Plant Kingdom Classification Chart Class 11 Full Chapter 3 in Gist

Step into the vibrant world of the plant kingdom classification chart! Plants, the green architects of our planet, are grouped into various categories based on shared characteristics. The primary division lies between vascular and non-vascular plants. Vascular plants, like trees and ferns, have specialized tissues for water and nutrient transport, while non-vascular plants, such as mosses, lack these structures. Within these groups, plants are further classified into families based on distinct features and adaptations.

Plant Kingdom Classification Chart

The below outlines the plant kingdom classification chart of plants into major groups, highlighting their characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

  1. Algae (Division: Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta)
    • Multicellular or unicellular photosynthetic organisms
    • Found in aquatic environments
    • Examples: Green algae, Brown algae, Red algae
  2. Bryophyta (Division: Bryophytes)
    • Non-vascular plants
    • Lack specialized tissues for water and nutrient transport
    • Examples: Mosses, Liverworts, Hornworts
  3. Pteridophyta (Division: Pteridophytes)
    • Vascular plants
    • Reproduce via spores
    • Examples: Ferns, Clubmosses, Horsetails
  4. Gymnospermae (Division: Gymnosperms)
    • Vascular plants
    • Seeds not enclosed in a fruit
    • Examples: Conifers (Pines, Spruces, Firs), Cycads, Ginkgo
  5. Angiospermae (Division: Angiosperms)
    • Vascular plants
    • Seeds enclosed in a fruit
    • Further divided into two classes:
    a. Monocotyledons (Class: Monocots)
    • Have one cotyledon (seed leaf) in the embryo
    • Parallel leaf venation
    • Examples: Grasses, Lilies, Orchids
    b. Dicotyledons (Class: Dicots)
    • Have two cotyledons in the embryo
    • Netted leaf venation
    • Examples: Roses, Sunflowers, Oak Trees

If you want to know about the first chapter, then read the article: The Living World – Full Chapter Here.

Salient and Distinguishing Features of Algae:

In the plant kingdom classification chart, Algae, often overlooked in favor of their larger, leafy counterparts, are fascinating and diverse organisms that play crucial roles in ecosystems around the globe. From the vibrant green of freshwater ponds to the majestic kelp forests of the ocean depths, algae come in a dazzling array of forms and colors.

HabitatAlgae are simple, chlorophyll-bearing organisms that are primarily found in aquatic environments, including both freshwater and marine habitats.

However, they can also be found in a variety of other settings, such as moist stones, soils, and wood.

Some algae even form symbiotic relationships with fungi, as seen in lichens, or with animals, like those found on sloth bears.
SizeThe size and form of algae vary widely, ranging from colonial forms like Volvox to filamentous forms like Ulothrix and Spirogyra.

In marine environments, certain algae, such as kelps, can form massive plant bodies.
ReproductionAlgae reproduce through vegetative, asexual, and sexual methods.

Vegetative reproduction occurs through fragmentation, where each fragment develops into a new thallus.

Asexual reproduction involves the production of spores, with zoospores being the most common type. These spores are flagellated and give rise to new plants upon germination.

Sexual reproduction occurs through the fusion of two gametes, which can be flagellated and similar in size (isogamous) or non-flagellated but similar in size (anisogamous).

In some species, such as Volvox and Fucus, sexual reproduction involves the fusion of a large, non-motile female gamete with a smaller, motile male gamete (oogamous).
Roles in EcosystemAlgae play significant roles in ecosystems and are beneficial to humans in various ways.

They are responsible for a considerable portion of carbon dioxide fixation through photosynthesis, thereby increasing oxygen levels in their surroundings.

As primary producers, they form the basis of the food chains for aquatic animals.
Commercial ImportanceMany species of marine algae, including Porphyra, Laminaria, and Sargassum, are consumed as food.

Additionally, certain types of marine brown and red algae produce hydrocolloids, such as algin and carrageen, which are used commercially.

Agar, derived from algae like Gelidium and Gracilaria, is utilized in microbiology and food products like ice creams and jellies.

Chlorella, a unicellular alga rich in proteins, is used as a dietary supplement, even by astronauts.
ClassificationIn the plant kingdom classification, Algae are classified into three main classes: Chlorophyceae (green algae), Phaeophyceae (brown algae), and Rhodophyceae (red algae)
Salient and Distinguishing Features of Algae in Plant Kingdom Classification Chart

Examples and Differences of Algae:

FeatureChlorophyceae (Green Algae)Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae)Rhodophyceae (Red Algae)
Pigment CompositionChlorophylls a and b, carotenoidsChlorophylls a and c, fucoxanthin, xanthophyllsChlorophylls a and d, phycoerythrin, phycocyanin
HabitatFreshwater, marine, terrestrialPredominantly marine, some freshwater speciesPredominantly marine, some freshwater and terrestrial
ColorationTypically green, although some may appear yellow or redTypically brown, ranging from olive to dark brownTypically red or purple, although some may appear green
Cell Wall CompositionCelluloseCellulose, alginCellulose, agar, carrageenan
Structure and FormVariable, may be unicellular, colonial, or filamentousVariable, ranging from simple filaments to complexVariable, ranging from filamentous to multicellular
Photosynthetic StructuresChloroplasts with stacked thylakoidsChloroplasts with unstacked thylakoidsChloroplasts with unstacked thylakoids
Ecological ImportancePrimary producers, important in freshwater ecosystemsFound in rocky intertidal zones, provide habitatImportant contributors to coral reef ecosystems
Economic SignificanceUsed in research, food sources, and wastewater treatmentCommercially harvested for algin and hydrocolloidsCommercially harvested for agar, carrageenan, and food
Examples and Differences of Algae in Plant Kingdom Classification Chart

Salient and Distinguishing Features of Bryophyta:

Bryophytes, often referred to as mosses and liverworts, are a group of small, non-vascular plants that play essential roles in ecosystems worldwide. Despite their diminutive size, these plants boast a range of unique features and adaptations that set them apart from other plant groups.

Watch The Video of Moss Here

HabitatBryophytes encompass various mosses and liverworts, commonly found thriving in shaded, moist areas, particularly in hilly regions.

Often referred to as the “amphibians of the plant kingdom,” bryophytes can survive in soil but rely on water for sexual reproduction.

They typically inhabit damp, humid, and shaded environments, playing a crucial role in plant succession on bare rocks or soil.
StructureThe plant body of bryophytes is more complex compared to algae, exhibiting a thallus-like structure that can be prostrate or erect, with attachment to the substrate facilitated by unicellular or multicellular rhizoids.

True roots, stems, or leaves are absent, though they may possess structures resembling roots, leaves, or stems.
ReproductionThe primary plant body of bryophytes is haploid and known as a gametophyte, producing multicellular sex organs.

The male sex organ, called an antheridium, produces biflagellate antherozoids, while the female sex organ, called an archegonium, produces a single egg.

Upon fertilization, the zygote develops into a sporophyte, which remains attached to the photosynthetic gametophyte and obtains nourishment from it.

Some sporophyte cells undergo reduction division (meiosis) to produce haploid spores, which germinate to form new gametophytes.
Economic ImportanceWhile bryophytes generally hold little economic significance, certain moss species serve as food for herbivorous mammals, birds, and other animals.

Sphagnum moss, for instance, provides peat, historically used as fuel and packing material due to its water-retaining properties.

Mosses, along with lichens, are pioneers in colonizing rocks, playing a vital ecological role in rock decomposition and soil formation.

Dense moss mats on soil mitigate the impact of rainfall and prevent soil erosion.
ClassificationIn the plant kingdom classification, Bryophytes are classified into liverworts and mosses, each contributing to ecological processes and ecosystem stability in their unique ways.
Salient and Distinguishing Features of Bryophyta in Plant Kingdom Classification Chart

Examples and Differences of Bryophyta:

HabitatLiverworts typically thrive in moist and shaded environments, such as stream banks, marshy areas, damp soil, tree bark, and deep within forests.Mosses are commonly found in moist and shaded areas, such as forests, wetlands, and along stream banks.

They can also inhabit more extreme environments, including arctic tundras and deserts
StructureThe plant body of a liverwort is thalloid in structure, exemplified by species like Marchantia.

The thallus is dorsiventral, meaning it has distinct upper and lower surfaces, and closely adheres to the substrate.

Leafy liverworts feature tiny leaf-like structures arranged in two rows along stem-like structures.
The primary phase of the moss life cycle is the gametophyte stage, which comprises two distinct phases.

The initial phase is known as the protonema stage, originating directly from a spore.

It manifests as a creeping, green, and often filamentous structure, branching out extensively.

The subsequent phase is the leafy stage, emerging from the secondary protonema as a lateral bud.

This stage features upright, slender axes adorned with spirally arranged leaves and anchored to the soil by multicellular and branched rhizoids.

It is within this stage that the reproductive organs are located.
Asexual ReproductionAsexual reproduction in liverworts occurs through thallus fragmentation or the formation of specialized structures known as gemmae (singular: gemma).

Gemmae are multicellular, green, asexual buds that develop within small receptacles called gemma cups on the thallus. These gemmae detach from the parent body and germinate to give rise to new individuals.
Mosses reproduce vegetatively through fragmentation and budding within the secondary protonema.
Sexual ReproductionDuring sexual reproduction, liverworts produce male and female sex organs, which may occur on the same thallus or on separate ones.

