Scientists Detect Doubling in the Source of Cancer Cells | Biology News

Scientists Detect Doubling in the Source of Cancer Cells published in the May 3 edition of Science, uncover the malfunction that occurs when a cluster of molecules and enzymes initiates and controls the ‘cell cycle,’ the recurring sequence responsible for generating new cells from the genetic material within cells.

DateMay 2, 2024
SourceJohns Hopkins Medicine
SummaryBy experimenting with human breast and lung cells, researchers report they have mapped out a molecular pathway capable of enticing cells into a perilous journey of excessive genome duplication, a characteristic feature of cancerous cells.
Biology News: Scientists Detect Doubling in the Source of Cancer Cells

Biology News

If you want to know recent biology news like Scientists Detect Doubling in the Source of Cancer Cells, then read here: Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared NanoscopyWhy Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis is in News.

About Cell Cycle and Cancer:

Cells reproduce in an orderly manner, beginning with generating a duplicate of their entire genome, then separating the genome copies, and lastly dividing the replicated DNA evenly between two “daughter” cells.

Human cells have 23 pairs of each chromosome – half from the mother and half from the father, including the sex chromosomes X and Y – for a total of 46, however, cancer cells are known to go through an intermediate state with double that amount (92 chromosomes). How this occurred was a mystery.

Cells that are stressed after copying the genome may go dormant, or senescent while scientists detect doubling in the source of cancer cells in their experiment.

The immune system sweeps out these latent cells once they are “recognized” as defective. However, the immune system cannot always eliminate the cells, especially as humans age. If left to meander in the body, aberrant cells can reproduce their genome, shuffle the chromosomes at the next division, and a cancerous tumor develops.

Visualize The Cell Division Here

Experiment: Scientists Detect Doubling in the Source of Cancer Cells

Sl. No.ExperimentObservationConclusion
1.For this recent investigation, the team meticulously analyzed numerous images capturing individual cells undergoing cell division. Utilizing luminous biosensors, the researchers labeled cellular enzymes known as cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), renowned for their regulatory role in the cell cycle.They observed that various CDKs became active at distinct stages throughout the cell cycle. Following exposure to environmental stressors—such as drugs impeding protein synthesis, UV radiation, or sudden changes in water pressure around cells (osmotic stress)—the researchers noted a decrease in the activity of CDK 4 and CDK 6.In the context of the stressed environment explored in this study, APC( anaphase-promoting complex) activation occurred before mitosis, contrary to its typical activation solely during mitosis.
2.Approximately 90% of breast and lung cells halt their progression through the cell cycle and enter a quiescent state upon exposure to environmental stressors.However, within their experimental cell population, not all cells entered this quiescent state.The research team observed that around 5% to 10% of breast and lung cells resumed the cell cycle, undergoing chromosome division once more.
Experiment: Scientists Detect Doubling in the Source of Cancer Cells

There is a possibility that a combination of drugs might induce certain cancer cells to undergo genome duplication twice, leading to the creation of heterogeneity that ultimately results in drug resistance because scientists detect doubling in the source of cancer cells.

1. Why breast and lung cells were used in this experiment

Human cells that line breast ducts and lung tissue divide at a faster rate than other cells in the body, providing more opportunities to observe the cell cycle.

2. What was the challenge of scientists?

A long-standing topic among cancer researchers is, that how do cancer cell genomes become so bad. Sergi Regot, Ph.D., is an associate professor of molecular biology and genetics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine said that their findings call into question their basic understanding of the cell cycle and force them to reconsider how it is regulated.

3. What are the prospect of this experiment?

The discoveries offer potential for the development of treatments aimed at disruptions in the cell cycle, which could potentially halt the proliferation of cancers and there might exist medications capable of inhibiting APC activation before mitosis, thereby preventing cancer cells from undergoing genome duplication twice and impeding the progression to tumor stage.

Researchers Create Artificial Cells Same As Living Cells | Biology News

Researchers create artificial cells and detail the processes they employ to manipulate DNA and proteins, the fundamental components of life, to fabricate cells that closely resemble those found in the human body. This pioneering achievement holds significant implications for advancements in regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, and diagnostic technologies.

DateApril 23, 2024
SourceUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
SummaryScientists fabricate synthetic cells that emulate the behavior of living cells. Researchers employ inventive methodologies to construct operational cells, effectively closing the divide between synthetic and organic materials.
Biology News

If you want to know recent biology news like Researchers Create Artificial Cells, then read here: Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared NanoscopyWhy Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis is in News.

About The Cells:

Cells and tissues consist of proteins that collaborate to execute tasks and construct structures. Proteins play a crucial role in establishing the cellular framework known as the cytoskeleton. Without it, cells would be incapable of functioning. The cytoskeleton provides cells with flexibility, enabling them to adapt both in shape and response to their surroundings.

In a recent publication in Nature Chemistry, Ronit Freeman, along with her colleagues from UNC-Chapel Hill, delineate their process of manipulating DNA and proteins, the fundamental components of life, to fabricate cells that closely resemble those found in the human body. Researchers create artificial cells to pioneer the achievement, a breakthrough in the field, that holds promising implications for advancements in regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, and diagnostic tools.

How Researchers Create Artificial Cells:

Using an innovative peptide-DNA technology, researchers create artificial cells with functional cytoskeletons capable of morphing and responding to their environment, all without relying on natural proteins.

By programming DNA sequences, they orchestrated the assembly of peptides, the basic building blocks of proteins, and repurposed genetic material to construct the cytoskeleton.

DNA typically doesn’t feature in a cytoskeleton. They reprogrammed DNA sequences to function as architectural elements, binding the peptides together.

Once immersed in water, these programmed structures took form.

This ability to manipulate DNA empowers scientists to design cells tailored to specific functions and fine-tune their responsiveness to external stimuli.

While synthetic cells lack the complexity of their natural counterparts, they offer greater predictability and resilience in harsh conditions, such as extreme temperatures.

