Semi-Conservative DNA Replication in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

DNA replication is a fundamental biological process that ensures genetic continuity and fidelity across generations of cells. It is essential for the accurate transmission of genetic information from parent to offspring for the maintenance of genetic integrity within cells and show semi-conservative DNA replication.

Definition of DNA Replication

DNA replication is the process by which a cell makes an identical copy of its DNA. This process occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle, before cell division, to ensure that each daughter cell receives an accurate set of genetic instructions. DNA replication involves the unwinding of the DNA double helix, the synthesis of new complementary strands using existing strands as templates, and the proofreading mechanisms that ensure high fidelity in copying the genetic information.

If you want to know the detailed structure of DNA and RNA then read the article: DNA and RNA Structure and Function | Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids.

Types of DNA Replication

DNA replication is a critical process in all living organisms, ensuring the accurate transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next. There are three main types of DNA replication: semi-conservative DNA replication, conservative, and dispersive.

Type of DNA ReplicationDescriptionExperimental Verification
Semi-Conservative DNA ReplicationEach parental DNA strand serves as a template for a new complementary strand.Experimentally verified by Meselson and Stahl (1958) using isotopic labeling.
Conservative DNA ReplicationOne parent DNA molecule remains intact, and a new molecule is synthesized entirely from new nucleotides.Proposed as a theoretical model but not definitively observed in biological systems.
Dispersive DNA ReplicationParental DNA breaks into fragments, and each fragment serves as a template for the synthesis of new DNA fragments.Initially proposed as a theoretical model but not supported by experimental evidence.
Types of DNA Replication

Conservative DNA Replication

DNA replication is a fundamental process in all living organisms, ensuring the accurate transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next. Among the different models proposed to explain how DNA is copied, conservative DNA replication is one such theoretical model. While not the mechanism used by cells, understanding this model helps illustrate the diverse possibilities considered by scientists during the early days of molecular biology research.

What is Conservative DNA Replication?

In the conservative model of DNA replication, the entire parent DNA molecule is conserved intact, and a completely new DNA molecule is synthesized. According to this model, after replication, one of the resulting DNA molecules contains both original parent strands, while the other contains entirely new strands.

Key Points of Conservative DNA Replication:

  • Original DNA Molecule: Remains unchanged and fully conserved after replication.
  • New DNA Molecule: Composed entirely of newly synthesized strands.
  • Outcome: Results in one old (parental) DNA molecule and one entirely new DNA molecule.

Theoretical Basis

The conservative model was one of the initial hypotheses proposed to explain DNA replication. This idea suggested that the genetic information could be duplicated without altering the original DNA molecule. Scientists considered this model to understand the potential mechanisms by which DNA could ensure accurate genetic transmission.

Experimental Investigation

To determine which model accurately described DNA replication, scientists conducted several experiments. The most notable experiment was performed by Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl in 1958, using isotopic labeling of DNA in Escherichia coli bacteria. Their results supported the semi-conservative model, where each new DNA molecule consists of one original strand and one newly synthesized strand. Consequently, the conservative model was ruled out as the mechanism used by living cells.

Semi-Conservative DNA Replication

Semi-conservative DNA replication is a fundamental process in molecular biology that ensures the accurate duplication of genetic material. This process is crucial for cell division, growth, development, and the maintenance of genetic integrity. Understanding how semi-conservative DNA replication works provides insight into the mechanisms that underpin heredity and the continuity of life.

semi-conservative DNA replication
Semi-Conservative DNA Replication


Semi-conservative DNA replication is a method by which a double-stranded DNA molecule is copied to produce two identical DNA molecules. Each new DNA molecule consists of one original (parental) strand and one newly synthesized strand. This model of replication was first proposed by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, based on their double helix structure of DNA.

The Meselson-Stahl Experiment

The model of semi-conservative DNA replication was confirmed by the famous Meselson-Stahl experiment in 1958. Here’s a brief overview of the experiment:

  1. Isotopic Labeling: Meselson and Stahl used isotopes of nitrogen (N-15 and N-14) to distinguish between old and new DNA strands. E. coli bacteria were grown in a medium containing N-15, which was incorporated into their DNA, making it denser.
  2. Transfer to N-14 Medium: The bacteria were then transferred to a medium containing the lighter N-14 isotope. As the bacteria replicated, new DNA strands incorporated N-14.
  3. Centrifugation: DNA samples were extracted and subjected to density gradient centrifugation. This process separated DNA molecules based on their density.
  4. Results: After one round of replication, the DNA formed a single band at an intermediate density, indicating each DNA molecule consisted of one N-15 strand and one N-14 strand. After a second round, two bands appeared: one at the intermediate density and one at the lighter N-14 density. These results confirmed the semi-conservative model.

Watch DNA Replication Here

Steps of Semi-Conservative DNA Replication

  1. Initiation:
    • Origin of Replication: DNA replication begins at specific locations called origins of replication.
    • Helicase: The enzyme helicase unwinds and separates the two strands of the DNA double helix, creating a replication fork.
  2. Elongation:
    • Primase: An RNA primer is synthesized by primase to provide a starting point for DNA synthesis.
    • DNA Polymerase: DNA polymerase enzymes add complementary nucleotides to the template strands, synthesizing new DNA strands. The leading strand is synthesized continuously, while the lagging strand is synthesized in short fragments called Okazaki fragments.
  3. Termination:
    • Ligase: DNA ligase joins the Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand, sealing any breaks in the sugar-phosphate backbone.
    • Proofreading: DNA polymerases have proofreading abilities to correct errors, ensuring high fidelity in DNA replication.

