DNA?

The main differences lie in the dimensions and base pair arrangement:
It has a shorter, wider helical structure compared to the longer, narrower B-DNA.
In A-DNA, the base pairs are tilted away from the helical axis, resulting in a deeper major groove and shallower minor groove compared to B-DNA.

3. What is the function of A-DNA?

It is less common in biological systems compared to B-DNA. It is typically observed under certain conditions such as dehydration or in the presence of specific ions. A-DNA can play a role in DNA-protein interactions and may have implications in DNA packaging and gene regulation.

4. How is A-DNA stabilized?

It is stabilized by factors such as dehydration and specific cations, particularly sodium ions. These conditions promote the compression and widening of the helix, favoring the A-form conformation.

5. Can A-DNA undergo transitions to other DNA forms?

Yes, it can transition to other DNA forms such as B-DNA or Z-DNA depending on environmental conditions such as hydration levels, temperature, and the presence of specific ions. These transitions are reversible and may occur in response to changes in cellular conditions.

6. How does A-DNA compare to B-DNA in terms of stability?

It is generally less stable than B-DNA under physiological conditions. However, its stability can be influenced by factors such as sequence composition, environmental conditions, and interactions with proteins or ligands.

Rewriting the evolutionary history of ion channels in the nervous system

A recent study has challenged the traditional understanding of the evolutionary history of ion channels—proteins essential for electrical signaling in the nervous system. The research of rewriting the evolutionary history of ion channels in the nervous system demonstrates that the Shaker family of ion channels was present in microscopic single-celled organisms long before the common ancestor of all animals, predating the development of the nervous system. The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

DateAugust 13, 2024
SourcePenn State Department of Biology
SummaryNew research reveals that certain ion channels existed before the earliest common ancestor of animals.
Rewriting the evolutionary history of ion channels in the nervous system

If you want to know recent biology news like Rewriting the evolutionary history of ion channels in the nervous system: Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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A new study has revised the traditionally understood evolutionary history of certain proteins essential for electrical signaling in the nervous system. Led by researchers at Penn State, the study reveals that the well-known family of proteins—potassium ion channels in the Shaker family—existed in microscopic single-celled organisms long before the common ancestor of all animals. This finding challenges the previous belief that these ion channels evolved alongside the nervous system, suggesting instead that they were present before the nervous system emerged.

How Researchers are rewriting the evolutionary history of ion channels in the nervous system

  • Often it is think of evolution as a linear progression towards increased complexity, but that’s not always the case in nature, For instance, it was believed that as animals evolved and the nervous system became more complex, ion channels developed and diversified accordingly. However, research indicates otherwise.
  • Researchers previously discovered that the oldest living animals, those with simple nerve nets, have the greatest diversity of ion channels. This new finding adds to the growing evidence that many foundational components of the nervous system were already present in our protozoan ancestors—before the nervous system even existed.
  • Ion channels are located in cell membranes and regulate the movement of charged particles, or ions, in and out of cells, creating the electrical signals that are fundamental to nervous system communication. The Shaker family of ion channels, found in a wide range of animals from humans to mice and fruit flies, specifically regulates potassium ion flow to terminate electrical signals known as action potentials. These channels operate similarly to transistors in computer chips, opening or closing in response to changes in the electric field.
  • Much of the understanding of ion channel mechanics comes from studies on the Shaker family. Previously, it was believed these voltage-gated potassium channels were unique to animals, but now discovered that the genes coding for these ion channels are also present in several species of choanoflagellates, the closest living relatives of animals.
  • Earlier, the researchers had searched for these genes in two species of choanoflagellates without success. In the current study, they expanded their search to 21 species and found evidence of Shaker family genes in three of them.
  • Within the Shaker family, several subfamilies, or types, of ion channels are found across the animal kingdom. Recently discovered that the Shaker family genes in choanoflagellates are more closely related to types Kv2, Kv3, and Kv4. Researchers initially thought types 2 through 4 evolved more recently.
  • Understanding of rewriting the evolutionary history of ion channels in the nervous system how these ion channels evolved not only enhances our knowledge of their function but may also have implications for treating disorders related to ion channel dysfunction, such as heart arrhythmias and epilepsy.


1. What are ion channels?

Ion channels are specialized proteins embedded in the cell membrane that regulate the movement of ions (such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride) into and out of the cell. These channels are essential for generating and transmitting electrical signals in cells, particularly in the nervous system.

2. How do ion channels work?

Ion channels operate by opening and closing in response to specific stimuli, such as changes in voltage (voltage-gated channels), binding of a chemical messenger (ligand-gated channels), or mechanical stress (mechanosensitive channels). When open, they allow ions to flow through the membrane, generating an electrical current that contributes to cellular processes like nerve impulses and muscle contraction.

Bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome-“Loopy”

A surprising discovery in bacteria is challenging our understanding of genomes and could provide valuable resources for developing new genetic therapies. Because bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome. This principle was believed to apply universally, from humans to bacteria.