Synthetic cells remained stable even at temperatures as high as 122 degrees Fahrenheit.


Researchers create artificial cells By incorporating various peptide and DNA designs, these materials can be programmed to form fabrics or tissues, offering diverse applications across biotechnology and medicine. These advancements in synthetic cell technology hold transformative potential, revolutionizing various fields.

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1. What are living cells?

Living cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms. They are the smallest entities that exhibit the characteristics of life, including growth, metabolism, response to stimuli, reproduction, and adaptation to their environment.

2. What are the main components of a living cell?

Living cells are composed of several main components, including the cell membrane, cytoplasm, organelles (such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus), and genetic material (DNA or RNA).

3. What are artificial cells?

Artificial cells are synthetic structures designed to mimic the properties and functions of natural living cells. They are created in laboratories using various materials and techniques to replicate certain aspects of cellular behavior.

4. How are artificial cells made?

Artificial cells are constructed using a combination of biomaterials, such as lipids, polymers, and proteins, along with advanced techniques in bioengineering and nanotechnology. These materials are assembled to mimic the structure and function of natural cells.

Lemurs are Under Threat Because One Vulnerable Species Stalks Another

In the new paper published in Ecology and Evolution, researchers describe how they were observing small groups of critically endangered diademed sifaka lemurs at Betampona Strict Nature Reserve when the predator struck. That means Lemurs are under threat because one vulnerable species stalks another.

According to research conducted by Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Antananarivo in Madagascar, the complexity of this situation can increase notably when predation takes place in a habitat that is isolated or of poor quality.

DateApril 19, 2024
SourceWashington University in St. Louis
SummaryResearchers investigating critically endangered lemurs in Madagascar were faced with this challenging reality when they observed attacks on lemurs perpetrated by another vulnerable species known as a fosa.
Biology News

If you want to know recent biology news like One Vulnerable Species Stalks Another, then read here: Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their TransmissibilityBetter View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared NanoscopyWhy Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis is in News.

About Lemurs:

In the heart of Madagascar’s lush forests dwells a majestic creature, the diademed sifaka lemur (Propithecus diadema).

The diademed sifaka stands out among its lemur relatives with its distinctive black and white fur, reminiscent of a regal crown adorning its head. Their long limbs and slender bodies allow them to gracefully traverse the treetops with unparalleled agility. Their expressive amber-colored eyes seem to reflect the mysteries of the forest they call home.

Diademed sifakas are highly social animals, living in close-knit family groups led by a dominant male and female. Their diet primarily consists of leaves, fruits, flowers, and occasionally seeds, providing them with the essential nutrients needed to thrive in their forest habitat.

See The Picture of Lemur Here

About Fossas:

With sleek bodies and elongated tails, Fosas (also known as Fossas, Crytoprocta ferox) exhibit numerous feline characteristics. They excel in climbing and are often likened to miniature cougars, although they belong to the weasel family.

The fosa is classified as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, facing a significant risk of extinction, much like nearly all of its lemur prey. Fossas also feed on other small creatures such as birds and rodents.

Fossas are adept hunters, employing stealth in their approach. Researchers have primarily deduced the dietary habits of fosas by analyzing bones and other remnants found in their excrement.

See The Picture of Fossa Here

Research News: One Vulnerable Species Stalks Another


Researchers were conducting their daily behavioral observations when they came across a very unusual sight, a predation attempt by a fossa, which is the biggest predator in Madagascar.

While there are other smaller carnivores in Madagascar, none possess the size necessary to prey on adult diademed sifakas, as they rank among the largest lemurs. The number of predators capable of such an act is quite limited.

They observed that a female diademed sifaka, which we were tracking following the initial attack, didn’t flee a great distance. Instead, she remained motionless and alert, keeping a watchful eye on the fosa.

Furthermore, the researchers recounted additional instances over a span of 19 months of observation when fosas seemed to stalk lemurs but were unsuccessful in capturing them as prey.
The combination of predation, low reproductive rates, and the possibility of high inbreeding within the lemur population at Betampona may significantly influence the species’ survival in this area.


Through their research, they’ve been able to uncover issues such as inbreeding and other factors that likely contribute to the diademed sifaka population’s inability to thrive at Betampona, and Fossa too, needs conservation efforts because Lemurs are under threat when one vulnerable species stalks another.

If you want to read more such biology news: Why Fasting is Not Always Good for Your Health, Cell Membrane Damage Promotes Cellular Senescence.


1. What is threatened or vulnerable species?

It indicates that it faces a high risk of becoming endangered in the foreseeable future if conservation measures are not implemented.

2. What is endangered species?

When a species is classified as “endangered,” it means that it is at a very high risk of becoming extinct in the wild if urgent conservation actions are not taken.

3. What is extinct species?

When a species is considered “extinct,” it means that there are no living individuals of that species remaining anywhere on Earth, or extinct species are those that have completely disappeared from the wild and no longer exist.

Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus Associated with Their Transmissibility

Collaborative efforts between Mount Sinai scientists and researchers from the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) in Madrid, Spain, have successfully pinpointed and characterized specific modifications within the monkeypox virus genome. Specific genomic changes in the monkeypox virus associated with their transmissibility, virus potentially correspond to variations in the virus’s ability to spread, as observed during the outbreak in 2022. The findings of this research were recently published on April 18 in Nature Communications.

DateApril 19, 2024
SourceMount Sinai School of Medicine
SummaryResearchers have pinpointed and identified modifications within the genome of the monkeypox virus that may be linked to the observed alterations in the virus’s ability to spread during the 2022 outbreak.
Biology News

If you want to know recent biology news like specific genomic changes in the monkeypox virus, then read here: Better View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared Nanoscopy, Why Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis is in News, Beside “Garbage Disposal” Why Proteasomes Are Necessary For Life.