Significance of Semi-Conservative DNA Replication

  • Accuracy: Ensures each daughter cell receives an identical copy of the DNA, maintaining genetic stability.
  • Continuity: Provides a mechanism for genetic information to be passed accurately from one generation to the next.
  • Evolution: Allows for genetic variation through mutations and recombination, driving evolution and adaptation.

Dispersive DNA Replication

DNA replication is a critical process in molecular biology, ensuring that genetic information is accurately copied and passed on during cell division. While the semi-conservative model of DNA replication is widely accepted and experimentally validated, other models, including dispersive replication, were proposed during the early exploration of DNA replication mechanisms. This article delves into the concept of dispersive replication, explaining its theoretical basis and comparison with other models.

What is Dispersive DNA Replication?

Dispersive DNA replication is a theoretical model suggesting that the parental DNA molecule is fragmented into smaller pieces, which then serve as templates for the synthesis of new DNA segments. According to this model, each resulting DNA molecule consists of interspersed segments of old and new DNA.

Key Points of Dispersive DNA Replication:

  • Fragmentation: Parental DNA is broken into smaller pieces.
  • Template Function: Each fragment serves as a template for new DNA synthesis.
  • Resulting Molecules: New DNA molecules are a mix of old and new DNA segments throughout their length.

Historical Context

During the early 1950s, as scientists were deciphering the structure and replication mechanisms of DNA, several models were proposed to explain how DNA replicates. Dispersive replication was one such model, alongside conservative and semi-conservative replication.

Theoretical Basis

The dispersive model posited that DNA replication might involve breaking the original DNA strands into multiple pieces. These pieces would then act as templates for synthesizing new DNA fragments. The new DNA molecules would therefore be a patchwork of old and new DNA, mixed within each strand.

Experimental Investigation

To determine the correct model of DNA replication, Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl conducted a landmark experiment in 1958 using isotopic labeling and density gradient centrifugation. They grew Escherichia coli bacteria in a medium containing a heavy isotope of nitrogen (N-15), then shifted them to a medium with a lighter isotope (N-14) and monitored the replication of DNA.


  • After one replication cycle, DNA formed an intermediate density band, suggesting each DNA molecule contained both old and new material.
  • After two replication cycles, DNA formed two distinct bands: one at the intermediate density and one at the lighter density, supporting the semi-conservative model.
  • The results did not support the dispersive model, which would have shown a gradual shift in density rather than distinct bands.

Comparison Table of The Three Types of DNA replication

FeatureSemi-Conservative DNA ReplicationConservative DNA ReplicationDispersive DNA Replication
DescriptionEach parental DNA strand serves as a template for a new complementary strand.The entire parent DNA molecule is conserved, and a completely new DNA molecule is synthesized.Parental DNA is fragmented, and new DNA is synthesized in segments; resulting molecules are a mix of old and new DNA.
Resulting DNA MoleculesEach new DNA molecule contains one old (parental) strand and one newly synthesized strand.One DNA molecule consists of two old strands, and the other consists of two new strands.Each new DNA molecule contains interspersed segments of old and new DNA throughout its length.
Experimental VerificationConfirmed by the Meselson-Stahl experiment in 1958.Proposed as a theoretical model but not observed in biological systems.Initially proposed as a theoretical model, but not supported by experimental evidence.
Key ExperimentsMeselson and Stahl used isotopic labeling and density gradient centrifugation to validate this model.No definitive experimental support; ruled out by the Meselson-Stahl experiment.Disproven by the Meselson-Stahl experiment, which did not show the gradual density shift predicted by this model.
Fidelity and AccuracyHigh fidelity due to proofreading mechanisms; ensures genetic continuity.Theoretical model did not address fidelity mechanisms; unlikely to ensure genetic accuracy.Theoretical model did not account for fidelity mechanisms; fragmentary nature would complicate genetic accuracy.
Role in BiologyWidely accepted and observed in all living organisms; fundamental for genetic inheritance.Theoretical and not observed in nature; primarily of historical interest in scientific hypothesis testing.Theoretical and not observed in nature; helped shape understanding of possible replication mechanisms during early research.
Three Types of Replication

Semi-Conservative DNA Replication in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Chromosome StructureSingle, circular chromosomeMultiple, linear chromosomes
Origins of ReplicationSingle origin of replication (oriC)Multiple origins of replication per chromosome
Replication ForksTwo replication forks formed at the originMultiple replication forks formed at various origins
Replication DirectionBidirectional from the single originBidirectional from each origin
Key Enzymes– DNA Helicase – Single-Strand Binding Proteins (SSBs) – Primase- DNA Polymerase III- DNA Polymerase I – DNA Ligase– DNA Helicase – Single-Strand Binding Proteins (SSBs) – Primase – DNA Polymerase α, δ, and ε- RNAse H – DNA Ligase
Primer SynthesisRNA primers synthesized by primaseRNA primers synthesized by primase (part of DNA Polymerase α complex)
Leading Strand SynthesisContinuous synthesis by DNA Polymerase IIIContinuous synthesis by DNA Polymerase ε
Lagging Strand SynthesisDiscontinuous synthesis by DNA Polymerase III, forming Okazaki fragmentsDiscontinuous synthesis by DNA Polymerase δ, forming Okazaki fragments
Primer RemovalDNA Polymerase I removes RNA primers and replaces them with DNARNAse H removes RNA primers; gaps filled by DNA Polymerase δ
Fragment JoiningDNA Ligase joins Okazaki fragmentsDNA Ligase joins Okazaki fragments
Replication RateApproximately 1000 nucleotides per secondApproximately 50 nucleotides per second
ComplexityRelatively simple due to smaller genome size and single chromosomeMore complex due to larger genome size, multiple chromosomes, and chromatin structure
Comparison Table

