Bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome-“Loopy”

A surprising discovery in bacteria is challenging our understanding of genomes and could provide valuable resources for developing new genetic therapies. Because bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome. This principle was believed to apply universally, from humans to bacteria.

DateAugust 9, 2024
SourceColumbia University Irving Medical Center
SummaryA “loopy” discovery in bacteria is challenging core assumptions about genome’s structure and uncovering a potential source of material for innovative genetic therapies.
Bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome

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  • Scientists have long believed that genes are exclusively encoded within the linear structure of DNA, a blueprint meticulously preserved in chromosome However, a groundbreaking discovery challenges this fundamental assumption.
  • Researchers at Columbia University have unveiled a surprising strategy employed by bacteria to generate functional genes outside their genome. These genes, existing independently of the chromosomal DNA, are essential for the bacteria’s survival, particularly in defense against viral attacks.
  • This finding, described as “astonishing” and akin to “alien biology” by scientists, has already sparked significant attention.
  • Researchers focused on a unique bacterial defense system involving an RNA molecule of unknown function and a reverse transcriptase enzyme, which synthesizes DNA from RNA.
  • Unlike typical bacterial defense mechanisms that degrade viral DNA, this system defends by synthesizing DNA, a puzzling approach that caught the researchers’ interest.

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How bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome

  • Researchers developed a technique to investigate this defense mechanism, discovering that the reverse transcriptase produces repetitive DNA sequences by repeatedly circling a looped section of the RNA molecule.
  • Initially, the researchers thought their experiments were flawed or that the resulting DNA was meaningless. However, further investigation revealed that this DNA is actually a functional, free-floating, transient gene. The protein it encodes, named Neo, plays a vital role in protecting bacteria from viral infection.
  • The potential for similar extrachromosomal genes in higher organisms, including humans, could revolutionize our understanding of genetics. Researchers is now searching for such genes in human cells, using this techniques.
  • Given the many reverse transcriptase genes in the human genome with unknown functions, there is considerable potential for new biological discoveries.
  • This research also holds promise for advancing gene-editing technologies. While CRISPR-based therapies are in clinical trials, the combination of CRISPR with reverse transcriptase could enhance genome editing capabilities.
  • The reverse transcriptase responsible for creating Neo might be a superior tool for laboratory gene editing and the development of new therapies. Sternberg believes that bacteria may harbor many more such enzymes, offering new possibilities for biotechnological innovations.

FAQ on how bacteria encode hidden genes beyond their genome:

1. What is “loopy” discovery?

The “loopy” discovery refers to the finding that bacteria can produce genes in a circular, looping manner, which is contrary to the traditional linear understanding of genetic code.

2. What is CRISPR?

CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is a revolutionary technology used for precise gene editing. It allows scientists to modify DNA with high accuracy by targeting specific sequences within the genome. CRISPR works by using a guide RNA to locate the desired DNA sequence and an enzyme, typically Cas9, to cut the DNA at that exact location. This process can either disable a gene or insert new genetic material, making it a powerful tool for research, medicine, and biotechnology.