The sporophyte, differentiated into a foot, seta, and capsule, develops after fertilization.

Meiosis within the capsule produces spores, which germinate to form independent gametophytes, completing the life cycle of liverworts.
In sexual reproduction, specialized structures called antheridia and archegonia develop at the tips of the leafy shoots.

Upon fertilization, the zygote matures into a sporophyte, comprising a foot, seta, and capsule.

Unlike liverworts, moss sporophytes are comparatively more intricate.

The capsule houses spores, which are produced through meiosis. Mosses exhibit a sophisticated mechanism for spore dispersal.
ExamplesMarchantia polymorpha, Marchantia berteroana, Conocephalum conicum, Pellia epiphylla, Riccia fluitansFunaria hygrometrica, Polytrichum commune, Sphagnum palustre
Examples and Differences of Bryophyta in Plant Kingdom Classification Chart

Salient and Distinguishing Features and Examples of Pteridophyta:

In the plant kingdom classification chart, Pteridophytes encompass horsetails and ferns and are utilized for medicinal purposes and as agents for binding soil. They are commonly cultivated for their ornamental value as well. Evolutionarily, they represent the earliest terrestrial plants to possess vascular tissues—xylem and phloem.

HabitatPteridophytes are typically found in cool, damp, shaded environments, although some species thrive in sandy soil conditions.
StructureThe dominant phase is the gametophytic plant body, pteridophytes primarily feature a sporophyte as the main plant body. This sporophyte is differentiated into true roots, stems, and leaves, each equipped with well-defined vascular tissues.

The leaves in pteridophytes can vary in size, with some species exhibiting small leaves (microphylls), such as Selaginella, while others showcase large leaves (macrophylls), as seen in ferns.

Sporophytes bear sporangia, which are accompanied by leaf-like structures known as sporophylls. In certain instances, sporophylls may form distinct compact structures called strobili or cones, as observed in Selaginella and Equisetum.
Sporangia produce spores through meiosis in spore mother cells. These spores germinate to generate inconspicuous, small yet multicellular, free-living thalloid gametophytes termed prothalli.

These gametophytes typically necessitate cool, damp, and shaded environments for growth. Due to their specific requirements and reliance on water for fertilization, the distribution of living pteridophytes is limited and confined to narrow geographic regions.
Gametophytes bear male and female sex organs referred to as antheridia and archegonia, respectively.

Water is essential for the transfer of antherozoids, the male gametes released from the antheridia, to the archegonium.

Fusion between the male gamete and the egg within the archegonium results in the formation of a zygote.

Subsequently, the zygote develops into a multicellular, well-differentiated sporophyte, representing the dominant phase of pteridophytes.
DevelopmentIn the majority of pteridophytes, all spores are of similar kinds, classifying them as homosporous. However, genera like Selaginella and Salvinia produce two kinds of spores—macro (large) and micro (small) spores—making them heterosporous.

Megaspores and microspores germinate to produce female and male gametophytes, respectively. Female gametophytes in these plants are retained on the parent sporophytes for varying durations.

The development of zygotes into young embryos within female gametophytes serves as a precursor to the seed habit, marking an important evolutionary milestone.
ExamplesIn the plant kingdom classification, Pteridophytes are further categorized into four classes: Psilopsida (Psilotum), Lycopsida (Selaginella, Lycopodium), Sphenopsida (Equisetum), and Pteropsida (Dryopteris, Pteris, Adiantum).
Salient and Distinguishing Features and Examples of Pteridophyta in Plant Kingdom Classification Chart

Salient and Distinguishing Features and Examples of Gymnosperm:

In the plant kingdom classification chart, Gymnosperms, derived from the Greek words “gymnos” meaning naked and “sperma” meaning seeds, refer to plants where the ovules lack an enclosing ovary wall, remaining exposed both before and after fertilization. Consequently, the seeds formed post-fertilization are uncovered, hence termed as naked seeds.

CriteriaSalient and Distinguishing Features
HabitatGymnosperms, including iconic species like pine, spruce, and cedar, inhabit a diverse array of environments worldwide. These resilient plants thrive in various habitats, from temperate forests and boreal regions to mountainous landscapes and coastal areas. Their adaptability allows them to flourish in environments with different climates, soil types, and elevations.
StructureGymnosperms encompass a range of medium to tall trees and shrubs, with notable examples including the towering giant redwood tree Sequoia.
Root SystemRoot systems in gymnosperms typically consist of tap roots, with some genera forming symbiotic associations with fungi in the form of mycorrhiza, as seen in Pinus, while others like Cycas exhibit coralloid roots associated with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria.
Stem SystemStems in gymnosperms may be either unbranched, as in Cycas, or branched, as in Pinus and Cedrus. The leaves may vary in complexity, being either simple or compound. For instance, in Cycas, the pinnate leaves persist for a few years.
SporesGymnosperms are heterosporous, producing haploid microspores and megaspores. These spores develop within sporangia borne on sporophylls, arranged spirally along an axis to form lax or compact strobili or cones.
Strobili or ConesStrobili bearing microsporophylls and microsporangia are termed microsporangiate or male strobili, where microspores develop into a highly reduced male gametophyte called a pollen grain within the microsporangia.