Semi-conservative DNA replication is a meticulously regulated process that ensures genetic continuity and diversity in living organisms. Its discovery and understanding have revolutionized genetics and molecular biology, laying the groundwork for advancements in medicine, biotechnology, and evolutionary studies.

FAQ on Semi-Conservative DNA Replication

1. Why is the semi-conservative DNA replication mechanism important?

The semi-conservative mechanism is crucial because it ensures genetic stability and continuity. By preserving one original strand in each new DNA molecule, the process minimizes errors and maintains the integrity of genetic information across generations.

2. What would happen if replication were not semi-conservative DNA replication?

If DNA replication were not semi-conservative, the fidelity and stability of genetic information might be compromised. Alternative models, such as conservative or dispersive replication, do not ensure the same level of accuracy and continuity, potentially leading to increased mutations and genetic instability.

How Cells Enhance Gene Expression-The New Biology Discovery

How cells enhance gene expression by antisense RNA? Antisense RNA plays a crucial role in gene expression by regulating the activity of specific genes. By preventing the production of certain proteins, antisense RNA helps control various cellular processes, ensuring that genes are expressed at the right levels and times. This regulation is vital for maintaining cellular function and responding to environmental changes.

DateJune 24, 2024
SourceUniversity of Gottingen
SummaryA research team from the University of Gottingen has uncovered a crucial function of antisense RNA (asRNA). They discovered that asRNA serves as a “superhighway” for cellular transport, thereby speeding up gene expression. Their findings were published in Nature.
How Cells Enhance Gene Expression

If you want to know recent biology news like How Cells Enhance Gene Expression, then read here: Why Fasting is Not Always Good for Your Health, Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared Nanoscopy.

Role of RNA in Gene Expression:

  • RNA (ribonucleic acid) is essential for converting DNA information into proteins. There are various types of RNA, including messenger RNA (mRNA).
  • Just visit types of RNA here
  • As a type of coding RNA, mRNA’s function is to carry the genetic instructions for protein synthesis from the DNA in the cell nucleus to the cytoplasm, where these instructions are used by other cellular components to produce proteins.
  • In addition to coding RNA, cells produce large quantities of non-coding RNA. A significant portion of this non-coding RNA is complementary to mRNA and is known as antisense RNA (asRNA). The role of asRNA has long been a mystery.

How Cells Enhance Gene Expression:

  • The research team team discovered that antisense RNA binds with mRNA, facilitating its transport from the cell nucleus to the cytoplasm.
  • This results in faster translation of mRNA into proteins compared to when antisense RNA is absent.
  • Thus, antisense RNA acts as a “booster” for gene expression, which is crucial for cells, especially when facing harmful environmental conditions or stress.

Prospect of This Research:

  • This new research builds on the team’s previous work, also published in Nature, which demonstrated that mRNAs activated under stress bypass quality control.
  • The recent findings clarify why cells produce large amounts of antisense RNA (asRNA), given the significant energy investment involved.
  • The newly identified mechanism explains how cells rapidly respond to external stimuli by producing essential proteins in large quantities, allowing them to adapt to environmental changes or enter specific developmental stages.
  • This new understanding positions asRNAs at the forefront of research into disease development and potential treatments.

To explain how cells enhance gene expression Professor Heike Krebber from Gottingen University’s Institute of Microbiology and Genetics said “I couldn’t believe that cells would generate RNAs without a purpose. This goes against natural principles.”


1. What is antisense RNA (asRNA)?

Antisense RNA (asRNA) is a type of non-coding RNA that is complementary to messenger RNA (mRNA). It binds to mRNA molecules, influencing their function and stability.

2. How cells enhance gene expression?

Antisense RNA regulates gene expression by binding to mRNA, which can block its translation into proteins or alter its stability and transport within the cell. This helps control the production of specific proteins.

3. Why is antisense RNA important?

Antisense RNA is important because it plays a critical role in fine-tuning gene expression. It ensures that proteins are produced at the right time and in the right amounts, which is essential for cellular function and response to environmental changes.

4. Why do cells produce large quantities of antisense RNA?

Cells produce large quantities of antisense RNA to quickly respond to external stimuli, such as stress or environmental changes. This rapid response allows cells to produce necessary proteins promptly, aiding in adaptation and survival.

Heating Proteins to Body Temperature Uncovers New Drug Targets

Traditionally, proteins are studied at low temperatures to maintain stability. Yet, a recent study illustrates that specific proteins exhibit high sensitivity to temperature and undergo structural changes when observed at body temperature. So heating proteins to body temperature uncovers new drug targets these findings, published today in Nature.