What is Monkeypox Virus:

The Monkeypox virus (MPXV) is a type of double-stranded DNA virus capable of infecting both animals and humans. It leads to a condition called mpox, characterized by symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a rash.

While many cases of mpox are mild and resolve without intervention, the condition can be extremely painful and may result in permanent scarring.

See The Structure of Monkeypox Virus Here

Specific Genomic Changes in the Monkeypox Virus:

With increased circulation of the virus in humans, the risk of a more transmissible variant emerging and potentially becoming endemic in the human population grows.

Gustavo Palacios, PhD, a Professor of Microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and one of the study’s senior authors, emphasizes the importance of investigating transmission conditions when significant changes in the fundamental epidemiological characteristics of a viral pathogen such as monkeypox occur. He highlights the ongoing rise in cases in Africa and the 2022 epidemic as clear warning signals that warrant renewed attention in specific genomic changes in the monkeypox virus.

Research News:

Researchers examined samples from 46 patients infected with MPXV, whose diagnosis and sequencing were conducted at the ISCIII during the onset of the 2022 mpox outbreak.

The team conducted comprehensive sequencing of each patient’s entire monkeypox virus genome to explore potential correlations between genomic variations across different sequence groups and epidemiological connections linked to the virus’s evolution, transmission, and infection.

The advanced complete genome sequencing utilized two sophisticated sequencing technologies: single-molecule long-read sequencing (to cover highly repetitive regions) and deep short sequencing reads (to ensure accuracy and depth).

The research team identified recurring genomic changes in regions of the genome possibly associated with viral adaptation.

These specific sites likely influence viral replication, adaptability, and routes of entry and exit.

These alterations are situated in regions termed low complexity genomic areas, which are challenging to sequence and analyze, explaining why they were previously overlooked.
By elucidating the genomic modifications within these repetitive sequences and their connection to vital viral functions, researchers offer a plausible explanation for the increased transmissibility observed during the 2022 mpox outbreak.

Specific genomic changes in the monkeypox virus, emphasizes that gaining a deeper comprehension of the factors facilitating viral transmission and influencing clinical manifestations will pave the way for the development of more efficient prevention and treatment approaches.

If you want to read more such biology news: Why Fasting is Not Always Good for Your Health- Biology News, Cell Membrane Damage Promotes Cellular Senescence.


1. What is the history of the monkeypox virus?

Monkeypox virus (MPXV) was initially identified in 1958 among crab-eating macaque monkeys imported to Belgium. Since the 1970s, it has sporadically caused outbreaks of human disease in Central and Western Africa.

2. In which countries monkeypox virus found?

In May 2022, numerous countries, including the United States, reported a rise in MPXV infections and associated illnesses. This included clusters of cases potentially linked to super-spreading incidents in Belgium, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

3. What is the recent status of monkeypox virus?

Although the number of new cases related to the 2022 outbreak has declined over time, instances of the disease persist among unvaccinated individuals. Notably, there is currently an uptick in Central Africa due to a new spillover event.

Besides “Garbage Disposal” Why Proteasomes Are Necessary For Life

The cellular waste management system, formally known as autophagy, plays a vital role in maintaining cellular health and homeostasis. Within the bustling environment of a cell, autophagy serves as the cleanup crew, responsible for removing damaged or unwanted components to ensure the cell’s survival and functionality where proteasome perform an important role.

DateApril 12, 2024
SourceJohns Hopkins University School of Medicine
SummaryScientists studied nerve cells cultivated in laboratories and mice suggest that the proteasome’s role may extend far beyond its conventional cell cleaning functions.
Biology News

If you want to read recent biology news then click here: Cell Membrane Damage Promotes Cellular Senescence.

Seth S. Margolis, Ph.D., associate professor of biological chemistry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, studying nerve cells grown in the lab and mice.Seth S. Margolis said “Neurons live next to each other for a long time, and they need ways to communicate with each other about what they’re doing and who they are.” Proteasomes located within the neuronal membrane could assist in refining this communication process within cells.

If you want to read more such biology news then click these news: How Jellyfish Can Remember Everything Without The Central Brain, Now Paralysis Can Be Recovered By The Grace Of New Research, Why The Spread of Viruses is Increasing Now.

Cellular Waste Management System:

Just like a city needs efficient garbage disposal to keep its streets clean, cells have their own waste management system to ensure proper functioning. The cellular waste management system primarily revolves around a process called autophagy, which literally means “self-eating.” Autophagy is a highly regulated mechanism through which cells degrade and recycle their own components. It serves as a quality control mechanism, ensuring that damaged or unnecessary cellular components are removed and recycled.


One of the key players in the cellular waste management system is the proteasome, often referred to as the cell’s garbage disposal. The proteasome is a large protein complex responsible for breaking down unwanted proteins into smaller fragments. These protein fragments are then recycled to generate new proteins or used as building blocks for other cellular processes.

See The Structure of Proteasome Here

Additional Functions of Proteasome:

The outcomes of their investigations, published on April 12, 2024 in Cell Reports, indicate that proteasomes might aid specialized neurons in detecting the surrounding environment, transmitting signals to one another, and potentially distinguishing between sensations of pain and itch. This discovery could offer insights into these sensory processes and identify novel targets for addressing pain and other sensory-related issues.

History of the Experiment:

“Proteasomes are more complicated and detailed than initially perceived,” states Margolis. He and his team initially discovered proteasomes within the plasma membranes of neurons in the central nervous system of mice in 2017, which they termed neuronal membrane proteasomes. Since then, they have been investigating how these specialized proteasomes facilitate communication, or crosstalk, among neurons.

Initially, Margolis focused on the central nervous system, which comprises the brain and spinal cord. However, he later collaborated with neurobiologist Eric Villalón Landeros, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow in Margolis’ laboratory at Johns Hopkins, whose research is centered on the peripheral nervous system. This network of neurons extends throughout the body, closer to the skin, and is responsible for capturing sensory information from the environment.