Cones bearing megasporophylls with ovules or megasporangia are termed macrosporangiate or female strobili. While male and female cones or strobili may be borne on the same tree in Pinus, in Cycas, male cones and megasporophylls are borne on different trees.
ReproductionDuring fertilization, the pollen grain is released from the microsporangium, carried by air currents, and comes in contact with the opening of the ovules borne on megasporophylls.

The pollen tube carrying the male gametes grows towards archegonia in the ovules and discharges its contents near the mouth of the archegonia.

Following fertilization, the zygote develops into an embryo and the ovules into seeds, which remain uncovered.
AdaptabilityGymnosperm leaves are well-adapted to withstand extreme environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and wind. In conifers, needle-like leaves reduce surface area, while a thick cuticle and sunken stomata help reduce water loss.

In pteridophytes, the male and female gametophytes in gymnosperms do not have an independent free-living existence, remaining within the sporangia retained on the sporophytes.
Examples1. Pine: Pinus spp. (with various species such as Pinus sylvestris, Pinus ponderosa, etc.)
2. Spruce: Picea spp. (with various species such as Picea abies, Picea glauca, etc.)
3. Cedar: Cedrus spp. (with various species such as Cedrus atlantica, Cedrus deodara, etc.)
Salient and Distinguishing Features and Examples of Gymnosperm in Plant Kingdom Classification Chart

Salient and Distinguishing Features and Examples of Angiosperm:

Angiosperms, also known as flowering plants in the plant kingdom classification chart, represent a diverse group of plants characterized by the presence of flowers and enclosed seeds within fruits. This group includes a vast array of plant species, ranging from tiny herbs to towering trees like oak and maple.

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HabitatThis diverse group of plants thrives in a wide array of habitats, ranging from the diminutive Wolffia to towering Eucalyptus trees exceeding 100 meters in height.
StructureAngiosperms or flowering plants exhibit a distinctive reproductive structure known as flowers, within which both pollen grains and ovules develop. Furthermore, angiosperms encase their seeds within specialized structures called fruits.
Economic ImportanceAngiosperms play pivotal roles in human society by providing essential resources such as food, fodder, fuel, medicines, and various other commercially significant products.
ClassificationIn the plant kingdom classification, they are classified into two main classes: dicotyledons and monocotyledons.
Salient and Distinguishing Features in Plant Kingdom Classification Chart

Differences Between Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons:

FeatureDicotyledons (Dicots)Monocotyledons (Monocots)
Seed StructureTwo cotyledons (seed leaves) presentSingle cotyledon (seed leaf) present
Leaf VeinsBranched (net-veined)Parallel veins
Stem AnatomyVascular bundles arranged in a ringVascular bundles scattered throughout the stem
Flower PartsTypically in multiples of four or fiveTypically in multiples of three
Root SystemTaproot systemFibrous root system
Growth PatternSecondary growth often present, resulting in woody stemsSecondary growth usually absent, stems herbaceous
Pollen GrainsThree furrows or pores (tricolpate)One furrow or pore (monosulcate)
GerminationHypocotyl elongates and forms a hook during germinationHypocotyl remains short and straight during germination
ExamplesRoses, oak trees, tomatoes, sunflowersGrasses (e.g., wheat, rice), lilies, orchids
Differences Between Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons in Plant Kingdom Classification Chart

The plant kingdom classification chart provides a structured framework for understanding the vast diversity of plant life on Earth. This plant kingdom classification chart system not only aids in scientific research but also helps us appreciate the vital roles that plants play in sustaining life on our planet, from producing oxygen to providing food, shelter, and medicine.

FAQ on Plant Kingdom Classification Chart:

1. What is plant kingdom classification chart?

Plant kingdom classification chart is the systematic categorization of plants into different groups based on their shared characteristics, evolutionary relationships, and biological traits.

2. Why is plant kingdom classification chart important?

Plant kingdom classification helps scientists organize and understand the immense diversity of plant life on Earth. It provides a framework for studying plants, identifying species, and tracing evolutionary lineages.

3. How is plant kingdom classification chart related to other scientific fields?

Plant kingdom classification intersects with fields such as botany, ecology, evolutionary biology, and agriculture. It provides a foundation for research in these disciplines and contributes to our understanding of plant-environment interactions, ecosystem dynamics, and human dependence on plants for sustenance and ecosystem services.