DateMay 15, 2024
SourceVan Andel Research Institute
SummaryA novel method for studying proteins at body temperature reveals that some proteins significantly change their structures when heated, creating new opportunities for structure-guided drug development. The study focused on a protein called TRPM4.
Biology News: Heating proteins to body temperature uncovers new drug targets

If you want to know recent biology news like heating proteins to body temperature uncovers new drug targets, then read here: Why Fasting is Not Always Good for Your Health, Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared Nanoscopy.

About TRPM4 Protein:

  • Certain proteins alter their shape when exposed to different temperatures and reveal previously unknown binding sites for medications. These findings could transform various areas of biology by fundamentally changing the study of protein structures and their use in drug design.
  • The research centered on TRPM4, a protein essential for heart function and metabolism, including insulin release. Consequently, TRPM4 is associated with various health conditions such as stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.
  • TRPM4 is a type of protein known as a transient receptor potential (TRP) channel. It plays a crucial role in various physiological processes within the body.
  • The TRPM4 protein is a transmembrane protein, meaning it spans the cell membrane. It consists of multiple domains, including transmembrane domains that form the channel pore and regulatory domains that control its activity.
  • The TRPM4 protein is involved in regulating the flow of ions, particularly calcium ions, across cell membranes. It helps control cell signaling, which is essential for numerous functions, including heart function, metabolism, and insulin release.

How Drugs Enter into the Cell Membrane Watch Here

Experiment of How Heating Proteins to Body Temperature Uncovers New Drug Targets:


To detect TRPM4 at body temperature, the team utilized VAI’s advanced cryo-electron microscopes (cryo-EM). These instruments enable scientists to flash-freeze proteins and create detailed images of their structures, instead of using a low-temperature sample.
This approach revealed that ligands—molecules that bind to proteins—interact with entirely different sites on TRPM4 at body temperature compared to lower temperatures.The findings of this study have extensive implications and underscore the significance of examining proteins at body temperature to accurately identify physiologically relevant drug binding sites.
Biology News: Heating proteins to body temperature uncovers new drug targets

Proteins serve as the molecular engines of the body, with their shape dictating their interactions with other molecules to carry out their functions. By unraveling protein structures, scientists can craft templates that steer the development of more potent medications and thus heating proteins to body temperature uncovers new drug targets.


1. What does it mean to heat proteins to body temperature?

Heating proteins to body temperature refers to subjecting proteins to the same temperature as the human body, approximately 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit).

2. Why is heating proteins to body temperature important?

Heating proteins to body temperature reveals how they behave under conditions similar to those inside the human body. This can provide insights into their structure and function, including how they interact with potential medications.

3. What are drug targets?

Drug targets are specific molecules, such as proteins, that medications interact with to produce a therapeutic effect. Identifying new drug targets is crucial for developing effective treatments for various diseases.

A Highly Infectious Bird Flu Virus Detected in New York City

A recent study published in the Journal of Virology, a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, found that a small number of wild birds in New York City carry highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza and this is a highly infectious bird flu virus.

DateMay 15, 2024
SourceAmerican Society for Microbiology
SummaryA recent study found that a small number of wild birds in New York City are carriers of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza.
Biology News: Highly Infectious Bird Flu Virus Detected in New York City

If you want to know recent biology news like Highly Infectious Bird Flu Virus Detected in New York City, then read here: Why Fasting is Not Always Good for Your Health, Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared Nanoscopy.

About H5N1:

The H5N1 virus, commonly known as avian influenza or bird flu, is a type of influenza virus that primarily affects birds but can also infect humans and other animals. It is highly pathogenic, meaning it can cause severe disease and death in poultry and has significant implications for public health and agriculture.


H5N1 is primarily spread through direct contact with infected birds, their droppings, or contaminated environments. Human infections are rare but can occur, typically through close interaction with infected poultry. There is a concern among scientists about the potential for the virus to mutate and gain the ability to spread easily between humans, which could lead to a global pandemic.

Symptoms in Humans

In humans, H5N1 infection can cause a range of symptoms, from mild respiratory issues to severe respiratory distress and pneumonia. Common symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, and in severe cases, difficulty breathing and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The virus has a high mortality rate in humans, making it a serious public health concern.

Another Viral Infection is Here

How Highly Infectious Bird Flu Virus Detected in New York City:

In the study, the researchers collected and screened 1,927 samples between January 2022 and November 2023, detecting H5N1 in six city birds from four different species.

All positive samples came from urban wildlife rehabilitation centers, highlighting their crucial role in viral surveillance.
Genetic comparison of these samples with other H5N1 viruses in a public database revealed slight differences, showing they belonged to two different genotypes.

These genotypes are a mix of Eurasian H5N1 clade virus and local North American avian influenza viruses. New York City is a key stopover for migrating wild birds
H5N1 in city birds does not indicate the onset of a human influenza pandemic.
H5N1 has been present in New York City for about two years, and no human cases have been reported
Biology News: Highly Infectious Bird Flu Virus Detected in New York

According to the expert, it’s wise to stay vigilant and avoid contact with wildlife, including preventing pets from interacting with wild animals. If handling wildlife is necessary, it is crucial to always use safe practices when dealing with sick or injured birds or other animals because they may carry the highly infectious bird flu virus H5N1.


1. How can H5N1 infections be prevented?

Prevention measures include:
Monitoring and surveillance of poultry for signs of infection.
Implementing strict biosecurity measures on poultry farms.
Vaccinating poultry against H5N1.
Educating the public about risks and preventive steps, especially those working with poultry.