Together, Margolis and Villalon Landeros pondered whether proteasomes could also be present in peripheral neurons and, if so, what functions they might serve.


1. What are proteasomes?

These are large protein complexes found in cells that play a crucial role in degrading and recycling unwanted or damaged proteins.

2. How does it work?

It degrade proteins by breaking them down into smaller fragments. This process helps regulate protein levels within cells and removes proteins that are no longer needed or are damaged.

3. Where are it located in cells?

Proteasomes are found throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus of eukaryotic cells. They are also present in the peroxisomes and endoplasmic reticulum, where they perform specific functions.

Better View of Living Bacteria with New Mid-Infrared Nanoscopy

With the help of new mid-infrared nanoscopy, the chemical images captured of the interior of bacteria are 30 times sharper compared to those obtained using conventional mid-infrared microscopes.

Enhanced clarity in viewing samples at a smaller scale offers valuable support across various research domains, such as the study of infectious diseases, while also paving the path for the advancement of increasingly precise mid-infrared-based imaging technologies in the future.

DateApril 17, 2024
SourceUniversity of Tokyo
SummaryA team has developed an enhanced mid-infrared microscope, facilitating the observation of internal structures within living bacteria at the nanometer scale. This new mid-infrared nanoscopy generated images at a resolution of 120 nanometers, marking a thirtyfold enhancement compared to the resolution typically achieved by conventional mid-infrared microscopes, according to the researchers.
Biology News

If you want to read recent biology news then read here: Cell Membrane Damage Promotes Cellular Senescence.

What is Mid-Infrared Nanoscopy:

  1. Mid-infrared nanoscopy, a cutting-edge imaging technique, enables scientists to visualize objects and structures at the nanometer scale, far beyond the limits of conventional optical microscopy.
  2. This breakthrough technology relies on the unique properties of mid-infrared light, which penetrates deeper into samples and interacts with molecular vibrations, providing rich biochemical information.
  3. One of the key advantages of mid-infrared nanoscopy is its exceptional spatial resolution. By leveraging advanced techniques such as synthetic aperture and apertureless scanning, researchers can achieve resolutions on the order of tens of nanometers, revealing details that were previously invisible.

See The Structure of Mid-Infrared Microscope Here

Research News:

1. The team employed a method called “synthetic aperture,” which involves merging multiple images captured from different illuminated angles to produce a clearer composite image.
2. Typically, a sample is positioned between two lenses, yet these lenses inadvertently absorb some of the mid-infrared light.
3. To address this challenge, the researchers positioned the sample, consisting of bacteria (E. coli and Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 in this case), on a silicon plate capable of reflecting visible light while transmitting infrared light.
4. This approach permitted the use of a single lens, enhancing the illumination of the sample with mid-infrared light and resulting in a more detailed image.

Researchers observe the intracellular structures of bacteria with a remarkable clarity.The researchers achieved a spatial resolution of 120 nanometers, equivalent to 0.12 microns. This remarkable level of resolution represents an approximate thirtyfold improvement compared to conventional mid-infrared microscopy.

Comparison of Mid-Infrared Nanoscopy with Other Microscopes:

Fluorescent MicroscopesElectron MicroscopesMid-Infrared Microscopes
Super-resolution fluorescent microscopes necessitate the labeling of specimens with fluorescence, a process that can occasionally pose toxicity risks to samples.
Prolonged light exposure during observation can also result in sample bleaching, rendering them unusable.
Similarly, electron microscopes offer exceptional detail; however, samples must be placed in a vacuum, prohibiting the study of live samples.In contrast, mid-infrared microscopy offers the advantage of providing both chemical and structural insights into live cells without the need for staining or causing damage to them.
Yet, its application in biological research has been constrained due to its relatively limited resolution capacity.

Professor Takuro Ideguchi from the Institute for Photon Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo said that we are confident in our ability to further enhance the technique of mid-infrared nanoscopy in multiple aspects. By employing superior lenses and shorter wavelengths of visible light, we anticipate achieving spatial resolutions below 100 nanometers. With enhanced clarity, our aim is to investigate a diverse range of cell samples, addressing both fundamental and applied biomedical challenges.

If you want to read more such biology news like green-to-red transformation of Euglena gracilis then read these news: How Jellyfish Can Remember Everything Without The Central Brain, Now Paralysis Can Be Recovered By The Grace Of New Research, Why The Spread of Viruses is Increasing Now.

Why Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis is in News

The green-to-red transformation of Euglena gracilis occurs when the organism is exposed to certain stimuli, such as intense red light and specific nutrient-rich mediums. This green-to-red transformation of Euglena gracilis is primarily attributed to changes in the production and accumulation of pigments within the cells, particularly carotenoids, which impart the distinctive red coloration.

DateApril 15, 2024
SourceTokyo University of Science
SummaryTransforming Euglena gracilis from green to red utilizing bonito source and intense crimson illumination.
Biology News

If you want to read recent biology news then read here: Cell Membrane Damage Promotes Cellular Senescence.

Euglena gracilis:

  • Euglena gracilis, a unicellular organism, found in freshwater environments worldwide, this single-celled marvel possesses characteristics that make it a subject of fascination for scientists and researchers alike.
  • Euglena gracilis appears as a tiny, elongated cell, typically ranging from 15 to 500 micrometers in length. Its distinctive feature is the presence of a flagellum, a whip-like appendage that propels it through water, enabling it to move with remarkable agility.
  • Contained within its cell is a specialized organelle called a chloroplast, which contains chlorophyll—a pigment crucial for capturing light energy.
  • Despite its microscopic size, Euglena gracilis packs a nutritional punch. This unicellular organism is rich in protein, containing all essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source comparable to animal products.
  • Additionally, Euglena gracilis is a good source of vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and various B vitamins, essential for overall health and well-being.
  • It also contains Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidant properties.

