How Injury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite Incidents?

Injury dressings in first-aid Kits can identify shark species after bite incidents -this study published in the journal Forensic Science International: Genetics included researchers from Flinders University. It is based on three separate shark incidents where samples were collected from surf skis and a surfboard.

DateJuly 30, 2024
SourceFlinders University
SummaryResearchers have found that injury dressings in first-aid kits can be effectively used to identify shark species involved in bite incidents. By using medical gauze to collect DNA samples from aquatic equipment, such as surfboards, scientists can reliably determine the shark species responsible.
Injury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite Incidents

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How Injury Dressings in First-Aid Kits Can Identify Shark Species After Bite Incidents?

  • Using PCR testing, researchers demonstrated that medical gauze could effectively collect organic tissue and DNA samples from shark bites. The team successfully identified the shark species responsible for each bite across three incidents in Australia and South Africa, including one instance over a month after the incident.
  • The researchers also compared the effectiveness of ordinary gauze to specialized forensic swabs used to collect genetic material from shark bite sites. Both methods were found to work well for species identification.
  • Dr. Belinda Martin, the study’s lead author at Flinders University’s College of Science & Engineering, emphasized the importance of rapidly identifying shark species to guide future prevention measures and reduce shark incidents. She noted that eyewitness accounts are often unreliable due to trauma, making this new DNA collection approach crucial.
  • “This technique is important for first responders, including surfers, lifesavers, police, and paramedics,” said Dr. Martin. “As long as humans engage in marine activities, shark-human interactions will continue, and although rare, they deeply affect victims and communities.”
  • Co-author Dr. Michael Doane added that the gauze method is a simple and effective alternative to forensic-grade swabs, providing reliable species identification hours to days after a shark bite.
  • He recommended that first responders use sterile gauze to collect DNA samples from the bite site as soon as possible to minimize contamination and DNA loss, increasing the likelihood of accurate species identification.

Watch Video of Shark Here


1. What is a first aid kit?

A first aid kit is a collection of supplies and equipment that is used to provide medical treatment in case of an injury or emergency. It typically includes items such as bandages, antiseptics, medical tape, gauze, scissors, and other basic medical supplies.

2. What items should be included in a basic first aid kit?

A basic first aid kit should include:
1. Adhesive bandages of various sizes
2. Sterile gauze pads
3. Adhesive tape
4. Antiseptic wipes
5. Antiseptic ointment
6. Tweezers
7. Scissors
8. Safety pins
9. Disposable gloves
10. A digital thermometer
11. A CPR face shield or mask
12. A first aid manual

3. Why is rapid identification of shark species important?

Rapid identification helps produce accurate information that can guide preventive measures, reduce public anxiety, and provide vital details to victims and communities affected by shark incidents.

4. What are the benefits of using medical gauze for DNA collection?

Medical gauze is widely available, easy to use, and provides a simple and effective alternative to forensic-grade sterile swabs, making it accessible for first responders and the general public.

5. What types of sharks are most commonly involved in attacks on humans?

The sharks most commonly involved in attacks on humans are:
Great White Shark
Tiger Shark
Bull Shark