2. Can H5N1 be treated?

Currently, antiviral medications can be used to treat H5N1 infections in humans, but their effectiveness can vary. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for the best outcomes.

3. Is there a vaccine for H5N1?

There are vaccines for poultry to prevent H5N1, but vaccines for humans are still in development and not widely available. Research is ongoing to create effective human vaccines.
By understanding and following preventive measures, and supporting ongoing research, we can better manage and reduce the risks associated with the H5N1 virus.

How Pharmacists and Chemists Can Become The Key Players in Species Conservation

In the wake of the alarming decline of numerous animal and plant species towards endangerment and extinction, a scientist from the University of Michigan stresses the pressing need for chemists and pharmacists to actively engage in species conservation endeavors because pharmacists and chemists can become the key players in species conservation.

DateApril 30, 2024
SourceUniversity of Michigan
SummaryIn light of the imminent threat of losing numerous animal and plant species to endangerment and extinction, a scientist emphasizes the critical role of chemists and pharmacists in conservation initiatives.
Biology News

If you want to know recent biology news like pharmacists and chemists can become the key players in species conservation., then read here: Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared NanoscopyWhy Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis is in News.

Why Pharmacists and Chemists Can Become The Key Players in Species Conservation:

  • Timothy Cernak, assistant professor of medicinal chemistry at the U-M College of Pharmacy, emphasizes the critical need for medicinal chemistry expertise on the forefront of extinction becausepharmacists and chemists can become the key players in species conservation.
  • He highlights that while animals are facing alarming rates of mortality, there is hope through the application of modern bioscience breakthroughs, originally developed for human disease treatment, in wildlife conservation efforts so pharmacists and chemists can become the key players in species conservation.
  • He emphasized that they are currently experiencing a widespread extinction event, with mass mortality events occurring globally. From lowland gorillas to Argentinian penguins, and the akikiki bird in Hawaii to loggerhead turtles in Florida, the list is extensive, with numerous precious plant species also teetering on the brink.
  • With deadly fungus devastating Panamanian golden frogs, cancerous tumors afflicting loggerhead turtles, and a multitude of pests and diseases plaguing plants like the hemlock tree, conservation medicine faces a plethora of challenges to address.

Watch The Video of An Extinct Animal Here

Causes of Extinction:

According to Cernak, the ongoing mass extinction is propelled by factors such as habitat destruction, climate change, and excessive harvesting. However, one particular underlying issue is wildlife diseases, which presents a promising opportunity for intervention. Medicinal chemistry stands as that intervention and pharmacists and chemists can become the key players in species conservation.

In one of his numerous roles and research endeavors, Cernak receives specimens of deceased and ailing species from various regions worldwide.

Employing methodologies and models akin to those utilized in identifying compounds effective against human diseases, his laboratory at U-M, recently augmented by the addition of a veterinarian, assesses chemical compounds’ efficacy on these samples to identify those that combat disease-causing organisms.

A significant emphasis is placed on addressing fungus, which stands as the primary threat to amphibians, causing widespread mortality

They suggest that while a lasting solution to mass extinction lies in addressing climate change and habitat loss through innovative technologies and policies, there is an immediate need for chemistry to aid endangered species as a short-term measure.
Medicinal chemists invested in extinction prevention are urged to engage in discussions with a range of professionals, including zookeepers, foresters, veterinarians, entomologists, wildlife rehabilitators, and conservationists.


Cernak’s laboratory has pioneered the application of artificial intelligence and other technologies to accelerate the drug discovery process. He emphasized that this advancement not only enhances the potential to assist animals and plants but also expedites the timeframe for providing such aid because pharmacists and chemists can become the key players in species conservation.


1. What is endangerment and extinction?

Endangerment refers to the state of being at risk of extinction, where a species faces significant decline in population and is threatened with disappearing entirely. Extinction occurs when a species no longer exists anywhere in the world.

2. How serious is the issue of endangerment and extinction?

The issue is extremely serious. Scientists warn that we are currently experiencing a mass extinction event, with species disappearing at an alarming rate. This threatens biodiversity, disrupts ecosystems, and can have cascading effects on human well-being.

How Hybrid Brains Help Mice To Smell Like A Rat | Biology News

The researchers began their experiment by identifying mice that lacked a functional olfactory system, rendering them unable to perceive smells. These mice served as the subjects for the experiment, providing a unique opportunity to investigate the restoration of sensory function. This marks the first successful integration of sensory apparatus from one species into another. Thus researchers proves that hybrid brains help mice to smell like a rat.

DateApril 25, 2024
SourceColumbia University Irving Medical Center
SummaryScientists have achieved a breakthrough by restoring the sense of smell in mice that were previously without an olfactory system, using neurons from rats these hybrid brains help mice to smell like a rat
Biology News

If you want to know recent biology news like Hybrid Brains Help Mice To Smell Like A Rat, then read here: Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared NanoscopyWhy Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis is in News.

Experiment: Hybrid Brains Help Mice To Smell Like A Rat:


The research team implanted rat stem cells into mouse blastocysts, a developmental stage that occurs shortly after fertilization.

This allowed the rat and mouse cells to coalesce and naturally integrate with each other.
In their initial hybrid experiments, the team investigated the distribution of rat neurons within the mouse brain.