See The Structure of Euglena gracilis Here

Factors of Green-to-Red Transformation of Euglena gracilis:

  • Researchers have identified several factors that influence the green-to-red transformation of Euglena gracilis. Intense red light within specific wavelengths triggers a series of biochemical reactions within the cells, leading to the synthesis and accumulation of carotenoids, including astaxanthin and β-carotene.
  • Additionally, the composition of the culture medium plays a crucial role green-to-red transformation of Euglena gracilis, with nutrient-rich mediums, such as those derived from bonito stock or tomato juice, providing the necessary resources for enhanced pigment production.


In a research paper released in 2023, a team of researchers from TUS unveiled an approach to effectively cultivate E. gracilis in a cost-effective medium, whether solid or liquid, derived from tomato juice, commonly utilized for bacterial growth. Now, in a subsequent investigation, the scientists have delved into a promising methodology to enhance the production of carotenoids in cultured E. gracilis, elevating its nutritional value.

Research Team:

This study of green-to-red transformation of Euglena gracilis was Co-authored by Dr. Kengo Suzuki from Euglena Co., Ltd., alongside Professor Tatsuya Tomo and Professor Eiji Tokunaga from TUS, this latest study was featured in Volume 13, Issue 4 of the Plants journal, released on February 12, 2024.

Research News:

The team conducted a series of experiments on numerous batches of cultured E. gracilis. They subjected the cultures to varying wavelengths (or colors) and intensities of light to observe a “reddening reaction,” a distinctive indicator of increased carotenoid production observed in numerous plant species.

Additionally, they explored a novel culture medium derived from bonito stock, a soup base extracted from Katsuobushi, a traditional Japanese dish crafted from smoked bonito fish.
The research team discovered that intense red-light exposure within the range of 605-660 nm induced a reddening response in E. gracilis cultivated in bonito stock.

Additionally, they analyzed the chemical compositions of the cultures using high-performance liquid chromatography, examining both the culture as a whole and individual cells.
These investigations conclded that red-hued cells not only exhibited a substantial concentration of diadinoxanthin, the predominant carotenoid in E. gracilis, but also synthesized an unidentified xanthophyll-type carotenoid.

Furthermore, the team observed that cultures cultivated in bonito stock displayed accelerated growth and achieved greater densities compared to those grown on standard media, potentially resulting in increased diversity or quantities of carotenoids.

The findings of this research on the green-to-red transformation of Euglena gracilis hold the potential to lay the groundwork for a novel and readily scalable method for cultivating nutrient-rich E. gracilis.

If you want to read more such biology news like green-to-red transformation of Euglena gracilis then read these news: How Jellyfish Can Remember Everything Without The Central Brain, Now Paralysis Can Be Recovered By The Grace Of New Research, Why The Spread of Viruses is Increasing Now.

Why The Spread of Viruses is Increasing Now

The spread of viruses is the grand theater of life, viruses are the elusive, enigmatic actors that play a role both captivating and ominous. These microscopic entities, neither truly alive nor entirely inanimate, hold the power to spark pandemics and pave the way for breakthroughs in science. As we embark on this journey to explore the intricate world of virus transmission, we’ll unravel the secrets of their spread, from the microscopic realms to the global stage. It’s a story of tiny agents that have shaken the world in ways both profound and unprecedented. Welcome to the fascinating and often unsettling realm of virus dissemination.

The Interrelation of Spread of Viruses

But how do environmental changes, loss of biodiversity, and the spread of viruses relate to each other? The scientists from Charité — Universitätsmedizin Berlin have unveiled the answer in their recent publication in the eLife journal. Their research reveals that the destruction of tropical rainforests has a detrimental impact on the diversity of mosquito species, and simultaneously, it leads to the proliferation of more resilient mosquito species, which, in turn, results in an increase in the abundance of the viruses they carry. When a particular mosquito species becomes highly populous, the associated viruses can spread rapidly.

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What is Biodiversity

Biodiversity is not merely a scientific concept; it’s the life force that sustains our planet. It’s the irreplaceable treasure chest of nature’s wonders, awaiting discovery and protection. As we learn to appreciate the depth and complexity of biodiversity, we awaken to the responsibility of safeguarding it for generations to come. The symphony of life plays on, and we, as caretakers of this planet, must ensure that every note continues to resonate in harmony.

The Types of Biodiversity

1. Ecosystem Diversity: Biodiversity encompasses the kaleidoscope of ecosystems on Earth. From lush rainforests to arid deserts, each ecosystem hosts its unique cast of characters. Coral reefs teem with colorful marine life, while the tundra shelters hardy Arctic creatures. These ecosystems are the stages upon which life’s drama unfolds.

2. Species Diversity: At the heart of biodiversity lies the staggering variety of species—plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms. Think of the bumblebee that pollinates flowers, the giant panda that feasts on bamboo, or the microscopic bacteria that cycle nutrients in soil. Each species has its role in the grand narrative of life.

3. Genetic Diversity: Within each species, genetic diversity weaves a tapestry of adaptation and resilience. It’s the reason why some cheetahs can sprint faster than others or why certain crops thrive in diverse climates. Genetic diversity is the orchestra’s score, allowing life to adapt to changing circumstances.

Why Biodiversity Matters

1. Ecosystem Services: Biodiversity provides us with an array of ecosystem services essential for survival. Forests purify our air, wetlands filter our water, and bees pollinate our crops. These services are the silent engines that drive our planet’s health.

2. Medicine and Innovation: Nature’s treasure trove of chemical compounds and genetic secrets has gifted us with life-saving medicines and technological innovations. From aspirin derived from willow bark to the potential cancer cures found in deep-sea sponges, biodiversity is a wellspring of inspiration for science.

3. Cultural and Spiritual Value: Biodiversity infuses culture and spirituality. It forms the backdrop of art, folklore, and indigenous wisdom. It inspires awe, wonder, and a deep sense of interconnectedness with the natural world.