DateAugust 9, 2024
SourceColumbia University Irving Medical Center
SummaryA “loopy” discovery in bacteria is challenging core assumptions about genome’s structure and uncovering a potential source of material for innovative genetic therapies.
Bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome

If you want to know recent biology news like Bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome: Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

  • Scientists have long believed that genes are exclusively encoded within the linear structure of DNA, a blueprint meticulously preserved in chromosome However, a groundbreaking discovery challenges this fundamental assumption.
  • Researchers at Columbia University have unveiled a surprising strategy employed by bacteria to generate functional genes outside their genome. These genes, existing independently of the chromosomal DNA, are essential for the bacteria’s survival, particularly in defense against viral attacks.
  • This finding, described as “astonishing” and akin to “alien biology” by scientists, has already sparked significant attention.
  • Researchers focused on a unique bacterial defense system involving an RNA molecule of unknown function and a reverse transcriptase enzyme, which synthesizes DNA from RNA.
  • Unlike typical bacterial defense mechanisms that degrade viral DNA, this system defends by synthesizing DNA, a puzzling approach that caught the researchers’ interest.

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How bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome

  • Researchers developed a technique to investigate this defense mechanism, discovering that the reverse transcriptase produces repetitive DNA sequences by repeatedly circling a looped section of the RNA molecule.
  • Initially, the researchers thought their experiments were flawed or that the resulting DNA was meaningless. However, further investigation revealed that this DNA is actually a functional, free-floating, transient gene. The protein it encodes, named Neo, plays a vital role in protecting bacteria from viral infection.
  • The potential for similar extrachromosomal genes in higher organisms, including humans, could revolutionize our understanding of genetics. Researchers is now searching for such genes in human cells, using this techniques.
  • Given the many reverse transcriptase genes in the human genome with unknown functions, there is considerable potential for new biological discoveries.
  • This research also holds promise for advancing gene-editing technologies. While CRISPR-based therapies are in clinical trials, the combination of CRISPR with reverse transcriptase could enhance genome editing capabilities.
  • The reverse transcriptase responsible for creating Neo might be a superior tool for laboratory gene editing and the development of new therapies. Sternberg believes that bacteria may harbor many more such enzymes, offering new possibilities for biotechnological innovations.

FAQ on how bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome:

1. What is “loopy” discovery?

The “loopy” discovery refers to the finding that bacteria can produce genes in a circular, looping manner, which is contrary to the traditional linear understanding of genetic code.

2. What is CRISPR?

CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is a revolutionary technology used for precise gene editing. It allows scientists to modify DNA with high accuracy by targeting specific sequences within the genome. CRISPR works by using a guide RNA to locate the desired DNA sequence and an enzyme, typically Cas9, to cut the DNA at that exact location. This process can either disable a gene or insert new genetic material, making it a powerful tool for research, medicine, and biotechnology.

Blind cavefish marked with taste buds on the head and chin

Over thousands of years, cavefish evolved to lose their vision, earning them the name “blind cavefish.” However, some blind cavefish marked with taste buds on the head and chin. In a recent study published in the journal Communications Biology, scientists at the University of Cincinnati determined when these taste buds start to appear outside the oral cavity.

DateAugust 15, 2024
SourceUniversity of Cincinnati
SummaryA biologist from the University of Cincinnati has studied blind cavefish, a species found in the cave ponds of Mexico. The research focused on the timeline for when these fish develop extra taste buds on their head and chin. The study revealed that this expansion of taste buds begins at around five months of age and continues as the fish mature into adulthood.
Blind cavefish marked with taste buds on the head and chin

If you want to know recent biology news like blind cavefish marked with taste buds on the head and chin: Smell prepares nematodes and the human gut to combat infectionsMantis Shrimp-Clam Relationship Challenges a Biological PrincipleInjury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite IncidentsHarnessing big data helps scientists home in on new antimicrobials, New geological datings place the first European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, A New Rule of Biology Focusing on Evolution and Aging.

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How blind cavefish marked with taste buds on the head and chin

  • The research focused on blind cavefish that evolved in cave ponds in northeastern Mexico. These fish are pale pink and nearly translucent compared to their silvery, surface-dwelling counterparts, which have large, round eyes giving them a perpetually surprised look. Despite these physical differences, both fish are considered the same species.
  • Regression, such as the loss of eyesight and pigmentation, is a well-studied phenomenon, but the biological bases of constructive features are less well understood in the evolution and development of cave-dwelling vertebrates.
  • In the 1960s, scientists discovered that certain populations of blind cavefish had extra taste buds on their head and chin. However, there was little follow-up on the developmental or genetic processes behind this unusual trait, according to researcher. To investigate when these extra taste buds appear research team studied the species Astyanax mexicanus, including two separate cavefish populations from the Pachon and Tinaja caves in northwestern Mexico, known for having additional taste buds.
  • The research revealed that the number of taste buds in cavefish is similar to that of surface fish from birth until about five months of age. After this period, the taste buds begin to increase in number and appear on the head and chin, continuing to accumulate well into adulthood, around 18 months.
  • Cavefish can live much longer than 18 months in both nature and captivity, and the researchers suspect that even more taste buds develop as the fish age. While the timing of taste bud appearance was comparable between the Pachon and Tinaja cavefish populations, there were differences in the density and timing of expansion, Gross noted. Another surprising finding was the genetic basis of this trait: Despite the complexity of this feature, it seems that the increased number of taste buds on the head is mainly controlled by just two regions of the genome.
  • The increase in taste buds corresponds with the time cavefish stop consuming live prey and begin to pursue other food sources, such as bat guano, according to researcher. Interestingly, this expansion may also occur in caves without bat populations.
  • The additional taste buds likely give cavefish a more refined sense of taste, which Gross believes is an adaptive trait. It remains unclear what the precise functional and adaptive relevance of this enhanced taste system is leading the team to begin new studies that expose the fish to different flavors like sour, sweet, and bitter.