Despite rats typically having larger brains and a slower developmental pace, the rat cells conformed to the developmental cues of the mouse, speeding up their maturation process and forming analogous connections to those observed in native mouse cells.

They observed rat cells spread across nearly the entirety of the mouse brain was quite unexpected

This indicates that there are minimal obstacles to integration, indicating that various types of mouse neurons could potentially be substituted by equivalent rat neurons.

The researchers then assessed whether the rat neurons had been incorporated into a functional neural circuit, specifically within the olfactory system, crucial for mice to locate food and evade predators.

By manipulating the mouse embryo to eliminate or deactivate its own olfactory neurons, the researchers could easily determine if the rat neurons had reinstated the animals’ sense of smell.

Result of The Experiments:

They placed a cookie in each mouse cage and observed their ability to locate it using the rat neurons. However, some mice performed better than others in finding the cookie. That is hybrid brains help mice to smell like a rat.

The researchers discovered that mice retaining their own silenced olfactory neurons were less adept at finding hidden cookies compared to those whose olfactory neurons were engineered to vanish during development.

If you want to read more such biology news: Why Fasting is Not Always Good for Your Health, Cell Membrane Damage Promotes Cellular Senescence.

The hybrid brains help mice to smell like a rat. This indicates that adding replacement neurons isn’t a simple plug-and-play process. For functional replacement, it may be necessary to clear out dysfunctional neurons that are inactive, which could be relevant in certain neurodegenerative diseases as well as neurodevelopmental disorders like autism and schizophrenia.


1. What does it mean for a mouse to lack an olfactory system?

Mice without an olfactory system are unable to smell due to a malfunction or absence of the olfactory organs and related neural pathways responsible for detecting odors.

2. What are the future implications of this research?

The findings that hybrid brains help mice to smell like a rat. pave the way for further exploration of brain plasticity and neural engineering. They offer hope for developing innovative treatments for individuals with sensory deficits and neurological disorders, ultimately improving their quality of life.

3. Are there any challenges in the process of restoring the sense of smell in mice?

Yes, one challenge is ensuring the functional integration of the transplanted neurons into the existing neural circuits. Researchers also note that successful integration may require the removal of dysfunctional neurons, indicating that the process is not simply “plug-and-play.”

Scientists Reveal That PI3K Enzyme Has Both Accelerator And Brake Functions

A team of researchers has advanced our understanding of a crucial enzyme governing cell migration. Their recent publication in the journal Nature Communications highlights that the PI3K enzyme has both accelerator and brake functions.

DateApril 24, 2024
SourceTohoku University’s Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS)
SummaryThe enzyme PI3K is crucial for cell migration, a function long recognized by scientists. However, recent findings reveal that a subunit of this enzyme can also act as a brake, halting this process.
Biology News

If you want to know recent biology news like PI3K Enzyme Has Both Accelerator And Brake Functions, then read here: Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared NanoscopyWhy Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis is in News.

About PI3K:

The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) is a significant signaling enzyme extensively studied for over three decades due to its pivotal roles in essential cellular functions such as growth, survival, movement, and metabolism. It also plays a crucial role in cell migration and invasion, processes whose dysregulation can lead to various pathologies.

PI3K Enzyme Has Both Accelerator And Brake Functions:

Employing a blend of bioinformatics, molecular modeling, biochemical binding assays, and live-cell imaging, researchers disordered segment within the inter-SH2 domain of p85β directly interacts with the endocytic protein AP2.

This segment of PI3K can trigger a cellular process that draws specific molecules into the cell, independent of the enzyme’s usual lipid-modification function.

Disrupting this binding resulted in the mutated p85β failing to function properly.

Instead of modulating cell movement through its brake mechanism, it accumulated in specific cellular locations.

Instead of modulating cell movement through its brake mechanism, it accumulated in specific cellular locations.

This led to heightened and sustained cell movement, indicating a loss of control over cell migration by the brake mechanism.

Significantly, this single PI3K enzyme has both accelerator and brake functions within its molecular structure.

The endocytic mechanism plays a pivotal role in regulating PI3K’s activity, ensuring that cell movement is appropriately controlled during critical biological processes.

Relation of PI3K Enzyme With Cancer:

  1. Instead, the scientists reveal PI3K enzyme has both accelerator and brake functions but the braking function was identified as unique to the p85β subunit alone.
  2. The p85β subunit of PI3K is associated with cancer-promoting characteristics, gaining a deeper comprehension of PI3K regulation and its isoform specificity could pave the way for innovative therapeutic approaches.
  3. These strategies could selectively target and inhibit the cancer-promoting attributes of PI3K while safeguarding the normal functions of PI3K in healthy cells.

If you want to read more such biology news: Why Fasting is Not Always Good for Your Health, Cell Membrane Damage Promotes Cellular Senescence.

While the PI3K enzyme has both accelerator and brake functions, the ongoing research on PI3K aims to deepen our understanding of PI3K signaling and develop more effective and safer therapies. Combining PI3K inhibitors with other cancer treatments shows promise in overcoming drug resistance and improving patient outcomes.


1. What is the structure of the PI3K enzyme?

PI3K (Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase) is composed of two subunits: a regulatory subunit (p85) and a catalytic subunit (p110). These subunits work together to form a functional enzyme.