Threats to Biodiversity

Despite its importance, biodiversity is under siege:

  1. Habitat Loss: Urbanization, deforestation, and agriculture have destroyed habitats at an alarming rate, displacing countless species.
  2. Climate Change: Rising temperatures and altered weather patterns are disrupting ecosystems and pushing species to their limits.
  3. Pollution: Toxins from chemicals, plastics, and pollutants contaminate ecosystems, harming species and their habitats.
  4. Overexploitation: Unsustainable hunting, fishing, and logging practices are driving many species to the brink of extinction.

The Perils of Biodiversity Loss

Sadly, biodiversity faces a relentless onslaught of threats:

1. Habitat Destruction: Urbanization, deforestation, and agriculture bulldoze ecosystems, displacing countless species.

2. Climate Change: Rising temperatures alter ecosystems, pushing species to adapt or migrate. Some may not survive.

3. Pollution: Toxins from chemicals and plastics suffocate habitats and harm species.

4. Overexploitation: Unsustainable hunting, fishing, and logging practices drive species towards extinction.

Preserving the Biodiversity

  1. Protected Areas: Establishing and maintaining national parks and wildlife reserves offer sanctuaries for endangered species.
  2. Conservation Efforts: Conservationists work tirelessly to save threatened species through breeding programs and habitat restoration.
  3. Sustainable Practices: Sustainable agriculture, responsible forestry, and eco-friendly fishing practices aim to reduce humanity’s impact on biodiversity.
  4. Education and Advocacy: Raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity fosters a sense of responsibility and encourages sustainable practices.

Read Also: Now Paralysis Can Be Recovered By The Grace Of New Research- 21st September 2023

The Collaboration of The Study

In collaboration with the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), Charité researchers embarked on a study that delves into the effects of rainforest clearance for purposes like coffee or cacao plantations and human settlements on the prevalence and biodiversity of mosquitoes and the viruses they harbor. This interdisciplinary research, which combines virology and biodiversity studies, was spearheaded by Prof. Sandra Junglen, who leads the Ecology and Evolution of Arboviruses research group at Charité’s Institute of Virology.

How They Study The Spread of Viruses

To conduct their study, the team initially captured mosquitoes in the vicinity of Taï National Park in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa, where a wide spectrum of land uses exists, ranging from pristine rainforests to secondary forests, cacao and coffee plantations, and human settlements. Kyra Hermanns, the study’s first author from the Institute of Virology at Charité, elucidates their methodology: “We identified the mosquito species we captured and subjected them to tests for viral infections. Subsequently, we examined how the composition of mosquito species varied across different land use types, the presence of specific viruses, and their prevalence.”

What They Obtained From The Study of Spread of Viruses

In a healthy ecosystem, such as an untouched rainforest, a plethora of viruses exists due to the diverse array of animal species acting as carriers or hosts for these viruses. Viruses are intricately linked to their host species. Consequently, any alterations in the ecosystem directly affect the viruses. Junglen elucidates: “We identified 49 distinct virus species, with the highest diversity of hosts and viruses found in undisturbed or minimally disrupted habitats.” Most of these 49 virus species were relatively scarce in the areas under study. However, nine of them were frequently detected across various habitats, with their prevalence increasing notably in disturbed environments, particularly in human settlements.

The Conclusion of The Study

This implies that the clearance of tropical rainforests results in a decline in mosquito species diversity, thereby altering the composition of host species. Some hardy mosquito species thrive exceptionally well in these cleared areas, bringing along the viruses they carry. The composition of a particular species community consequently has a direct impact on virus prevalence: “When one host species becomes exceedingly abundant, viruses find it easier to spread,” notes the virologist. “All the viruses that exhibited increased prevalence were linked to specific mosquito species. These viruses belong to different families and possess distinct properties. This means that the spread of viruses is not primarily due to genetic relatedness but is influenced by the characteristics of their hosts, particularly mosquito species that can adapt effectively to changing environmental conditions in disrupted habitats.”

Specification of Spread of Viruses

The viruses discovered in the study only infect mosquitoes and are currently not transmissible to humans. Nevertheless, they serve as a valuable model for comprehending how changes in species diversity within a community affect the presence and prevalence of viruses. Junglen emphasizes the significance of biodiversity: “Our study underscores the vital role of biodiversity and highlights that reducing biodiversity facilitates the thriving of specific viruses by increasing the abundance of their hosts.”

Differences Between The Past and Present Study

In the past, such processes were predominantly studied using individual pathogens and their respective hosts. However, this research provides a more comprehensive perspective that can be further explored. The researchers intend to extend their investigations to diverse habitats in other countries in their upcoming work, with the aim of pinpointing the precise factors that influence the diversity of mosquito species in response to land-use changes and the characteristics that viruses require to spread alongside their hosts.”

Now Paralysis Can Be Recovered By The Grace Of New Research

Paralysis is a complex and life-altering condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It manifests in various forms, from localized muscle weakness to complete loss of motor function, and can result from a myriad of causes. But now there is a light of hope from the recent research that paralysis can be recovered in near future.

Part I: Unmasking the Causes of Paralysis

  1. Spinal Cord Injuries (SCIs): Among the most common causes of paralysis are traumatic spinal cord injuries. These injuries often result from accidents, falls, or sports-related incidents, and they can lead to partial or complete paralysis depending on the location and severity of the damage.
  2. Stroke: Strokes, whether ischemic or hemorrhagic, can disrupt blood flow to the brain, causing brain cell damage and paralysis. Depending on the affected area of the brain, stroke survivors may experience paralysis on one side of their body, known as hemiplegia.
  3. Neurological Disorders: Conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and Guillain-Barré syndrome can disrupt the normal functioning of the nervous system, leading to muscle weakness and paralysis.
  4. Spinal Cord Diseases: Non-traumatic spinal cord diseases, such as transverse myelitis and spinal cord tumors, can cause paralysis by interfering with the transmission of signals between the brain and the body.
  5. Infections and Inflammation: Infections like polio and certain types of encephalitis can lead to muscle weakness and paralysis. Additionally, inflammatory conditions like autoimmune disorders may attack the nervous system, resulting in paralysis.