2. What does each subunit of PI3K do?

The p85 subunit helps regulate the activity of the enzyme, while the p110 subunit carries out the catalytic function, adding phosphate groups to specific lipids in the cell membrane.

3. Are there different types of PI3K?

Yes, PI3K is classified into several classes and isoforms, each with specific functions and tissue distributions. These variations contribute to the diverse roles of PI3K in different cell types.

Why T. rex Was Not As Smart As Previously Claimed | Biology News

T. rex was not as smart as previously claimed is in top science news because the latest research, released today in The Anatomical Record, conducted by a collaborative team including the University of Bristol, delves into the methodologies for predicting brain size and neuron counts in dinosaur brains. The findings highlight the unreliability of previous assumptions regarding the brain size and neuron count in dinosaurs.

DateApril 29, 2024
SourceUniversity of Bristol
SummaryPrevious research suggests that dinosaurs possessed intelligence comparable to reptiles but fell short of the level seen in monkeys.
Biology News

If you want to know recent biology news like T. rex was not as smart as previously claimed, then read here: Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared NanoscopyWhy Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis is in News.

About T. rex:

  • Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex) lived approximately 68 to 66 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous period, in what is now North America.
  • With its massive size, powerful jaws, and distinctive appearance, it belonged to a group of carnivorous dinosaurs known as theropods, characterized by their bipedal stance, sharp teeth, and predatory behavior.
  • T. rex stood tall, reaching heights of up to 20 feet at the hips and lengths of around 40 feet from head to tail.
  • Estimates suggest that it weighed between 9 and 14 metric tons, making it one of the largest land predators ever known.

Previous Research:

  • A study published last year asserted that dinosaurs such as T. rex possessed an unusually large number of neurons, indicating higher intelligence than previously believed.
  • This research suggested that these elevated neuron counts could offer insights into intelligence, metabolism, and life history, portraying T. rex as exhibiting behaviors reminiscent of primates.
  • Additionally, the study suggested that T. rex might have displayed cognitive abilities such as cultural transmission of knowledge and potential tool use.

Watch The Video of The Dinosaur Here

Research: Why T. rex Was Not As Smart As Previously Claimed:

This study builds upon decades of analysis conducted by paleontologists and biologists who have scrutinized the size and anatomy of dinosaur brains. These researchers have utilized data from mineral infillings within brain cavities, known as endocasts, as well as the shapes of these cavities, to glean insights into dinosaur behavior and lifestyle.The team observed that the estimated brain size, particularly that of the forebrain, had been exaggerated, consequently affecting neuron counts. Furthermore, they demonstrated that using neuron count estimates as a gauge for intelligence is not dependable.The team asserts that to accurately reconstruct the biology of extinct species, and concluded that researchers should consider various lines of evidence, such as skeletal anatomy, bone histology, the behavior of modern relatives, and trace fossils.

The recent scientific research that is T. rex was not as smart as previously claimed has challenged the long-standing perception of Tyrannosaurus rex as a highly intelligent predator. Studies comparing the brain structure of T. rex to other dinosaurs and modern-day birds, its closest living relatives, indicate that its brain-to-body ratio was relatively low.

FAQ on T. rex Was Not As Smart As Previously Claimed

1. How did T. rex become extinct?

The exact reasons for the extinction of T. rex, along with the non-avian dinosaurs, are still debated among scientists. One prevalent theory suggests that a catastrophic event, such as an asteroid impact, led to dramatic environmental changes that ultimately resulted in the extinction of many species, including T. rex.

2. Are there any T. rex fossils on display?

Yes, numerous museums around the world house T. rex fossils and exhibits, allowing visitors to learn about this fascinating dinosaur firsthand. Some notable museums with T. rex displays include the American Museum of Natural History in New York and the Field Museum in Chicago.

Study Reveals An Enhanced Bacterial Defense Against Viral Infection

The study was published on April 16 in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology revealed that one key factor responsible for bacterial defense against viral infection is when phages invade bacteria and exploit their cellular mechanisms for replication. Recent advancements in technology have facilitated the identification of the proteins engaged in these defense mechanisms. However, researchers are still delving further into the functions of these proteins.

DateApril 26, 2024
SourceOhio State University
SummaryScientists document the molecular formation of a prevalent anti-phage system, belonging to the protein family known as Gabija, which is believed to be employed by approximately 8.5% to 18% of bacterial species worldwide.
Biology News

If you want to know recent biology news like Bacterial Defense Against Viral Infection, then read here: Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared NanoscopyWhy Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis is in News.

About Bacteriophages:

Bacteriophages are viruses composed of genetic material, either DNA or RNA, encased in a protein coat. They come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from simple structures to complex arrangements resembling lunar landers. Despite their diversity, all bacteriophages share a common mission: to infect bacterial cells and hijack their cellular machinery to replicate and produce more phages.

Experiment: Bacterial Defense Against Viral Infection

The components of this bacterial defense against viral infection are referred to as Gabija A and Gabija B, abbreviated as GajA and GajB, respectively.

Using cryo-electron microscopy, scientists employed a method to discern the biochemical architectures of GajA and GajB separately, as well as of a supramolecular complex termed GajAB. This complex arises when the two proteins combine, forming a cluster composed of four molecules from each protein.
Scientists observed that while one protein alone dictate the ability to repel a phage, its effectiveness significantly amplifies when it interacts with another protein. This combined complex exhibits remarkable proficiency in cleaving the genome of an invading phage, rendering it incapable of replication.Researchers hypothesize that the formation of the complex between the two proteins is essential for their involvement in phage prevention. However, they also suggest that one protein on its own possesses some anti-phage capabilities.