Part II: The Multifaceted Effects of Paralysis

  1. Physical Impact: Paralysis profoundly affects an individual’s physical abilities. Loss of mobility and muscle control can lead to complications such as muscle atrophy, joint contractures, and pressure sores. Individuals with paralysis often require specialized medical care and assistive devices to maintain their health and independence.
  2. Emotional Toll: The emotional impact of paralysis is significant. Feelings of grief, anger, and depression are common reactions to the loss of mobility and independence. Coping with the challenges of daily life can be emotionally draining, and mental health support is crucial for individuals with paralysis.
  3. Social Challenges: Paralysis can disrupt one’s social life and relationships. Stigmatization and societal barriers can lead to feelings of isolation. Reintegrating into the community and maintaining relationships may require adaptability and support.
  4. Financial Strain: The costs associated with paralysis, including medical expenses, assistive devices, and home modifications, can place a substantial financial burden on individuals and their families. Access to affordable healthcare and financial resources is vital.
  5. Rehabilitation and Hope: Rehabilitation plays a pivotal role in the lives of those with paralysis. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and assistive technologies can enhance functionality and improve quality of life. With time, determination, and the right support, many individuals with paralysis regain some degree of independence.

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The Research By Which Paralysis Can Be Recovered

Their earlier study in 2018, published in Nature, had already identified a treatment method that stimulated the regrowth of axons (the minuscule fibers responsible for connecting nerve cells and facilitating communication) following spinal cord injuries in rodents. However, despite successfully regenerating axons across severe spinal cord lesions, achieving functional recovery remained a formidable challenge by which paralysis can be recovered.

The Collaborators of Research Team

“In a recent study involving mice, a collaborative team of researchers from UCLA, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and Harvard University has made a significant breakthrough in the quest to restore functional activity after spinal cord injuries by which paralysis can be recovered. The neuroscientists discovered a vital element in the process: the targeted regeneration of specific neurons back to their natural destinations proved to be effective in promoting recovery, while haphazard regrowth yielded no positive results by which paralysis can be recovered..

The Research Published in Journal Science

In their most recent study, which was published in Science this week, the team aimed to ascertain whether directing the regrowth of axons from specific neuronal subpopulations to their natural destinations could result in meaningful functional restoration after spinal cord injuries in mice. They employed advanced genetic analysis to pinpoint groups of nerve cells that contributed to improved walking ability after partial spinal cord injuries by which paralysis can be recovered..

Topic of The Research

Their findings revealed that merely regenerating axons from these nerve cells across the spinal cord lesion without precise guidance had no impact on functional recovery. However, when the approach was refined to include the use of chemical signals to attract and direct the regrowth of these axons to their natural target region in the lumbar spinal cord, they observed significant improvements in the mice’s ability to walk, even in cases of complete spinal cord injury by which paralysis can be recovered.

But What is axon?

In the intricate world of neuroscience, axons are the unsung heroes, silently transmitting signals throughout the nervous system. These long, slender projections play a pivotal role in enabling us to move, think, and feel. In this article, we embark on a journey to unravel the fascinating world of axons, exploring what they are, how they work, and why they are essential to our existence.

The Anatomy of Axons

Axons are an integral part of neurons, the fundamental building blocks of the nervous system. Neurons consist of three primary components:

  1. Cell Body (Soma): The cell body houses the neuron’s nucleus and other vital organelles, serving as the neuron’s control center.
  2. Dendrites: These branch-like structures extend from the cell body and receive incoming signals from neighboring neurons.
  3. Axon: The axon is a long, thin extension of the neuron that carries electrical impulses away from the cell body.

How Axons Transmit Information

Axons are the information superhighways of the nervous system, responsible for transmitting signals, or action potentials, from one neuron to another. Here’s how it works:

  1. Electrochemical Signaling: Neurons communicate through electrochemical signaling. When a neuron receives a signal via its dendrites, it generates an electrical impulse known as an action potential.
  2. Propagation of Action Potentials: The action potential travels along the axon like a wave. This propagation is made possible by the axon’s specialized membrane, which contains ion channels that allow ions to flow in and out, creating an electrical charge.
  3. Myelin Sheath: Many axons are insulated by a fatty substance called myelin, which acts like an electrical insulator and speeds up the transmission of action potentials. Myelinated axons appear white, giving rise to the term “white matter” in the brain.
  4. Synaptic Transmission: At the end of the axon, it branches into numerous tiny structures called axon terminals. When an action potential reaches the axon terminal, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synapse, the junction between neurons. These neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the dendrites of the next neuron, transmitting the signal.

Diversity in Axons

Axons come in various shapes and sizes, reflecting their diverse functions within the nervous system. Some axons are incredibly long, spanning from the spinal cord to the toes, while others are short and confined to local circuits. Neurons with longer axons tend to relay signals over longer distances.

Axons can also differ in their degree of myelination. While some axons are entirely covered in myelin, others have periodic gaps in the myelin sheath known as nodes of Ranvier. This nodal arrangement allows for a faster and more energy-efficient propagation of action potentials.

The Importance of Axons

The significance of axons cannot be overstated. They are the conduits through which our thoughts are transmitted, our muscles are controlled, and our senses are perceived. The intricate network of axons in the brain and spinal cord forms the basis for all our cognitive and motor functions.

Axons are also the targets of various neurological diseases and injuries. Conditions like multiple sclerosis, where the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, can disrupt the transmission of signals along axons. Spinal cord injuries can sever axons, leading to loss of sensation and motor function.

Insights of The Research

Dr. Michael Sofroniew, a professor of neurobiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a senior author of the study, commented, “Our study offers crucial insights into the complexities of axon regeneration and the prerequisites for achieving meaningful neurological recovery after spinal cord injuries. It underscores the importance not only of regenerating axons across lesions but also actively guiding them to reach their natural target regions to attain substantial neurological restoration” and by which paralysis can be recovered.

Application of This Research

The researchers posit that understanding how to re-establish the connections of specific neuronal subpopulations to their natural destinations holds great promise for developing therapies aimed at restoring neurological functions in larger animals and eventually in humans. However, they acknowledge the complexity of promoting regeneration over longer distances in non-rodent species, which may require intricate spatial and temporal strategies. Nevertheless, they conclude that applying the principles outlined in their research “will provide a blueprint for achieving meaningful repair of the injured spinal cord and may expedite recovery after other types of central nervous system injuries and diseases” and by which paralysis can be recovered.

The Research Team

The research team included scientists from various institutions, including the NeuroX Institute, School of Life Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), the Department of Neurosurgery at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), the Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering, the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne, the Departments of Bioengineering, Chemistry, and Biochemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles, the Bertarelli Platform for Gene Therapy at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, the Brain Mind Institute, School of Life Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, the M. Kirby Neurobiology Center at the Department of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, and the Department of Neurobiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles.

Financial Support of This Research

This research received financial support from various organizations, including the Defitech Foundation, Wings for Life, Riders4Riders, Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering, Swiss National Science Foundation, Morton Cure Paralysis Foundation, ALARME Foundation, and the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Foundation, among others. The researchers also acknowledged the resources.

Cell Membrane Damage Promotes Cellular Senescence-Biology News

A recent investigation reveals that mechanical harm to the cell membrane could trigger cellular senescence in human cells. The delicate membrane enveloping our cells measures a mere 5 nanometers in thickness, equivalent to just 1/20th of a soap bubble’s width. Physiological processes such as muscle contraction and tissue injury readily subject cells to damage. To counter such challenges, cells possess mechanisms capable of partially repairing membrane damage.

Date:February 22, 2024
Source:Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University
Summary:Scientists have found that injury to the cell membrane accelerates cellular senescence, also known as cell aging.
Biology News

If you want to read more such biology news then click these news: How Jellyfish Can Remember Everything Without The Central Brain, Now Paralysis Can Be Recovered By The Grace Of New Research, Why The Spread of Viruses is Increasing Now.

Cell Aging or Cellular Senescence Definition:

Cancerous cells exhibit unrestricted division. Conversely, non-cancerous normal cells have a finite capacity for division, typically around 50 times, after which division ceases irreversibly, leading the cells into a state referred to as cellular senescence.

Senescent cells remain metabolically active. However, unlike young and healthy cells, they secrete a variety of proteins that enhance immune responses in both nearby tissues and distant organs.

Other Causes of Cell Aging :

The most well-established trigger for cellular senescence is recurrent cell division. Various other stresses can also prompt cellular senescence in experimental conditions, including DNA damage, activation of oncogenes, and alterations in epigenetic patterns.

The enduring belief within the research community was that diverse stresses lead to cellular senescence primarily through the initiation of the DNA damage response.

Effects of Cell Aging:

This mechanism can bring about both advantageous and disadvantageous alterations in our body, such as hastening wound healing, promoting cancer, and contributing to aging.

Over the past decade, several investigations have documented the presence of senescent cells in animals, including humans, and have demonstrated that eliminating these cells can revitalize bodily functions in experimental animals.

Nevertheless, the cause of cell senescence in the human body continues to be a subject of debate.

Difference Between Older and Newer Thoughts:

Previously, it was understood that mechanical damage to the cell membrane would result in two basic cellular responses: either recovery or cell death. However, this study revealed a previously unrecognized third possibility: cellular senescence.

Level of Damage:

The slight damage to the cell membrane is readily fixed, enabling uninterrupted cell division.

However, moderate damage to the cell membrane transforms the cells into senescent cells several days later, despite apparent successful membrane resealing.

Severe cell membrane damage leads to cell death.

Cellular Senescence Defining A Path Forward:

Yet, the researchers revealed that cellular senescence induced by cell membrane damage operates through an alternative pathway involving calcium ions and the tumor suppressor gene p53. These discoveries could aid in the development of strategies aimed at promoting healthy aging in the future.

Thoughts of The Researchers:

The determining factor for cell destiny lies in the degree of damage and the subsequent influx of calcium ions.
“When I embarked on this project, my goal was simply to comprehend the repair processes of the injured cell membrane,” reminisces Professor Keiko Kono, leader of the Membranology unit and senior investigator of this study, which engaged numerous members from the unit, such as Kojiro Suda, Yohsuke Moriyama, Nurhanani Razali, and collaborators. “Surprisingly, we found that cell membrane damage, in a way, alters cell destiny.”

This study unveils a novel understanding of how cell membrane damage can drive cellular senescence through distinct mechanisms involving calcium ion influx and the activation of tumor suppressor genes. These findings underscore the intricate relationship between cellular integrity and aging processes.

1. What role does cellular senescence play in aging?

Cellular senescence is believed to contribute to the aging process by accumulating in tissues over time. Senescent cells secrete various factors collectively known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), which can promote inflammation and tissue dysfunction. This accumulation is thought to impair tissue regeneration and contribute to age-related diseases.

2. Are there any benefits to cellular senescence?

While cellular senescence is often associated with negative effects on tissue function and aging, it can also play beneficial roles in certain contexts. For example, senescent cells can help suppress tumor formation by halting the proliferation of damaged cells. Additionally, they contribute to wound healing and tissue repair by promoting inflammation and recruiting immune cells to the site of injury.

3. Can cellular senescence be targeted for therapeutic purposes?

Yes, targeting cellular senescence is an active area of research for potential therapeutic interventions in age-related diseases. Strategies include eliminating senescent cells using senolytic drugs, modulating the SASP to reduce its detrimental effects, and rejuvenating senescent cells to restore tissue function. However, further research is needed to develop safe and effective treatments targeting cellular senescence.