Future Application of The Experiment:

Watch The Application of Bacteria Here

These discoveries of bacterial defense against viral infection contribute to our comprehension of microorganisms’ evolutionary tactics and hold potential for future biomedical applications, according to researchers.

If you want to read more such biology news: Why Fasting is Not Always Good for Your Health, Cell Membrane Damage Promotes Cellular Senescence.

Bacteria employ sophisticated defense mechanisms to combat viral infections. Recent research has unveiled intricate molecular assemblies, such as the Gabija protein complex, which play pivotal roles in bacterial defense against viral infection. Understanding these defense strategies enhances our grasp of microbial biology and may pave the way for innovative biomedical interventions in the future.

FAQ on Bacterial Defense Against Viral Infection:

1. What is the Gabija protein complex?

The Gabija protein complex is a molecular assembly found in bacteria that plays a key role in defending against viruses. It consists of two proteins, Gabija A and Gabija B, which work together to inhibit viral replication.

2. How does the Gabija complex work?

When Gabija A and Gabija B proteins combine, they form a potent defense complex. This complex can disrupt the viral genome, rendering the virus unable to replicate and propagate within the bacterial host.

3. Why is understanding bacterial defense important?

Understanding how bacteria defend against viral infections provides insights into fundamental biological processes. Moreover, this knowledge may inspire the development of novel strategies for combating bacterial infections and advancing biomedical research

Intermittent Fasting Provides Defense Against Liver Inflammation and Liver Cancer

Intermittent fasting provides defense against liver inflammation and liver cancer because an approved drug for these diseases can partially imitate the effects of intermittent fasting. Fatty liver disease frequently progresses to chronic liver inflammation and may result in liver cancer. Recent studies in mice demonstrate that intermittent fasting, following a 5:2 schedule, can effectively arrest this progression. This fasting regimen diminishes the incidence of liver cancer in mice already afflicted with liver inflammation.

DateMay 7, 2024
SourceGerman Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ)
SummaryResearchers have pinpointed two proteins within liver cells that collaborate to engender the protective benefits of fasting. Furthermore, an approved medication exhibits the capacity to emulate this effect to some extent.
Biology News: Intermittent Fasting Provides Defense Against Liver Inflammation and Liver Cancer

If you want to know recent biology news like Intermittent Fasting Provides Defense Against Liver Inflammation and Liver Cancer, then read here: Why Fasting is Not Always Good for Your Health, Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared Nanoscopy.

About The Liver Diseases:

The most prevalent chronic liver condition is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which can have severe implications. If left unaddressed, NAFLD can progress to liver inflammation, known as metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH), liver cirrhosis, and potentially liver cancer. Fatty liver disease is predominantly perceived as a direct consequence of obesity.

Experiment: Intermittent Fasting Provides Defense Against Liver Inflammation and Liver Cancer

Watch Here: What does the liver do?


The animals(mice) were provided with a diet high in both sugar and fat, resembling the typical Western diet.

One set of mice had unrestricted access to this diet. As anticipated, these mice experienced weight gain, increased body fat, and developed chronic liver inflammation.

During the exploration of various intermittent fasting regimens, it became evident that several factors such as the frequency and duration of fasting cycles, along with the timing of the fasting phase initiation, influence the safeguarding against liver inflammation.

On the other hand, the mice in the alternate group underwent a dietary regimen where they fasted for two days a week for 5:2, while being allowed to eat huge on the remaining days.

Despite consuming a high-calorie diet, these mice did not exhibit weight gain, displayed fewer indications of liver disease, and demonstrated reduced levels of biomarkers associated with liver damage.From this analysis, two key components driving the protective response to fasting were identified: the transcription factor PPARα and the enzyme PCK1. These molecular entities collaborate to enhance the breakdown of fatty acids and gluconeogenesis while impeding the accumulation of fats
Biology News: Intermittent Fasting Provides Defense Against Liver Inflammation and Liver Cancer

Role of Approved Drug:

The medication pemafibrate emulates the actions of PPARα within the cell. Is it possible for this substance to replicate the protective benefits of fasting as well? To address this inquiry, researchers conducted experiments in mice. Pemafibrate prompted certain beneficial metabolic alterations akin to those observed during 5:2 fasting so the researchers can say that the intermittent fasting provides defense against liver inflammation and liver cancer

Intermittent fasting provides defense against liver inflammation and liver cancer through controlled periods of fasting, the body undergoes metabolic shifts that contribute to the reduction of liver inflammation and the inhibition of cancerous growth.

FAQ on Intermittent Fasting Provides Defense Against Liver Inflammation and Liver Cancer:

1. What are PPARα and PCK1?

PPARα (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor alpha) and PCK1 (Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase 1) are two important proteins found in the liver cells of both humans and animals.

2. What do PPARα and PCK1 do?

PPARα plays a crucial role in regulating the expression of genes involved in fatty acid breakdown and energy metabolism in the liver. It helps in the breakdown of fatty acids and promotes their utilization for energy production.
PCK1, on the other hand, is an enzyme involved in a process called gluconeogenesis, where new glucose is produced from non-carbohydrate sources like fats and proteins. It also plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels.